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Efrosians (a.k.a. Atreonids)
Basic Information
Home SystemAtreos
Type of GovernmentRepublican Federation

The Efrosians (or Atreonids to some) come from the planet Atreos IV (known as Efros to the locals) in the Alpha Quadrant. It is a flat world of little geologic activity, with savannah, plains, and desert as predominant terrain. The only mountain peak of any consequence is the 15,000-foot tall Mount Eteon tar-Chereos, so named in 2296 in honor of the only Efrosian to ever serve as UFP President.


Efrosians are tall, rangy humanoids with high, furrowed foreheads and growths of facial hair that extend below the sides of the mouth, rather like whiskers. Their height and strong spinal columns help them maintain the dignified bearing for which they are famous. They like to wear their thick hair long and swept back, so that (coincidentally) it resembles the mane of a Terran lion.


Efrosians cultivate a dignified and genteel bearing. This is true of the race as a whole and not just the upper ranks of their society, for Efrosians of all classes strive to project an air of civilized dignity. Some non-Efrosians find them stuffy and too reserved, while others perceive the good nature and generosity of spirit that lies beneath their regal facade.


For several millennia before the Federation made first contact in 2248, twelve noble dynasties ruled Atreos IV, and carved the planet between them into feudal states. These twelve kingdoms jousted with each other constantly, trying to enlarge themselves at the cost of the others. Sometimes they contested each other through military action, at other times through diplomacy, at still others through trade or technological innovation. The Chereos, the Zatain, the Paratan, the Karoon and the Houtan were the wealthiest and most prominent of these families, as they controlled the most consistently powerful kingdoms.

First contact, however, jolted the Efrosians into the starfaring age. Communication with extraplanetary intelligent life forced them to alter their view of their place in the cosmos. The twelve kingdoms set aside their rivalries and united to form a republican federation that would choose its head of state from among their leaders - once kings, but now national presidents. No longer able to justify notions of supposed noble superiority in the face of clearly more advanced intelligent life, the Efrosians' class structure cracked. In turn, all adult Efrosians would be granted the right to select their political leaders at the national and local level, so that the twelve kingdoms would be transformed into representative democracies. This process was already well under way when Atreos IV formally joined the Federation in 2252.

The most famous Efrosian to serve the UFP was Eteon tar-Chereos, a career diplomat who represented his homeworld in the Federation Council for 20 years before he was elected UFP President in 2290. He presided over one of the true turning points in Federation history in 2293, when Klingon Chancellor Gorkon decided to end decades of hostility between the Second Klingon Empire and the UFP. He survived an assassination attempt by rogue Starfleet and Klingon military officers at the Khitomer Conference and presided over the ensuing crisis with prudent and patient statesmenship.


The Efrosians' ancient feudal aristocracy may have evolved into a democratic republic, but the twelve great families who ruled Atreos IV during that time still retain their wealth and standing. Although all adult Efrosians have the right to political representation in theory, in practice their society remains rigidly stratified and nobles expect and receive deference from those of lower rank.

As a general rule, any Efrosian who ventures off of his homeworld is connected in some way with one of these noble dynasties. Education, wealth and family connections either allow them the luxury and adventurousness or impress upon them the importance of service to their race and the Federation. From the moment that Atreos IV joined the UFP, serving the Federation as a diplomat or a civil servant has been quite the fashionable thing for educated young Efrosians of noble birth.

As a general rule, Efrosians who have received a university-level education speak both Efrosian and Federation Standard at least passably well, and they consider it a point of pride that they don't need a universal translator to communicate. Blood members of the twelve noble families use the honorific "tar-" to precede their surnames.


  • Bridges, Bill, et al. Star Trek Roleplaying Game Book 5: Aliens, Decipher, 2003. ISBN: 1582369070.