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Under the Microscope

Posted on Mon Sep 10th, 2018 @ 2:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Mariana Vaz

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Jo exited the turbolift onto Deck 7 having done some serious unpacking. She wore a cocktail dress made of green lace which she bought on sale from a Betazoid merchant. It was form-fitting without being particularly revealing. She walked down the hall with her usual level of determination and focus, seeming to worry about nothing else but the serious work of getting to where she was going. She took a right into Sickbay planning to find a doctor or nurse in order to update her physical information.

Hunter had opted for his contacts today and was glad to be rid of his glasses. He could have corrective surgery, he knew that, but he wasn't worried about it. At this time he was content wearing his glasses; they had been his armour for a while now.

He was still frustrated over his last argument with Galatea. He could sense that she was going thorough something but she wasn't willing to share it with him or anyone. One of the other counselors had confided in him that Galatea had not even talked to her. By nature she was a bit withdrawn but recently, after the whole incident with the former XO and not being able to help the woman she'd been impossible. Her usual high standards for herself were bordering on ridiculous and every time he broached the subject they would argue.

Hunter had just finished checking the medication levels on hand and had washed his hands when he'd heard the swish of the door that told him someone had come in. It had been a quiet day so he was glad for the distraction. "On my way," he called as he rounded the corner into the main sickbay area.

Jo reacted quickly when her eyes caught a handsome man with glasses and dark brown hair round the corner. She noticed his blue eyes and could see his defined and muscular physique under his teal uniform. She looked at him surely with her typical serious expression, making no sound nor any gesture but still taking in his attractive presence. Moderately tall, health oriented, and not quite human.

During her years working undercover in an Orion organized crime ring and her time in the marine police, Jo had gotten very good at sizing up the people she met. She was considered one of the best the marine police had to offer when it came to cracking tough cases an thwarting criminals at their own game which is how she got her present double assignment as Security Liaison to Gamma Quadrant Forces as well as Chief of Security aboard the Wolff.

When she looked at this man, she could see his gentleness and kindness shining through like rays of light. Years ago, before that sacrifices she made for the Federation stole her innocence away and before the man who was technically still her husband shattered her last bits of trust in men, she would have reacted enthusiastically at this meeting. Now, she was cynical and goodness in others made her even more suspicious than evil.

"I just came aboard and I'm reporting for my routine medical appointment." she said stoically, watching him with unmoving eyes.

Hunter smiled, "Excellent. Welcome aboard. Doctor Polaris is with another patient now but I can begin the exam." He motioned for her to take a seat on a bio bed. "Your name please and I will pull up your record." He picked up a PaDD near by, his hand poised to key in her name.

"Mariana Vaz." she said simply, following his direction and lifting herself up on the bio bed he had indicating, her hands clenched solidly around the frame of the bed. "You may have to transfer my information from the marine database. My last posting was at the rank of Major."

He smiled, "Ah yes the new Security Chief." He typed in her name and up popped her file. "Excellent. Let's get the easy stuff out of the way." The exam started and he did the basics of checking her weight, and height, and making sure that she didn't have the flu. He checked her blood pressure and a few other base readings. "So why did you transfer from the Marines?"

"Starfleet was in need of my specific expertise." she responded simply, looking at him, her brown eyes analyzing him subtly. "Starfleet red tape required me to take part in a transfer program in order to serve in a fleet-officer role."

Anyone could tell that she was displeased with the arrangement, but her demeanor was professional. She ran a hand up the spaghetti strap of her green dress and scratched the skin beneath a few times.

"I see. It was less choice more bully tactics." He sighed, "That is why I am not an officer." He walked over to one of the trays and picked up Galatea's DNA tube. He held it to the new Chief. "If you would be so kind as to swab your cheek. The doctor collects all DNA as per Starfleet procedure and then it is locked by your code that can only be opened by the CO in case of emergency." He handed her the swab.

Jo's right eyebrow arched as she looked at the tube. "This kind of material could be of use in security investigations as well as crimes. Are you certain this is held securely with no possibility of non-relevant access?" she asked, immediately thinking about her work.

She took the cotton swab out of the tube and ran it against the inside of her cheek. "I wouldn't say I was bullied. This assignment was optional and the possibility of transferring back is always open. My skills are highly sought-after, I had my choice of assignments."

He took the cotton swab and then lead her to a section in the back wall where she could enter her code. They sealed up her DNA and then when they got back to the bio bed he picked up a tricorder. "Well I'm glad you are here. Elijah is great but he refuses to do paper work. Do you exercise regularly?" He figured she did but he wanted to ask. Her stats were excellent. He had not doubt that she'd be cleared for duty.

"He'll have to adjust to paperwork in his current role; I won't be doing it all for him." she responded with little consideration for how anyone else may feel on the matter. "And yes, typically two hours a day. An hour's run in the mornings and an hour of weight training in the evening."

Just looking at her, anyone would be able to tell how much time she spent sculpting her body. Many found her jaw-droppingly gorgeous, but she did it because she liked to be the best she could be.

He smiled, "Excellent and running is a great way to stay in shape. I usually do my runs early too. I think you are in great health. Your stats are damn near perfect and when the doc reviews this I'm sure she will find you fit medically. You will have to see her for the counseling portion of the clearance and I know she has a few spots open today. Are you able to wait?"

Jo rolled her eyes, pulling herself off the biobed and adjusting her dress. She wasn't aware there would be a counseling portion; the fleet was so soft and touchy freely. "Marines have to be fit, Doctor." she said simply. "And as for the counseling session, we'll reschedule it for a later date."

She looked at him evenly. She had time for the appointment now, but she didn't want to sit around talking about her feelings, so she was going to put it off until later. She couldn't help but notice his handsomeness and his attractive physique, but she was a professional, so she made no indications.

He smiled, "Nurse actually not a doctor...maybe someday." He made a note on her file. "Alright then I will give this to Doctor Polaris and if she has any medical concerns she'll call. We also offer side services and alternative treatments here as well." He picked up a PADD and gave it to her to show her the range of massage therapy, crystal and aroma therapy, and other treatments available.

"I understand." Jo replied rather dryly as she pulled herself off of the table and stood up straight. "Is there anything else?"

Hunter studied her a bit. "I don't know. You tell me. Do you have any medical concerns at this point?"

"I'm as healthy as you say." she replied with accented words, her lips turning up into a slight smile. "I think that's all."

He smiled, "Alright then. We'll see you back for your counseling session." He typed a couple of items into his PADD and then sent her file off for review. He was glad they had a new security chief. He didn't trust the Elijah for reasons he didn't know. There was something about him that rubbed Hunter the wrong way.


Lieutenant Commander Mariana Vaz
Chief of Security


CPO Hunter Payton
Head Nurse


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