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Astronomical Location
Quadrant Alpha
System Hainara
Physical Characteristic
Classification M
Surface Gravity 1.0g
Rotational Period 25 hours
Orbital Period 377.33 days
Moons Three; Avandar, Merandar, and Keylandar
Additional Information
Affiliation Federation (2273)
Native Race(s) Betazoid
Population 5.6 billion (Betazoid); 11 million (human/Centauran); 6 million others)

Home to the telepathic Betazoids, Betazed is near the center of Federation space and is a prominent member world. Although not a founding member of the Federation, Betazed occupies a strategically important location. In addition, it is well-favored for its combination of good climate and outgoing, friendly inhabitants.

Betazed has achieved a significant degree of importance in Federation affairs. The value of Betazoids to the UFP as diplomats and counselors cannot be overemphasized. With Betazoids assigned to almost every ship in Starfleet, the Federation has seen significant improvement in the success of first-contact overtures with alien species and of negotiations with both allies and enemies. Betazed also hosts the biennial Trade Agreements Conferences, where the economic strengths of planets are weighed against the Federation credit and Betazoid negotiators help forge interstellar trade agreements among UFP member worlds, nonmembers, and the various peaceful starfaring neighbors of the UFP. The UFP would be hard-pressed to find another world so trusted to handle such delicate negotiations.

The rich culture of Betazed has also influenced the UFP. Betazoid beliefs and thoughts have led to a revival of spirituality in many parts of Federation territory. Many cultures have begun to adopt traditions similar to those of the Betazoids.

The NX-class Enterprise narrowly missed contact with Betazed in the 22nd century; thanks to limited sensor technology and a varied mission profile, the ship managed to bypass the system by only a few light-years without ever realizing that a friendly culture exists there. Later, more comprehensive explorations ensured Federation contact with the Betazoids, who saw the benefits to be gained in joining. By the 23rd and 24th centuries, Betazoids are a visible, though not particularly vocal, component of Federation affairs. During all these times, the planet is highly favored as a natural paradise and a place to relax away from concerns or cares, among an empathetic and open populace. The invasion of the Dominion late in the Dominion War changes this; Betazoid becomes somewhat more militaristic as a result, something from which it may not culturally recover.

Hainara System

Betazed lies in a system of five planets orbiting a yellow star. The innermost planet, Hynozad, appears as one of the brightest objects in Betazed's sky. Hynozad is geologically inactive and has a smooth, light-colored surface, making it one of the most highly reflective planets ever discovered. Its close proximity to its sun means it gathers a great deal of light. Hynozad is little explored, for the Betazoids have long attributed a religious significance to it and do not wish to treat it as just another planet to be explored and catalogued.

Betazed is the second planet from its sun, called Hainara. It is a Class M planet with gravity and atmospheric pressure approximating those of Earth. It has three small moons (Avandar, Merandar, and Keylandar). The moons all have distinct orbits and rarely appear in the same section of the sky. When all three moons cluster together it is considered a time of great significance.

The three outer planets are gas giants with rings and several icy moons each. Explorations of these planets and their satellites have yielded little of interest. Proxon, the closest planet to Betazed, has a small research station in orbit for testing equipment used to measure gaseous anomalies.

Located near the heart of the Federation and conveniently close to the Tagus/Kaelon trade route, Betazed has a fair share of tourism and trade. Because of its strategically important location, Betazed became the site of a Dominion invasion during the Dominion War — an event that would prove to have severe negative repercussions for the Dominion.


Visitors and natives alike describe Betazed’s climate as “lush,” “heady,” “tropical,” and even “paradisical.” The Betazoids themselves, as natural empaths and telepaths, prefer to have their communities remain pleasantly happy with their surroundings. Fortunately the planet has a native clime that accommodates most humanoids, and the Betazoids have encouraged minor climate adjustments in some areas to make sure that the weather is often calm and pleasing.

Betazed also hosts a wide range of natural flora and fauna. Widely-inhabited areas tend to be well-kept, and a Betazoid city is a cross between architectural experimentation and park construction. The combination of Betazoid care for their surroundings and steady climate means that all manner of heavily-leafed plants and trees thrive across much of the planet. In areas away from habitation, undergrowth is often thick and wild, with a jungle-like appearance — vines, dense trees and ground cover.

Thanks to Betazed’s strong ecological programs, the world still hosts a wide variety of native fauna that aren’t found anywhere else in the Galaxy. These range from the elusive nightwind falcon, a type of raptor that can be domesticated through empathic training, to the mysterious whispering men, a sort of proto-humanoid similar to Earth’s legendary sasquatch and named for the fact that they telepathically have a sort of quiet whisper that never quite reaches the level of language. Many Betazoid plants and animals have very specific tolerance requirements. On Betazed, where the ecology is strong and the planet not subjected to unusual heat or cold, such requirements are not harmful, but this does mean that efforts to export Betazoid creatures, whether for transplantation or for conservation programs, almost always fail.

Despite being a technically-advanced Federation world (in the 23rd and later centuries), Betazed eschews the use of invasive weather control technology. Combined with the influence of its three small moons, this means that Betazed’s weather patterns can be somewhat unpredictable. While the planet’s minor axial tilt leaves the seasons temperate and mild, mild typhoons remain an occasional danger. Betazed does, of course, employ a conscientious advance warning system as well as a well-trained hazard operations squad to deal with visitors or unfortunates caught in the midst of a nasty squall.


Looking like a large cloudless oceanic planet from space, Betazoid is a shockingly blue world. Still, even though its hydrosphere is slightly more prevalent than Earth’s, the temperate (albeit occasionally stormy) weather means that more of the land masses are habitable. Betazoids therefore live on just about every part of the planet, and the continents are riddled with a disproportionate number of placid lakes.

Thanks to Betazed’s five well-watered continents and many archipelagoes, the Betazoids developed quickly as a species. Lots of habitable room translated into fast population growth, which in turn led to rapid technological development. For much of their history, this combination of climate and geography kept Betazoid a peaceful planet.

Because Betazed is less geologically active than Earth, mountains are rarer and less severe on its continents. Only two of the continents have more than a single range of central mountains. Betazoids who see the more severe mountains of Earth and Andoria often have difficulty comprehending their sheer starkness at first. Indeed, the climate and geography of Betazed combine to give Betazoids a feeling of security. Used to temperate climes and forgiving geography, many Betazoids find other worlds stark or even hostile by contrast.


Betazoids have a pseudo-religious, semi-matriarchal society. Ruling houses, descended from various legendary figures, make up a planetary council that speaks for all citizens; each house broadly encompasses the interests of millions of people, in rough geographic locations (and along certain familial lines). The system of representation can be complicated by the fact that Betazoids can petition along their matrilineal lines in order to be heard, in much the same way that a citizen might write a letter to a representative in a representative democracy. Each house claims its mandate from its legendary founder, an acolyte of the Betazed mythic hero Khrysaros.

Fortunately for them, the Betazoid telepathy and empathy meant that warfare was a largely foreign concept for much of Betazed history. The earliest records of conflict in Betazoid history indicate a spiritual war with noncorporeal entities — described as demons in ancient religious texts. Most modern anthropologists assume that these entities were similar to the emotion-feeding creatures like the “Redjac” encountered by the Constitution-class U.S.S. Enterprise. Betazoids presumably evolved their telepathic abilities to combat such beings, and in the process created a society whereby honesty and compassion were paramount: Few Betazoids could bear to feel the pain or discomfort of fellow citizens, especially on a large scale.

Betazed wholeheartedly contributes to and partakes in Federation science and technology projects, and this shows. Their cities are built with large mushroom-shaped structures that rise up on thin spires, leaving more of the ground open for natural growth. Betazed contributes its telepathic expertise, psychological experience and philosophical developments to Federation civilization, and in return the Federation’s strongly technical members help with advanced replication technology, engineering, and land reclamation. The result is that the average Betazoid has a very high and enjoyable standard of living, while the citizenry have little fear of discontent; an unhappy Betazoid is often quickly discovered and counseled by friends, neighbors, and family, all of whom want to re-establish the pleasant environs.


Although their power has dwindled the millennia since their founding, the noble houses of Betazed still maintain a privileged status in Betazoid society. The houses have been a Betazoid institution since before the time of Khrysaros, their origins intertwined with Betazoid spirituality and the inception of the priesthood. It is said that the houses had their origins in a place far beyond the stars, and were brought to Betazed with the first inhabitants. While this story may or may not be true, it has had an apocryphal impact on Betazoid history, and the houses retain much of their previous power and importance even in the modern age.

Although most opportunities are open to all Betazoids, a cultural distinction still exists between the wealthy great houses and the commoners. Betazoids are quick to downplay this in the presence of outsiders, but claims of noble blood remain highly respected and are accorded special significance during religious rites. The Betazoid priesthood has become an open brotherhood, but house affiliation or membership remains the surest method of entrance.

There are, of course, thousands of other aspects to the rich culture of Betazed. Many schools of meditation exist on the planet to help others learn to connect with the natural world. Betazed also has a rich martial arts tradition; Betazoid styles meld telepathy with combat maneuvers as the fighter tries to anticipate his opponent's moves and counteract them almost before they begin. Dancing is a highly developed at form on Betazed, as is mind-imaging, a form of interactive storytelling where the participants telepathically link together to share mental images.


The Ruling Council, a democratically elected body, governs Betazed. Within the Council Hall, all debate and discussion is conducted telepathically. Although council members may shield their thoughts, such actions are frowned upon. Betazoids see their legislature as sacred and believe that complete openness allows the best decisions to be reached. Failure to participate fully means the Councilor is shirking his duty to his constituents.

Unlike many other planets, Betazed has no one supreme leader. Instead, a vast bureaucracy serves under the Ruling Council. The bureaucracy is divided into many different Relzari, or "departments." For example, the High Office of Defense commands the Betazed Defense Force; economic affairs are handled by the High Office of Finance; and the Office of Domestic Affairs works to maintain the quality of life for all Betazoids. The Council itself appoints ambassadors and debates all diplomatic affairs.

Below the planetary level, Betazed is organized into provinces which are administered by governors. They handle the day-to-day affairs of the provinces and make certain that the directives of the Ruling Council are observed. Governors are seen as relatively low-level civil servants on Betazed and are rarely accorded much attention unless a province seems to be mismanaged.

Betazed has significant strategic value to the UFP. Its location close to the Vulcan home system and many other important regions makes it a strategic linchpin to be strongly defended. For this reason, the defense of Betazed has always received the highest priority; normally, the Betazed system falls under the protection of the Twelfth Fleet, and patrol vessels are a common sight in the system. During times of crisis, the fleet usually assigns a detachment of ships specifically to defend Betazed from possible hostile action.


The Enlightened Mind Movement seeks to convince Betazed to withdraw from the UFP. It sees foreign influence as pollutants which are not only destroying Betazoid culture, but which are also cheapening the Betazoids' spirituality bestowed telepathic gifts. This dissident group considers members of non-telepathic races to be inferior beings who wish to exploit the mental aptitudes of the Betazoids. They feel that modern Betazoids have forgotten the lessons learned from the Terabian conflict, and in a sense they view the UFP government as a king of modern-day Terab IV. The Movement believes that prior to the initial Terabian contact, Betazed was in the midst of a true golden age, and they hope to recreate the utopia of the past once more by breaking away from the UFP.

Members of the Enlightened Mind Movement work covertly, using their telepathy indiscriminately on non-Betazoids in an attempt to undermine ties between the UFP and Betazed. Many of the prejudices held by races against Betazoids (and telepaths) are a result of the efforts of the EMM. The extremists in EMM have even begun planning terrorist attacks on their own people; Starfleet Intelligence has already foiled one planned assassination of Ambassador Lwaxana Troi.

Externally, the Ferengi have also become a threat to Betazed. Many elements in the Ferengi leadership wish to undermine Betazed's position in the UFP. They believe that without the Trade Agreements Conferences, the Federation economy will become ripe for Ferengi exploitation and profiteering. For their part, Betazoids have an intense dislike of Ferengi, bordering on fear in some cases, due to their inability to read the Ferengi's four-lobed minds.


The combination of telepathic sensitivity and pleasant climes meant that Betazoids evolved peacefully and rapidly. While their world provided for all of their needs and they felt little need to explore beyond, the Betazoids did eventually develop space travel, although they lagged behind in that area compared to their advances in sociology and similar “soft” sciences.

Early Betazoids had a strongly religious outlook stemming from a combination of their telepathic sensitivity (giving them insight into communities and the well-being of their fellows) and their forgiving homeworld (which gave them a sense of placement — the feeling that the world was designed to suit them). The earliest legends told that the clergy formed around Khrysaros and his followers, a group of legendary saviors who honed Betazoid telepathy in order to fight off incorporeal “demons.” Scholars credit the teachings of Khrysaros with the unification of Betazed. Before him, Betazoids organized into various kingdoms and city-states which often fought each other. For millennia afterward the clergy also served as the heads of secular government. Armed with the combination of righteous responsibility and the artifacts of Khrysaros, the priests defused potential conflicts, directed the growth of civilization, and comforted their brethren with the knowledge that Betazoids held a cherished place in the scheme of life. Of course, this peaceful civility meant that Betazoids had little impulse to move beyond their homeworld. As Betazoid technology continued to advance, the need for a more secular government became apparent. While the priesthood had succeeded in bringing feuding houses and nation-states together into a unified world governing body, their resistance to social freedoms and technological progress remained a hindrance. Betazed was still primarily a spiritual society, ruled by its beliefs, its ancient faiths, and its strong ethical nature. As the world prepared for its first spaceflight, conflict was inevitable.

It wasn’t until a religious schismatic named Dainara proposed the formation of a separate, secular government that Betazoid industries started to evolve beyond their religiously-ordained roles. Even the discovery of other worlds and of space travel wasn’t enough to put the nail in the coffin of theocratic authorities. Dainara was a scion of the Third House, and he argued that Betazed had finally grown beyond its ancient spiritual roots. He thought that the priesthood was no longer able to govern the world effectively, and he advocated a radical separation of the secular and spiritual. He spoke of the new responsibilities inherent in Betazoid technology, of the casual acceptance and potential misuse of Betazoid telepathy. Dainara was a charismatic leader and his message found many willing ears; unfortunately, none of them belonged to his fellow priests and nobles. In the end, his eloquence mattered little.

The maiden flight of the Avandar took place the following year. Although the priesthood did not like the perceived spiritual ramifications of spaceflight, they accepted progress on their own terms - as a way to spread Betazoid teachings beyond their world, possibly to other sentient species among the stars. As it turned out, they wouldn't have to wait long.

Betazoid history took a turn with the discovery of nearby Terab IV, four light-years away. First contact with the Terabians occurred several years later, during the flight of the first Betazoid warp-capable vessel. Contact was greeted with enthusiasm on both worlds. Both species had reached approximately the same point in their development; however, Betazoid agrarian technology was superior to the Terabian versions of the same, while the Terabian excelled at materials engineering and electronics. The cultures began to trade, sharing their resources and technology. The Betazoids were initially startled to learn that their Terabian neighbors did not possess telepathic abilities. While they adjusted quickly to their nontelepathic neighbors, there were those among the priesthood who thought the Terabian flawed or inferior as a result. Such beliefs would be the seeds of conflict in the years to come.

As the years passed, settlers also traveled between the two worlds and a degree of intermarriage began. All was not well on Terab IV, however. While Betazoid telepathy was initially viewed as a curiosity, more to be marveled at than feared, the Terabian slowly began to distrust their new allies. This was partly a result of the Betazoid priesthood's assertions that telepathy was a gift and should be used widely and freely. Although there were those who recognized the dangers in this view, especially when dealing with a relatively unknown species, their voices were largely ignored. As a result, the Terabian perceived a decidedly superior attitude among the Betazoids; it was a perception that would ultimately lead to open resentment.

This resentment initially took hold in the mercantile sectors, with Terabian traders accusing their Betazoid counterparts of unfair practices and advantages. Since the Betazoid predilection for honesty is now well known, it is doubtful that such accusations were true. However, they were just the fuel needed to fan the growing flames of suspicion on Terab IV. Fear grows most quickly when it is accompanied by misunderstanding, and in this case that adage held true.

The Betazoid settlers living on Terab IV were quickly rounded up and thrown into makeshift internment camps. Fearing a retributive strike by the "mind-readers", Terab IV launched a preemptive strike against Betazed itself. While neither side had amassed much of a military arsenal, the ensuing war was protracted and brutal, with the Terabian offering no quarter. After nearly seven years of fighting, with neither side gaining the upper hand, the Terabian finally agreed to enter into negotiations with Betazed. Speculation continues among historians regarding the Terabian change of heart; many feel that it reflects the increased knowledge and understanding the Terabian gained from the Betazoid prisoners in their own internment camps.

The ruling priesthood on Betazed had already realized that their ways were becoming outdated, though most refused to admit it. However, in the wake of the war, they could no longer ignore the obvious. Thus, in their time of need, they turned to the man whom they had ignored so many years before. Dainara took the lead in the negotiations with the Terabian. The Terabian Armistice was negotiated, and a provisional council was established until a secular government could take its place. Large-scale reforms were implemented and discrimination based on social class was abolished. The Ruling Council was eventually formed in the wake of provisional rule, and Betazed began the long process of rebuilding.

As a result the Betazoids embraced a Code of Sentience, developed by Dainara and influenced by his teachings, to outline the limits of their dealings with non-telepathic species. Hand-in-hand with this Code, the Betazoids initiated the difficult process of migrating power out of the hands of the clergy (who made it difficult to negotiate with outsiders due to their extreme position of the Betazoids as “blessed” or “chosen” people) and into the hands of local, then global, secular authorities.

Shortly after the Terabian incident, the Betazoids encountered the Federation. While at first the Betazoids feared another dispute — with the realization that a great many other species weren’t telepathic and, as a result, were predisposed to suspicion and dishonesty — the nascent Federation did have a positive outlook. Vulcans, while wildly different from Betazoids on an emotional level, could deal with other telepaths. Human optimism and compassion, combined with the drive and loyalty of other Federation species, won over the Betazoids, who finally dissolved the remaining religious requirements of their matriarchal world government and joined the Federation.

Betazed stayed a peaceful background member of the Federation up until the Dominion War in the late 24th century. While Betazoids served in Starfleet as counselors and occasionally in other positions (for example, improved relations with the Tholians are chiefly attributed to the skills of Betazoid negotiators), the overall proportion of Betazoids traveling offworld remained low. Unfortunately for them, the Dominion decided to conquer Betazed as a staging ground for attacks against the core worlds of the Federation, and as a sign of strength — the ability to penetrate deeply and take even important worlds. Betazoid’s outdated and minimal planetary defenses were not enough to fight off the occupation, and millions died from the orbital bombardments and Jem'Hadar assaults. This tactic came back to haunt the Dominion, though. While the Betazoids were not violent by nature, their innate telepathy made it impossible for Founders to infiltrate or cause terror. The ability to sense incoming troops and read battle plans made it also nearly impossible for the Founders to blockade the system without exhaustive resources, and thus failed to keep Betazoids from being able to leave and supplement Federation resources elsewhere. Most tellingly, the fall of Betazed galvanized Captain Benjamin Sisko in a risky scheme to falsify evidence that eventually brought the Romulans into the Dominion War on the side of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers.

Unfortunately, some people have come to mistrust Betazoids. Although anyone familiar with the history of Betazed or the Code of Sentience knows that a Betazoid would not invade another person's private thoughts, strong prejudice has arisen in some places against telepaths (of any race). The UFP and Starfleet have developed educational programs for Federation citizens who feel this way to help them come to terms with their fear of telepaths and dispel their prejudices against the psionically gifted.


Betazed does not produce a great number of exports, but the skills of her people remain in demand throughout the UFP. Betazoids make excellent diplomat, psychologists, doctors, political advisors, and arbitrators. Because of the Federation-wide demand for their skills, many Betazoids leave their homeworld during their youth and build a career among the stars. Although most enjoy successful careers beyond their homeworld, many eventually return home to live, work, and raise families among their brethren.

Betazed is a largely self-sufficient world. Although Betazed does not export many goods, it does not have a great need for a large number of imports, either. Important new technologies are imported from the core worlds, as are certain critical raw materials, but many Betazoids dispense with luxuries considered common on similar worlds. What goods they do need are often easily replicated. The relative economic independence of Betazed gives the Trade Agreements Conferences even more credibility.

Places of Interest

Betazed’s capital is Medara, an ancient holy city turned civic center. The center of the city still contains tremendous temples, academies, and monasteries. Government buildings surround this center in a hub-like fashion, and residences then spread outward along giant ring patterns. Most of these residences border the vast Plaza of Contemplation, which rests in the center of the city and serves as the focal point of the citizens' spiritual lives. While Betazed government centers here, the city retains a powerful contingent of religious and mystic factions. As a result, the architecture also bears distinct differences from many other parts of Betazed. While modern cities have reclaimed natural areas and high-tech construction, the temples of Medara garner the occasional restoration project but almost never have a technological makeover. As a result, the center of Medara is a sort of mecca of stone buildings, cobbled roads, and wooden arches — all often containing soothing, meditative patterns or historical artwork and statuary — that offer a look back into the history of Betazoid civilization. As one travels outward from the hub, the technology involved improves, until reaching the residential rings, which are built with state-of-the-art designs. Medara is also a holy city, and as such contains many temples, tombs, and sacred monuments throughout its precincts. The Betazoids are careful to maintain their sacred sites; many members of the noble houses of Betazed have religious duties as well as temporal ones.

Lake Cataria is a scenic resort on Betazed. The shoreline of the lake twists and turns, creating many quiet private coves where people can enjoy themselves. The waters are crystal clear, and boating, swimming, and fishing are favorite pastimes in different sections of the lake. Once someone's day on the lake has ended, several fine hotels and restaurants stand near the shores ready to shower patrons with attention.

The city of Dalaria has the largest spaceport on Betazed. Thousands of shuttlecraft arrive and depart from Dalaria daily. The spaceport is also equipped with large cargo transporters to handle commerce. Dalaria is most famous as the site of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference. During this important economic summit, Betazoid arbitrators help determine the value of different goods and planetary currencies across the Federation. Although the negotiations are difficult, the delegates trust the Betazoids to be honest and fair in their dealings. The Trade Agreements Conferences have earned the Betazoids many admirers across the UFP.

Betazed’s many islands often remind Human visitors of the Pacific Islands of Earth: Warm, tropical, mountainous, with wonderful jungles and beaches. Betazed may not be a deliberately formed vacation world like Risa, but it certainly places a close second.

Betazed’s museums and historical displays contain everything from the early writings of Khrystaros to the sacred items of his followers, like the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. Some families still hold these artifacts in their own homes and lands, and while religious significance is not as great as it once was, these artifacts still have great cultural value. Mystics especially have a tendency to find these items intriguing. While there’s little evidence that the Betazoids ever built psionic weapons like the early Vulcans, some of the ancient artifacts seem to resonate with an eeriness that suggests a purpose. Perhaps the difference lies in the fact that the Betazoid mystics battled against non-corporeal entities instead of using devices to augment psionic abilities against physical foes. For obvious reasons, many such artifacts remain under lock and key. Nevertheless, some Betazoid mystics claim that the items have the ability to perform miracles. Khrysaros’ personal artifacts are believed scattered among the monasteries of several orders, but nobody is certain exactly where they lie.

The University of Betazed is recognized throughout the Federation as one of the leading centers of psychological study in the galaxy. Students from many different member worlds seek admission to the university; members of races with telepathic powers are often particularly eager to take advantage of the university's advanced courses for such students. In addition to education, the university conducts psychological research on every member race of the UFP and several nonmember races.

Because of the spirituality of the Betazoids, there are many standing stones, quiet shrines, and other religious monuments dotting the surface of Betazed. Unlike many other modern cultures, the Betazoids are slow to give up their mythical traditions, preferring to mesh them with advanced technology of the UFP rather than forsake the spirits.


A broad diversity of plant and animal life lives on Betazed, and most flora and fauna are specially adapted to the often wet climate of the planet. Unlike other worlds, Betazed still has a number of large predators, including the fogcat, a type of gray-white tiger which generally avoids humanoid creatures.

The Betazoids have domesticated many native species. One of the more unusual animals is the theocondt. Roughly analogous to Earth's ostrich, the theocondt is a slightly larger, more colorful flightless bird with then webbing between ts tows. Theocondts have long pointed beaks much like those of storks and are capable of moving at speeds close to thirty miles an hour on the run, even through thick muck. Some myths say Betazoid warriors went into battle riding these animals, which could be trained to attack with their sharp beaks.

"Whispering men" are highly evolved primates which live in the deepest wilderness areas of Betazed. They get their names from the "sound" of their thoughts, which seem like unintelligible whispers combined with a few basic feelings. They are much larger than Betazoids, standing nearly eight feet tall and weighing several hundred pounds. Usualy they spend their time crouched over or walking on all four limbs like a gorilla. They have thick gray fur and strong leathery hands with opposable thumbs. They are very cautious and do their best to avoid contact with Betazoids. Whispering men play prominent roles in many Betazoid legends.

Muktok are plants which have a distinctive variegated, bristlelike foliage; they live for hundreds of years. The blooms of the muktok give off a pleasant sound when shaken. These plants are cherished by Betazoids, and grown muktok are protected from destruction. The muktok seems to thrive off a particular combination of nutrients only found in the soil of Betazed. Attempts to grow these plants on other planets have met with failure.

Nightwinds are birds with silvery black feathers and a form of telepathy which they use to hunt at night. They resemble the raptors of other planets, preying only on large moths and small mammals. A few Betazoids manage to raise the birds using telepathic techniques along with falconry skills. Seeing a nightwind when a moon is full is considered an omen of great change, usually for the better. Black marketeers will pay a fortune to anyone who can capture one of these birds and smuggle it off Betazed.


  • Burns, Eric, Kenneth A. Hite & Doug Sun. Star Trek Roleplaying Game Book 7: Worlds, Decipher, 2005. ISBN: 1582369097.
  • Cambias, James, et al. Planets of the UFP: A Guide to Federation Worlds, Last Unicorn Games, 1999. ISBN: 0671040065.