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Fri Jun 4th, 2021 @ 11:33am

Lieutenant Commander Radak

Name Radak

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan (Romulan)
Age 45
Date of Birth 12/05/2360
Place of Birth ShiKahr, Vulcan (Ki Baratan, Romulus)

Starfleet Info

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 3in (190.5 cm)
Weight 225 lbs (102 kg)
Build Toned
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Radak is well-toned and a little on the slender side, despite his actual weight. Romulans tend to be heavier because of their muscle density, but only in weight, not actual appearance. Radak’s hair is dark, almost black, but his eyes are a light hazel, giving him a very striking look. His face is soft and contoured, giving him a gentle sort of appearance. He has the distinctly thin, angular eyebrows, but the ridges on his head are not as pronounced as some.

He keeps his appearance tidy and always to regulation. He has adopted more human hairstyles, but even then prefers to keep his hair short. His uniforms are always clean and pressed.

Radak has some pretty serious scarring on his back from beatings he took from his father when he was young. His left eyebrow also has a scar that runs through it from the last time he fought with his father where the hair never grew back.


Spouse Single
Children None
Father Tovn (Sub-Commander Huvk Me’rt Kovil)
Mother Numil (T’sam Nith Kovil)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Maternal Uncle Kov

(Kov is not his actual family, but he is the Vulcan who took Radak off the streets and helped him to find his way in the world. Numil is Kov’s actual sister, but her and her husband were both killed years ago.)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Radak is intelligent, quick witted, and fast on his feet. He takes most things seriously and is also very creative. Because he was schooled by Vulcans he can be very practical and logical. Radak tries very hard to keep his emotions under control and has been quite successful. When people have caught him in the past, he tells them that he never participated in the Kolinahr, which is not a lie.

Radak has had to work hard for everything in his life. It has made him a very dedicated and somewhat stubborn individual. He doesn’t argue with authority, but he can still be quick to question, in a careful way, decisions that he feels might not be sound or logical.

He is inquisitive and not afraid to ask hard questions. He has a very strong sense of justice, ethics and equal rights. It is important to him to do good, but he does have a sense of stoic reserve and can definitely see the forest thru the trees and look at not just the big picture but the smaller one as well.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Radak is logical, creative, quick witted and disciplined.

Weaknesses - Radak isn’t much of a fighter (actual combat), he suffers from anxiety, paranoia and self loathing. He also hates his own species.
Ambitions Radak would very much like to be able to stop lying about who and what he is. Sometimes he feels close enough to people to think about telling them, but each time he hasn’t. He would also like to continue to advance in his Starfleet career, which he feels that he fairly earned since he did the actual schooling, but he’s certain that the truth about his past will hold him back or ruin him completely.
Hobbies & Interests Radak is actually a rather accomplished artist. He attended the Vulcan Arts Academy and graduated an accomplished student. He really loves to stretch the boundaries of traditional art and into the realm of mixed media. He uses a lot of his chemistry education to create color and pattern on canvas with chemicals rather than traditional paints. He also studies alchemy for the same purposes of making color or pattern on canvas through the chemical reactions.

He also likes to read. He is a very fast reader, one would call him a speed reader and he can consume a rather large book in a single afternoon.
Likes / Dislikes Radak loves to have new food experiences. For the most part he’s willing to try most any dish at least once. He’s not very fond of Vulcan food, finding it more bland then he’s willing to admit. Tiny noises bother him, tapping fingers, dripping water, electronics clicking on and off, almost to the point of distraction until he can either clarify the noise or make it stop. It also bothers him when people suck their teeth. He has a small Vulcan lap harp that belonged to Kov. He’s not very good at playing it, but it is one of his most prized possessions.
Languages Spoken Romulan, Vulcan, Terran (Federation Standard)

Character History / Other

Education Romulan primary school

Vulcan Arts School
-Painting, Composition, Technical Drawing, Still Life

Starfleet Academy
-Major in Philosophy and Ethics
-Minor in Chemistry

Starfleet Command Training
-Speciality in Law
Personal History Radak was born Xu’kol J’ecas Kovil in 2350 in Ki Baratan, Romulus. His father, Sub-Commander Huvk Me’rt Kovil, was a military man for the Tal Shiar. He was very strict and very traditional and horrendously abusive. It was not uncommon for a young Radak to be denied food, water and affection, not to mention the physical abuse. Radak still bears the scars. His mother, T’sam Nith Kovil, was a housewife and turned a blind eye to his abuse, least she become a victim herself.

When he was of age his father planned to send Radak to military school. When the then 14 year old Radak found out about this plan they fought and for the first time in his life he raised his fists at his father. During the fight, and knowing he was not going to win, he broke free and ran with nothing but the clothing on his back. He stowed away on the first freighter headed off Romulus and made a beeline for the only place he knew he could blend in and still be far, far away from his own people, Vulcan.

Once he was on Vulcan he discovered that life with nowhere to go wasn’t quite perfect. He was very young and attempted to find ways to fend for himself. A Vulcan man named Kov finally took pity on him, after watching him struggle for some time, and took him in. Kov knew that Radak was Romulan, but he told no one and eventually agreed to hide Radak’s heritage and even helped him create a backstory that involved Kov’s own relatives that had been killed, so there was no one to really confirm.

Four years later, Kov helped Radak return to school and finish his primary schooling. Radak was a promising student and Kov was impressed that he had been able to keep up with the challenging Vulcan curriculum. When Radak expressed interest in art school Kov readily agreed. He spent four years in the Vulcan Art Academy and returned a rather accomplished painter.

When he grew interested in Starfleet, Kov was again supportive and after another four years of selling art in open air markets, he found himself passing his exams for acceptance into the Academy. He majored in Philosophy and Ethics and minored in Chemistry. He did well in his studies. He wasn’t top of his class, but his marks were more than enough to graduate. He also took the two years of Command training.

He was stationed aboard Lyra Station Alpha right out of the Academy and for four years he spent his time running back and forth between the planet and the station. He was assigned the Starfleet Liaison Officer and handled small disputes that involved Starfleet’s interests planetside.

After the station, Radak was glad to spend time aboard an actual vessel and not running between. He was assigned to the USS Noranda. The Noranda was responsible for mostly explotory and First Contact missions. Because of his time as a liaison officer he was included in quite a few of those types of missions.
Service Record Awards

2350 - Born, Ki Baratan

2355-2366 - Primary school, Romulus

2366-2370 - Left Romulus and arrived on Vulcan. Lived on the street for a time and then was taken in by Kov (15 years old)

2370-2372 - Primary School, Vulcan

2372-2376 - Vulcan Art Academy

2380-2384 - Starfleet Academy

2384-2386 - Starfleet Command Training

2386-2389 - Assigned to Lya Station Alpha
- Starfleet Liaison Officer

2390-2394 - Assigned to the USS Noranda (Renaissance Class)
-First contact missions

2395 - Assigned to the USS Wolff
