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Basic Information
Home SystemHainault

The Lurians come from Luria (Hainault IV) in the Alpha Quadrant, a planet dominated by rocky, barren terrain and sub-arctic climate. Fertile land suitable for intensive agriculture and sustaining high population density exists only in a narrow band around the equator. Evolving in such a difficult environment made the Lurians a hardy and adaptable species.


Lurians have a reputation as talkative and excitable, capable of a wide range of emotions and unafraid to express them. Their appetite for drink (among other things) only makes them more voluble. But don't confuse their expressiveness with sociability, for you are just as likely to find them drinking alone in a bar as with a party of friends. In such a case, you should take care in approaching them, as a Lurian drinking alone is just as likely to be in a foul mood as in a fair one.


Lurians are large, thickly set humanoids. They have necks as wide as their heads and tough, heavily creased brownish-gray skin all over their bodies. The most notable characteristic of their physiology, however, is the fact that they have duplicates of some vital internal organs. Lurians have two hearts, two stomachs and four lungs. Lurians are also prolific breeders. It is by no means unusual for a Lurian family to produce as many as 20 offspring.


Hainault VI has never been able to support a dense population of advanced life, and as the Lurians evolved technologically, their numbers began to increase beyond their home planet's capacity to feed them. In the early 23rd century they began to make contact with starfaring races (such as the Ferengi) that agreed to take them off-planet in exchange for a term of service, usually in menial jobs.

The Federation actually made first contact with Lurians before it discovered the Hainault system. In 2366 the Venture visited the Ferengi trading post on Gamma Istris III while on patrol, and its Away Team noticed several Lurians working as stockboys. From them, the Venture crew learned of the Lurian Diaspora and the location of their homeworld. By all accounts, the Venture Away Team took a liking to the Lurians. Before they left Executive Officer Commander Thomas Anders threatened the Ferengi running the trading post that he would hang them by their ankles from the ceiling unless they promised to give the stockboys a decent wage and better working conditions.

Shortly thereafter, the Federation sent a science vessel and a diplomatic mission to Hainault VI. Even so, the Lurians have made no decision on applying for UFP membership. Those who remain on the home planet remain painfully aware that their emigres rely on a variety of masters for their livelihoods.


Big cities exist on Hainault VI only in the fertile equatorial strip. Elsewhere, a few domed settlements that subsist on hydroponic agriculture flourish, but otherwise Lurians still live in hunter-gatherer tribes. Wherever they come from (or even if they've spent most of their lives in the Diaspora), though, Lurians love food, drink, and a good time, and they center their lives around feeding their substantial appetites. According to their custom, they eat four large meals a day - upon awakening, at midday, in the evening, and just before sleep - and they drink and sack frequently in between. They take mealtimes seriously and treat those who produce and prepare food and drink with respect. Lurian funeral rites also require mourners to bring food and drin so that the deceased may sustain himself in the afterlife.

Lurians love games of chances, and if nothing else they are experienced gamblers. They can master the fundamentals of unfamiliar games quickly. Lurians are not, however, very good at cheating.


  • Bridges, Bill, et al. Star Trek Roleplaying Game Book 5: Aliens, Decipher, 2003. ISBN: 1582369070.