Assassin probe

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An ancient Acamarian weapon that has since fallen out of use, the assassin probe was once the weapon of choice during clan warfare. Similar to hunter probes used by the Cardassians, this 12 cm long cylinder housed a poison-filled compartment, hypospray injector, and miniature zero-gravity generator. It possessed a simple computer brain and biological sensor that could be programmed to recognize specific biochemical profiles. The robotic assassin would seek out its designated target, then streak toward the victim and inject him/her with poison. The assassin probe could be programmed to recognize the body chemistry of a specific individual, making it particularly effective. A variety of poisons could be loaded into the weapon, from animal venom to deadly nerve toxins. After delivering its deadly dosage, the assassin probe would return to its user. Given the short range, assassins generally released their assassin probes near their targets. This device has not been used in almost a century, and few believe any examples remain. Other species use similar types of devices, some even designed to explode rather than deliver poison, and several varieties of "attack" probe see relatively wide use.

A favorite poison employed by all Acamarian clans was a deadly nerve agent known as Fala. Once introduced to the victim's system, Fala shuts down the central nervous system. The electrical impulses from the brain that keep the heart beating and lungs breathing simply cease. Death follows immediately.


  • Cambias, James, et al. Planets of the UFP: A Guide to Federation Worlds, Last Unicorn Games, 1999. ISBN: 0671040065.