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Astronomical Location
Quadrant Beta
Physical Characteristic
Classification M
Surface Gravity 1.05g
Rotational Period 26 hours
Orbital Period 322 days
Moons None
Additional Information
Affiliation Taurhai
Population Romulan and Taurhai colonists

Gaius has considerable untapped resources. The Romulan colony is fairly new, only a decade or so old, and has just begun to survey and assess the planet's resource potential. The Taurhai have taken control of the planet but have encouraged the Romulans colonists living there to continue their work, with an eye toward more advanced means of gathering information and more proper ways of utilizing planetary resources for the benefit of all.


Seasons ranging from warm-temperate to cold and damp across the planet are common. Rainstorms are usual in the winter seasons, but snowfall is a rarity except in the polar regions. The atmosphere is oxygen-nitrogen and Earth normal.


Originally, Gauisian culture was entirely Romulan, with a strong pioneering attitude: resolute, with a strong belief in D'era and the desting of the Romulan people. The relatively recent conquest of the planet by the Taurhai led to an enforcement of Taurhai culture and beliefs on the population, many of whom have been influenced by the Taurhai philosophies. Presently there is a war on for the minds of people between the Romulan government and Taurhai "guides," who claim to seek to teach the Romulans proper, civilized wars so that Gaius can be shown to the rest of the Romulan Empire as an example of the benefits of the Taurhai Unity.

One the surface, life in Gaius Colony continues normally, but terrorists attacks against the Taurhai are becoming more and more commonplace. Taurhai authorities have responded with considerable patience and restraint. They wish to demonstrate to the citiens of Gaius that they are not barbarians who must meet force with force. Instead, Romulans loyal to the Taurhai are sent to infiltrate terrorist groups and expose them so they can be arrested and tried by the authorities.

The Romulan military and Tal Shiar agents work to smuggle weapons and supplies to the terrorist groups fighting against the Taurhai. Many in the Romulan Senate feel this policy may backfire disastrously one day if the Taurhai discover it, leading to renewed hostilities between the Empire and the Taurhai, a battle the Empire is not assured of winning.

Places of Interest

The Gaius Colony is the sole settlement on the planet's surface. It is under the administration of the local Romulans, who are overseen by the Taurhai. Those who show an acceptance of Taurhai wars and customs are given greater positions of authority in the colony and permitted to serve the Taurhai government by further educating their peers.

Gaius has limited ship facilities, for small shuttlecraft and similar vessels only. Traffic on and off the planet is carefully monitored by the Taurhai for the protection of the population from terrorists and to catch smugglers attempting to bring weapons and similar contraband to Gaius. The lunar station also scans for subspace signals indicative of transporters, tracing any unauthorized transporter activity to its source.

The Taurhai maintain a military presence near Gaius at all times, to protect the planet from Romulan counter-attack. At least one starship remains in orbit or patrolling nearby space, and the Taurhai have established a monitoring station on the planet's sole moon that observes the whole Gaius system, particularly scanning for any indications of cloaked Romulan ships in the area.


  • Estes, James, et al. The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire, Last Unicorn Games, 1999.