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A new year

Posted on Thu Feb 4th, 2021 @ 6:18am by Captain Taliserra Tigran

Today is the start of our fourth year as a sim. When I first took over the Wolff I wasn't sure I'd make it this far, restarting a hiatus'd sim is never an easy thing to do but with the help of you my fellow writers we've done it, the Wolff has come back to life and I hope that it will remain so for years to come.

My personal merit for this year goes to Raymond, without his help both in character and out of character behind the scenes I don't think the sim would still be running.

The current mission is close to its endgame, the last few missions have been a little more combat orientated than sciency for our scientific explorer so the next one is going to be more sciencey and unusual, hopefully it will prove a most interesting mission.

Some bad news however. Real life catches up with everyone at some point and so Marilyn (Helena Wells) has informed me she's having to leave the sim and so we're in the process of writing her character out. She has been a great writer for the sim over the years so I wish her luck in her future endeavours and the door will always be open if life allows you to return.
2020 has been a hard year and 2021 is shaping up to be just as hard. I sincerely hope that everyone remains well and that we can all continue to write our story together.

Thank you for all your hard work these last years.



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