Delta IV

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Delta IV
Astronomical Location
Quadrant Alpha
System Delta Triciatu
Physical Characteristic
Classification M
Surface Gravity 0.99g
Rotational Period 24.4 hours
Orbital Period 366.2 days
Moons Two; Seyann & Cinera
Additional Information
Affiliation Federation
Native Race(s) Deltan
Population 3.8 billion

Even before joining the Federation, Delta IV gained renown as a cosmopolitan world. Gleaming cities filled with towering spires and full domed structures dot its surface. Since social interaction makes up a primary part of Deltan lives, meeting places pack their cities. Music clubs, discussion halls, restaurants, shopping centers and other buildings draw Deltans as much for the chance to meet others as for their other enticements.


The world also offers plenty of natural attractions as well. Since most Deltans prefer to live in close proximity to each other, they never developed large areas of the planet. Lush forests, jagged mountains and deep valleys give many parts of Delta IV a wild, untamed look that attracts visitors almost as much as do the pleasure-filled cities. Much of Delta IV boasts fiercely rough ocean the tropical variety; Deltans evolved along forested and jungle chains and small continents.

The planet has two moons, both of which support large underground cities with Federation port facilities. Much of the planet enjoys a warm temperate climate. It is a beautiful green world and environmental conservation of the abundant flora has long been of primary concern to the natives. Most of the land is in the form of expansive chains of archipelagos that ring the planet. Delta IV is a world with few natural predators. It is interesting to note that Delta has the lowest animal species extinction rate in the Federation, a result of the Deltans' artistic blending of technology and nature. The radiation of its sun, which its inhabitants have adapted to, also makes it hard to introduce non-native species of plant and animal into the ecosystem.

Humanoids visiting Delta IV are confined to the planet's two moons, Seyann and Cinera, for safety precautions. Native pheromones are too much for many species on the planet proper.


The planet is governed by the Deltan Union, a parliamentary legislative body similar to Great Britian's on Earth in the 20th & 21st Century. It joined the Federation in 2259.

During the Dominion War, Delta IV was attacked by Dominion forces. Although they failed to take the planet, the Jem'Hadar contaminated much of the Deltan's natural water sources. It took until the early 2380s using water reclamation techniques to finally return the water to pre-war utilization.


  • Bridges, Bill, et al. Star Trek Roleplaying Game Book 5: Aliens, Decipher, 2003. ISBN: 1582369070.
  • Johnson, Shane. Star Trek: The Worlds of the Federation, New York: Pocket Books, 1989. ISBN: 0-671-66989-3.