Castal I

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First settled in 2334 by the Talarian Republic, the Castal System comprises three planets in the Alpha Quadrant. The Talarians established a small colony and outpost on the second planet. In 2348, they allowed the establishment of a Federation colony on Castal I, a world covered in water and dotted with small volcanic islands . Castal I thrived in aquaculture goods as scientists were able to harness the planet's hydrodynamics. Seeing this, the Talarian Republic claimed ownership of the entire system and demanded the Federation leave in 2356. Ultimately, this was the beginning of the Galen Border Conflicts, which would spill out all along the Federation-Talarian frontier. When the Federation Council rejected the demands, the Talarians sought to take Castal I by force. Their fleet, however, was no match for the Starfleet ships that came to the colony's relief. (Some canon info from TNG: "Suddenly Human")

The resulting peace treaty of 2359 gave the planet over to the Talarians, in exchange for compensations elsewhere in the sector. During the evacuation, the colony was stripped of all technologies. The Talarians made a half-hearted attempt at restarting the economy, but by 2370 they had all but abandoned the planet. Seven years later, a company promoting watersports obtained franchise rights. Castal I is now considered one of the premier recreational spots in the quadrant.