Ensign Leo Carter

Name Leo Carter

Position USS Marathon- Security

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26

Starfleet Info

Physical Appearance

Height 6’ 0”
Weight 160 Ibs
Build Athletic
Hair Color Dark blonde
Eye Color Blue


Spouse None
Children None
Father Captain Harry Carter
Mother Admiral Natalie Carter
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Leo can seem a serious young man, with a cool head, intense focus and deep sense of responsibility. But underneath he has a warm sense of humour, is able to take things as they come and has a fierce sense of loyalty to his friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Combat, negotiation, de-escalation, strategic operations.

- Engineering, sciences, medicine.

Character History / Other

Personal History Leo was born on the USS Hale to the then First Officer and Chief Operations Officer. All he knew was life in space and the Starfleet way. He would even get used to the dangers that came along with it, even if it added a level of anxiety to life.

It seemed inevitable that he would apply to Starfleet and follow in his parents' footsteps, and when it was the only thing he knew, he took to it like duck to water. Excellent at sports and combat, and able to keep a cool head even when others were losing theirs around him, he was guided into the Security department.