
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Thu Apr 4th, 2019 @ 1:32am

Ensign Mark Cross

Name Mark Peter Cross

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25
Date of Birth 01/09/2370
Place of Birth Starbase 12

Starfleet Info

Serial Number 691-MCHUM-085L
Security Clearence TBA
Duty Shift TBA
Duty Station TBA
Quarters TBA

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 90kg
Build Athletic
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Short brown hair, sometimes bordering on messy, and striking blue eyes. Mark is broad-shouldered and stocky. He has developed a powerful physique from a lot of hard work in the gym, holodeck, training programmes etc.


Spouse N/A
Children None
Father Captain Keith Cross
Mother Doctor Kate Cross
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview He's an intense character, bubbling with a youthful exuberance and enthusiasm that probably should have subsided towards the end of his teenage years. He's always working on new projects, craves big crowds and social engagements, and would often be the first in the gym and the last to leave of his classmates. He brings this work ethic to everything he does, and while others may edge him out in talent or experience, it'll take a lot to beat him in effort.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

+ A tireless worker
+ Always wants to achieve above and beyond the required standard
+ A fast learner
+ Friendly and sociable


- Short-tempered
- A self-confidence that often borders on arrogance
- Acts too much on impulse
- Can be considered too "casual" and often mistaken as unprofessional
- Impatient and easily distracted
Ambitions - To be a serial overachiever
- To one day hold his own Command
- To lecture at the Academy
- To start a family
Hobbies & Interests - Playing guitar
- Finding out hows things work
- Cooking
- Sport/Exercise/The gym
- Poker
Likes / Dislikes TBA
Languages Spoken English, Japanese

Character History / Other

Education TBA
Personal History Mark Cross was born to two Starfleet officers aboard a starship. It was almost a given that he'd follow in their footsteps. His Father, an Engineer and his Mother in Medical. It was clear that his attention span wouldn't last the extra years required to get into the field of medicine, and as he often liked to take things apart to find out how things worked when he was younger, there was only one step.

His first posting was to the USS Falchion in the Theta Fleet, where he kept his head down and out of trouble for the most part. Now moving on to pastures new, he was intent on making a name for himself and climbing the 'career pyramid'
Service Record - Graduates Starfleet Academy
- Assigned to USS Falchion - Theta Fleet - Engineer
- Transfers to USS Wolff - Theta Fleet - Engineer