Federation Civil Service

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The Federation Civil Service is an umbrella term for a number of civilian departments and authorities which are responsible for running the Federation and ensuring the implementation of legislation. The Civil Service is supposed to remain politically neutral, to ensure that it can do its job effectively for whoever is giving the orders and as such Civil Servants are barred from joining Political Parties, however they are not barred from joining Unions or from Voting. The Civil Service Consists of the following departments:


Departments are the major elements of Federation Government, tending towards being large and generalized, they are run by a Cabinet Minister.

Department of the Economy

The Federation Department of the Economy (DotE) is one the the smaller departments in the Federation Civil Service, originally designed to regulate trade, since the widespread usage of the Replicator has been implemented however, it has taken on just four functions, the first is to ensure that the trade in Replicators is replicated and to control public replicator credits, which are used to produce larger items not able to be replicated in smaller home replicators. The third function of the Department of the Economy is to regulate trade, both between Federation members and externally with other powers and to ensure that trade is managed correctly. The fourth and final role is to maintain and secure non-replicable resources for usage in the Federation, including dilithium, latinum and other materials, they also control starship fuel supplies, which are provided free of charge to Federation operated vessels and for a nominal fee to members of other races.

Department of Education

The Department of Education (DoE) is a Civil Service department tasked with ensuring that all students in the Federation receive both an adequate level of schooling and that sufficient teachers and resources are distributed, a task which is especially needed on many colonies and less developed member worlds, as often their abilities do not immediately match up to more established powers such as Earth.

The DoE is also tasked with overseeing the Standardized Qualifications Agreement, which ensures that all Federation citizens receive the same level of education and the same qualification for doing so, naturally this means that the Federation sets certain parameters which Member Worlds must teach their students, however the construction of each curriculum is overseen by the Member World itself, whilst this can lead to some differentiating (many companies value a Vulcan student higher than an Andorian for example) of qualifications, it is the fairest system devised so far to give all candidates regardless of background an equal playing field.

Department of Foreign Affairs

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DofA) is a Civil Service department which oversees all foreign policy and external relations in the Federation. DofA is primarily responsible as a co-ordination department, to ensure that the same policy is followed through all branches of the Foreign Service, from the President, who decides Foreign policy with input from DofA, to the lower Agencies, including the Bureau of Aid and Development, Federation Colonization Authority, Federation Diplomatic Service, Federation News Service, Federation Terraform Command and the Refugee and Immigration Authority.

Department of Health

The Department of Health (DoH) is a Civil Service Department which runs both Federation controlled hospitals, which run in combination with Member Worlds Hospital systems, but is also responsible for a vast array of medical research, with a number of vast research complexes and secure research labs to suit any needs. The Department of Health also operates civilian emergency relief and disaster aid effort, which operating in conjunction with Starfleet can provide massive levels of emergency Healthcare.

The DoH is a truly gargantuan department, which has a wide range of roles and tasks and is one of the most challenging in the Federation.

Department of Law, Order & Prisons

Department of the Treasury

Department of Transport & Infrastructure

Agencies and Bureaus

Agencies and Bureaus are non-cabinet level elements of the Civil Service, these tend to be more specialized and focused to a particular role.

Bureau of Archaeology

Bureau of Cartography

Bureau of Industrial Relations

Department of Temporal Investigations

Department for Aid and Development

Federation Colonization Authority

Federation Council of Astronomy

Federation Diplomatic Service

Federation Intelligence Service

Federation Naval Patrol

Federation News Service

Federation Science Council

Federation Terraform Command

Refugee and Immigration Authority