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Setlik III
Astronomical Location
Quadrant Alpha Quadrant
Sector Dorvan Sector
System Setlik
Physical Characteristic
Classification M
Moons one
Additional Information
Affiliation UFP
Native Race(s) N/A (Federation colony)
Population 9000

Setlik III is a Class M world, third planet of four in the Setlik System. The planet was two huge continents on its surface.

A Federation colony was founded there during the mid-24th Century. The Cardassians mistakenly believed this settlement to be the staging ground for an assault on their territory, and in 2362 dispatched a strike force to destroy it. Over one hundred civilians were killed in this attack, later known as "The Setlik III Massacre." It became one of many atrocities committed during the Federation-Cardassian War.

The USS Rutledge was the first vessel to respond to the colony's distress calls. Among the casualties were the family of Rutledge Captain Benjamin Maxwell. The Rutledge crew -- among them Crewman Miles O'Brien -- were instrumental in saving the lives of the remaining colonists, and were decorated for their actions. (TNG episode: "The Wounded"; DS9: "Empok Nor") During the massacre, a Starfleet officer Raymond Boone was captured and killed and then replaced by a Cardassian spy who continued to serve in Starfleet until discharged around 2362. Commander Benjamin Sisko exposed 'Boone' as a Cardassian spy in 2370. (DS9: "Tribunal")

In 2374, Dominion forces attempted to retake Setlik from the Federation. Starfleet was able to defend the system, but with heavy casualties and the loss of at least four ships.