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Paxar IV
Astronomical Location
Quadrant Beta
System Paxar
Physical Characteristic
Classification K
Surface Gravity 0.75g
Rotational Period 18 hours
Orbital Period 287 days
Moons None
Additional Information
Affiliation Neutral
Native Race(s) None

Paxar IV is a planet in the Beta Quadrant considered neutral territory by the Romulan Star Empire and the Taurhai. Travel through the system is restricted; unauthorized ships are turned back by patrol vessels.


Paxar IV has an atmosphere consisting of a carbon dioxide-nitrogen mix. Ten percent of the planet is covered in water which is frozen or vapor. The climate is frigid cold, with moderate winds, but very little atmospheric activity otherwise.


Following the Battle of Chi'tan and the ceasefire in the Romulan-Taurhai War, both sides chose a neutral world between their areas of space to conduct a peace conference. Paxar IV was suitable because of its location and because it was not claimed by either side of the conflict, having little to offer by war of colonization or resource potential.

The Romulans constructed a space station in orbit over the planet with limited Taurhai assistance. The station houses the peace negotiations and the various delegates, ambassadors, and their aides, support staff, and security personnel. The station is off-limits to civilian traffic, and located so out of the way the few, if any, vessels pass through the system by chance. Both Romulan and Taurhai ships and personnel provide security for the station, and the Paxar System is considered neutral space for both parties.

Treaty negotiations between the two interstellar powers are slow and painstaking. Although both sides are currently not prepared for a new conflict, they both know that the negotiations are mainly to buy them time to rebuild their forces and come up with new ways to circumvent their opponent's advantages. This creates an atmosphere of paranoia and cynicism on board the station and in the peace talks. Although some of the delegates truly desire peace, most know that the Romulan and Taurhai philosophies cannot coexist peacefully. Sooner or later, there will be another war, and the Romulans, at least, want to be sure they can win.

In order to do so, they are working to learn everything they can about the Taurhai: their biology, their culture, their laws, and, most particularly, their technology. The station is filled with Tal Shiar spies and agents trying to gather information on the Taurhai. So far, most of their efforts have been frustrated by superior Taurhai technology. They haven't given up, however, and they're currently working on the possibility of inserting spies into the Taurhai delegation through connections on Gaius.

For their part, the Taurhai truly want to show the Romulans the error of their ways. While the Romulans hurt the Taurhai with their attack on their homeworld, they have not stopped them nor weakened their faith in their way of life. The Taurhai are certain the Romulans will come around to their way of seeing things, sooner or later, willingly or not.

Places of Interest

Paxar IV was once volcanically active. Although long since cooled and stabilized, the planet is still riddled with ancient lava vents and tunnels among its rock formations. These tunnels and caves are occasionally used for clandestine meetings by Romulans and Taurhai using life-support equipment.

Paxar Station is located in orbit and has docking facilities for up to half a dozen ships at once, along with the necessary maintenance and repair facilities. The facilities are Romulan in design, and are best suited for handling Romulan vessels. Although Taurhai ships dock at the station, they are serviced only by Taurhai crews using what limited facilities are available for the Romulan ships.


  • Estes, James, et al. The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire, Last Unicorn Games, 1999.