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The Metron are a highly advanced, long-lived civilization that has had limited contact with any of the galaxy's major powers. Not much is known about them except they believe themselves evolved beyond forms of violence. They consider most species "savages".

The true physiology of the Metron is not known. They have the ability to weld great powers not known the the Federation.

The Federation's first contact with the Metron was made in 2267 by Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Kirk had ordered his ship to pursue a Gorn vessel that had destroyed the colony and outpost on Cestus III. The Metron forced Kirk and the Gorn captain to fight to the death to decide the outcome of the battle. When Kirk won the fight, but chose to spare his opponent's life, the Metron returned both captains to their ships and transported both vessels some 1600 light years away from their space. (TOS: "Arena")

*NOTE*: Per OF rules and guidelines, the Metron cannot be used as a playable character.