Office of the President of the United Federation of Planets

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The Office of the President of the United Federation of Planets is the official name for the executive support structure that enables the President of the United Federation of Planets to effectively do their job. The Office of the President encompasses the Cabinet, the Civil Service and the staff for the Presidents office at the Palais de la Concorde.


The Federation's Cabinet is a group of senior Civil Servants and notaries in their fields, selected to serve "At the pleasure of the President". The Cabinet serves in two roles, one as the link from the President and his staff to the Civil Service, which will have to implement legislation passed by the Council and secondly as expert advisors to the President on policy. As such the Cabinet is a highly important part of the Executive.

Civil Service

Full Article: Federation Civil Service

The Federation Civil Service is an umbrella term for a number of civilian departments and authorities which are responsible for running the Federation and ensuring the implementation of legislation. The Civil Service is supposed to remain politically neutral, to ensure that it can do its job effectively for whoever is giving the orders and as such Civil Servants are barred from joining Political Parties, however they are not barred from joining Unions or from Voting. The Civil Service Consists of the following departments:


Departments are the major elements of Federation Government, tending towards being large and generalised, they are run by a Cabinet Minister

  • Department of the Economy
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Law, Order & Prisons
  • Department of the Treasury
  • Department of Transport & Infrastructure

Agencies and Bureaus

Agencies and Bureaus are non-cabinet level elements of the Civil Service, these tend to be more specialised and focused to a particular role.

  • Bureau of Archaeology
  • Bureau of Cartography
  • Bureau of Industrial Relations
  • Department of Temporal Investigations
  • Department for Aid and Development
  • Federation Colonisation Authority
  • Federation Council of Astronomy
  • Federation Diplomatic Service
  • Federation Intelligence Service
  • Federation Naval Patrol
  • Federation News Service
  • Federation Science Council
  • Federation Terraform Command
  • Refugee and Immigration Authority

Office of the President

The Office of the President is the Presidents personal staff, who are tasked with assisting him in running the Federation. It consists of three elements, his Office staff, his Personal Security Detail and his Household Staff.

Presidential Staff

  • Office of the President, which is tasked with ensuring the Presidents day runs smoothly and his time is effectively used. This consists of the Presidents personal secretaries and his Personal Aide.
  • Office of the Chief of Staff, tasked with running the Office staff, controls access to the President and ensures that everyone is working to the same goal.
  • Office of Communications, tasked with “crafting the message”, a wide ranging role, going from media relations to policy formation.
  • Office of the Press Secretary, tasked with ensuring the Presidents media image is maintained and keeps the press informed about his activities.
  • Office of Domestic Affairs tasked with the construction and guidance of Domestic policy.
  • Office of Political Affairs tasked with relations between branches of the government.
  • Office of Military & Intelligence tasked with Security and Defence matters.
  • Office of Foreign Affairs tasked with Co-ordinating Foreign Relations policy.
  • Office of the Presidential Counsel tasked with ensuring the President does not break the law.

Presidential Security Detail

The Presidential Security Detail is a special unit of Starfleet Security which is tasked with ensuring the Presidents safety and transportation, as such it maintains a large standing group of Officers and is under the Command of a Starfleet Captain. The Presidential Security Detail also deals with potential threats to the President and with his transportation, with a number of specially altered Dynasty class Runabouts at its disposal.