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Website Server upgrades

Posted on Wed Dec 30th, 2020 @ 6:38am by Commodore M'Elise Emerson


Quick heads up for everyone on the USS Wolff that the webhost (myself) is going to be taking the site down for several hours tomorrow morning. I'm moving several domains over to a new server, and for the USS Wolff, updating the NOVA platform to the last 2.6.1 release.

The upgrade will take us from 2.3.2(custom) to 2.6.1 which we expect will improve overall site performance given the newer software version, as well as the newer server it will run on. The updated version has several minor improvements, and some larger improvements in email handling to keep my servers from getting spam blacklisted

As part of the move/upgrade, we will be moving from the USA to Canada. Privacy laws are a shade tighter in my home country as well as there will be some new legal verbiage on the site around GDPR. GDPR only applies to EU citizens but as most organizations like mine can't/don't identify geographic locations of users, we just assume everyone is in the EU and go from there. :-)

The plan is to start around 5-6am (US West Coast) during which the site will be down for a few hours. The actual move I expect will only take approx 1-2hrs but custom aspects of the Wolff site (wiki, custom skins, chat bubble) may take longer as we migrate those features.


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