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Sun May 20th, 2018 @ 1:05am

Lieutenant Commander Claire Anette

Name Claire Anette

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Albino Human Colonist Taralak 3
Age 34
Place of Birth Taralak 3

Starfleet Info

Physical Appearance

Height 6'6"
Weight 160lb (73kg)
Build Lithe
Hair Color White
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Due to unique radiation hazards of the Taralak star, people that have spent a significant amount of time outside of the protective dome have had all the melanin production centers in their body and DNA stripped from their bodies. Between this and the slightly lower gravity, most people at the colony on Taralak 3 are unusually tall, perfectly white with red eyes, and have thin silver or white hair.


Father Bray Annette
Mother Mary Annette

Personality & Traits

General Overview Always been one for combat martial arts and volunteering. Somewhat skeptical of many things at first, but will still dive into them headlong.
Strengths & Weaknesses Will be one of the first to jump into the thick of things. Lacks much of a science or engineering background and is easily confused by them, but will take the time to understand them.
Ambitions To one day command her own vessel and save the lives of many peoples and seek out new life and new civilizations.
Hobbies & Interests Mixed martial arts and alternative music. Enjoys playing the electric guitar. Also enjoys cosplay, though call for albino cosplayers is rare.
Likes / Dislikes She's pretty tolerant of all things, but can get her hackles in a bind over intolerance.

Character History / Other

Misc Notes Sterile due to her forced albinism. Also occasionally wears yellow tinted glasses to read PaDDs for extended periods as she opted to keep her red eyes as they are rather than undergo treatments to 'correct' them. Sensitive to bright lights.
Personal History At the age of 8 was caught outside of her colony's protective shield barrier during a hostage situation with her and a transport full of children. After three days, the situation was resolved but all parties were permanently albinos by that point. From that point on, she volunteered to help out with local law enforcement services as much as she could. At age 12, she got an after school job bringing the security personnel evening meals. At 16, she was old enough to work half days at the law enforcement office as an assistant to the CSI office. When she was 19, at the urging of her co-workers, she joined Starfleet.
Service Record 2361 - Born
2369 - Kidnapping event
2377 - Volunteered for her colony's self defense forces
2380 - Joined Starfleet
2384 - Graduated Starfleet Academy, Assigned to the USS Hampshire, Security Officer
2386 - Assigned to the USS Soreval, Tactical Officer
2389 - Assigned to the USS Gander's Eve, Security Officer
2392 - Assigned to the SS Sanity's End, Sec/Tac Assistant Chief
2393 - Assigned to the USS Arizona, Sec/Tac Chief
2395 - Assigned to the USS Wolff, XO