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False Start

Posted on Mon Feb 6th, 2023 @ 4:02pm by Lieutenant JG Ash Rowe & Lieutenant JG Sol & Captain Taliserra Tigran

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Sickbay


She was on fire.

She was sure of it, as sure as she had been when she'd swung the hover racer into that right turn, she was on fire.

The world had turned upside down, the air had been knocked out of her and her body had broken. She knew it. She'd felt it break. Heard it.

How could everything hurt and be numb at the same time?

How could she feel the panic of the people trying to pull her broken body out of the wreck but not feel her own?


Why couldn't she shout at them to stop pulling at her broken, burning body? Was it because the air had gone?

How was she as heavy as iron but still floating?

"Lieutenant Rowe?"

"Hm...?" Ash blinked as she opened her eyes, disorientated for a moment as she turned her face to the Vulcan peering at her with concern.

"I said your results are adequate, but now I am considering testing your hearing..." Dr Sol quirked an angled eyebrow as he straightened up.

"Oh...oh!" Ash shook herself out of the flaming cold memory. The crash had been years ago, but she still got lost in the memory of it at times. Especially when she was being poked and prodded as a result of it all these years on.

They'd put her back together the best they could when she'd been hauled out of the racing wreckage. Held together by metal and replacement parts, it still caused her problems now though.

Deep down, Ash knew she was lucky and should be grateful. She could have died in that crash. She'd defied the odds when she hadn't. But it had forced her into early retirement, and she'd gone from being a championship racer one.

Well, at least until she'd found a second calling as a pilot. It wasn't the same and never would be, but it gave her a reason to get up in the morning.

So, when occasionally her old injuries and brutal fixes caused her problems and she couldn't get up in the morning, and ended up in Sickbay instead, it was more than just a little frustrating.

"About time...I came onboard to take the Chief Flight Control position and ended up almost immediately in Sickbay," Ash pushed herself up to stand, as if to test his theory out.

"You cannot help the timing of medical interference," Sol replied shortly. Half Vulcan and half Human, he understood her frustration but not her inability to control it.

"Well, let's hope the Captain understands that; you've kept me hostage in Sickbay and my quarters for weeks now, it's hardly the best first impression," Ash rolled her eyes, straightening her jacket out.

"You will be able to ask her yourself," he replied lightly, turning his head with uncanny timing to look at the door as it opened.

With intent Taliserra strode through the doors of sickbay looking for one of the doctors. "Good day Lt Sol do you have..." She started before realising the officer was already in discussion with someone. "Lt Rowe, good to see you up and around, how are you?"

"Good, good," Ash said quickly, tugging her jacket a little more sharply. "In fact, Dr Sol was just saying that he thinks I can report to duty," she added lightly, resisting the urge to reach out and hit Sol's elbow to make him chime in.

"Those were not my exact words," Sol replied coolly, casting a sideways glance to her before relenting. "However, the infection from the surgery we had to perform has now abated and the leg and back are now rehabilitated."

"How long do you reckon before I can have my chief helmsman back at her station?" Taliserra asked. She appreciated that Ash may think she's ready to go but wanted to get the medical opinion.

Sol saw Ash's mouth open and decided to provide the medical opinion before the pilot could. "Another 48 hours to be sure, and if nothing untoward happens, she can go about her duties."

"Another 48 hours," Taliserra repeated. "I think Bracca can hold the fort for another 48 hours. He has handled the helm excellently during your absence."

Ash's jaw clamped tight shut with her annoyance at the turn of events. If she could have gotten away with wringing Sol's neck, she would have. She swallowed the surge of emotion down though, calming down with a soft sigh of resignation. "Yes, Captain."

"And be sure not to push yourself too hard when the doctor releases you, the last thing all of us would want is you straight back in here again." Taliserra added.

Ash nodded, holding back the soft sigh...because she was right. She couldn't argue with the logic of it. "Aye Captain," she agreed with the message readily. "Can I...go and take a look around at least? No work, I swear, I just want to take a closer look at the small birds for myself."

"That is up to your doctor Lieutenant," Taliserra replied, she admired the woman's tenacity. "even I can't override their instructions."

Sol looked between them for a moment, respecting the Captain's attitude. It wasn't always the case. In fact, he'd noticed many captains seemed to think that four pips gave them supernatural medical senses. "I should think that would be acceptable."

"Good, then I suggest you run off quickly Lt before the doctor changes his mind." Taliserra said with a small smile.

Ash's smile became a grin at the confirmation of freedom, already on her way to the door. "Aye Captain...thanks, Doc...!" she called on her way out.

"She seems very eager to get back to work." Taliserra remarked as Ash practically bolted for the door.

"She is not what they would call 'a good patient'," Sol agreed before shaking his head with a slight frown. "Although, I am not certain who is expected to be a good patient..." he added his opinion on what he thought to be an odd expression.

"Many people do not like doctors, until they need one." Taliserra said, personally she hated counselors more than doctors but neither were her favourite. "Do you have the medication I asked for, for Lashell?"

"Of course, Captain," he replied with the evenness of a Vulcan, but still managed to somehow seem a little indignant at the idea she might have thought he could forget. He collected the hypospray, offering it over. "Five doses, one a day. If the fever does not improve by tomorrow, then she will need to stay here so we can observe her."

"Hopefully this will do the trick," Talisrra said taking the hypospray. "Thank you Sol."

"Most welcome, Captain," he bowed his head to her, his eyes closing with it for a moment. He hesitated, considering. " she?" he finally asked. He had been told there was a need to improve on his bedside manner, and although one of them might not be in a bed, there was a side of a bed near enough.

"Ill," Taliserra replied. Her daughter was not doing too well. "Her temperature is still pretty high, everything else is mostly alright. I'm hoping she's coming towards the end of it."

Sol gave a slight, awkward nod. It had been an inadequate question, as the answer had been obvious. "I...hope she feels better soon," he added, to try and better his opening gambit.

"Me too, I don't like seeing her like this" Taliserra said before adding. "It makes me so conflicted, I have the ship to care for but also her. My mother does her best but I can't keep her here forever."

"That is, indeed, a conundrum," he agreed with a slight frown, considering her position carefully. "It must be a distraction to duty. However, our kin makes us stronger."

"I'll have to find a long term solution eventually but for now as long as my mother is happy to stay here I will be forever grateful to her." Taliserra sighed slightly, the long term solution would probably be a long time coming. "Thank you for this Sol."

Sol bowed his head slightly to her, secretly relieved that he didn't have to contend with such a dilemma. Truly, the seats of power were hard, and not built for comfort. "You are most welcome, Captain."


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lt JG Ash Rowe
Chief Flight Officer

Dr. Sol
Medical Officer


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