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Fri May 3rd, 2024 @ 1:37pm

Civilian Lucas Kane-Loughty

Name Lucas Kane-Loughty

Position Family Member

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human (1/8 Vulcan, 1/8 Betazoid)
Age 7
Date of Birth September 2388
Place of Birth Earth

Starfleet Info

Physical Appearance

Height 4'
Weight 51lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Father Asher Kane (Adoptive father)
Other Family Captain Reuben Loughty (KIA) (Adoptive father)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lucas is a kind-hearted boy, but with a temper who is finding it very confusing to adjust to having just one parent. He can be a bit cheeky and loves exploring.
Hobbies & Interests Playing in the woods, surfing with his Dad, building pillow forts, obsessing about bugs (current favourite thing), animals (wants a dog like Grama has).
Languages Spoken Standard

Character History / Other

Personal History Lucas was born on Earth and left outside a hospital in Spain. He was placed into care of the United Federation of Planets while they tried to find anyone related to him. A grandmother was located, but she would not acknowledge the child. He was placed up for adoption at the age of 2. He was adopted at the age of three by Commander Reuben Loughty and his husband Asher Kane. Lucas loved his fathers and while Asher was the one who spent more time with him, Reuben told the bestest stories about his adventures.

Lucas loved living on Starships and when his Daddy became Captain it was even better! The quarters were massive and he enjoyed his lessons. But when he was 6, his Daddy didn't come back from the away team. The funeral was confusing as well but he started realising it was only him and his Papa left.

They spent a few months at Grama's on Earth and it was lovely, but not the same. And when his Dad said that they would move to live on a starship, Lucas was secretly pleased. There had been arguments between his Grama and Dad, and while he wasn't sure what was going on, he knew it was about him, so leaving made the arguing stop.

In 2395, they came on the Wolff, which was a pretty ship, but very different. Life, really, had become different.