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Written in moments

Posted on Wed Jul 12th, 2023 @ 3:12pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Magnus Volsung

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Deck 1- Ready room
Timeline: 20th june 2395

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. Marcus Aurelius wrote that, centuries ago. Lieutenant Magnus Volsung had always liked that quote, but then again he rather liked Marcus Aurelius' thoughts. It was the sort you'd read and feel some recognition in, at least for a moment before your own experiences painted it, twisted it, changed it. It was why he liked the security reports. They were facts, truths, not impressions. And of course, the summarised monthly report was the sum of all the others, just with a nice attachment of the current stock in the armoury, the compliment of photon torpedoes and the rest of the weaponry that made a starship able to go where it needed to be without having to worry too much about being blown up by some grumpy non-Federation members with a chip on their shoulders.

He had gotten used to the reports. As an Assistant Chief, he had prepared it, but never presented it. Now, as a Chief, he had decided to still prepare it. But at least now he got to hand it over, answer questions and raise any concerns regarding the safety of the ship and the crew.

He had already tidied his appearance before the meeting, so rather than fuss over himself and cast any self-doubt, he rang the chime of the Captain's Ready Room. He had been critical to his own appearance beforehand, as he always was. Detached, he could see himself as someone who looked a bit forgettable as a human. When nature had decided his hair should go grey he hadn't gone to the barber to fix it. No, he had decided that it was how it was and kept it. He wasn't sure if it automatically aged him, but he knew he was a bit old for his role and rank. Couldn't be helped, really. He was good at what he did, but had never excelled in a way that brought you to the foreground of a promotional board. It was situational. He had been too young and inexperienced during the war, so hadn't rising in rank then. He had been kept on ships where excitement wasn't really a thing that happened. It hadn't made him soft, but sharpened his edges in a different way. Less improvisation, more repetition until you achieved something useful.

Taking a quick from going over some minor and very boring paperwork Taliserra had just retrieved a fresh mug of tea and was returning to her chair when the chime went off. "Come in."

Magnus walked in, looking at the Captain before he gave her a small smile. "It's that time again, Captain," he said, holding up the PADD. "If you have the time, of course?" He knew he really should schedule a meeting with her, but in his experienced scheduled meetings got pushed back when something else important came up. Also, he hated the idea of such a set deadline.

"The joys of command, more and more paperwork." Taliserra said dropping into her chair not spilling a single drop of tea. "Come on in Magnus." she told her chief of security.

"Thank you, Captain," he said, walking over to the desk. He didn't sit down at once, half out of habit, half out of respect. But he did ask, "Do you mind if I get myself something to drink?" He was thirsty and he knew he would be talking a lot.

"Go right ahead," Taliserra said with a small smile. "my replicator does great tarkelian tea."

Magnus hadn't heard of it, but he was always curious. He went to the replicator, clearing his throat as he always did. "Tarkelian tea, hot," he said, watching as it appeared. Technology. Not magic. He took it and walked to sit down, giving her a small nod. "Always ready to try new things," he blew carefully on the hot liquid before taking a sip.

"Never had tarkelian tea? my lifeblood, probably more of that in my body than blood." Taliserra laughed ever so slightly.

"It's good," Magnus said with a little bit of surprise as his brown eyes met hers. "I...I don't automatically know about these things. Even after all these years I am still not used to the concept of choice of food and drink."

"I read your file," Taliserra said after taking a sip of her own tea. "you certainly had an unusual upbringing compared to most.

Magnus raised his eyebrows at that before he smiled, nodding. "I suppose in a way I did. But I suspect no more alien to you than yours," he said, taking another sip of the tea. "I've spent more of my life on starships than I ever did there."

"There is something to be said for the 'simple' life but there is so much technology can do to make life easier." Taliserra remarked.

"And cure," Magnus said, before he looked at the report. "We did a check on the ship's weaponry this month. It passed, but I got the team to retune the phasers. No discrepancies." It had all been in a report a few weeks earlier, but he also knew the Captain saw a lot of reports. He never underestimated how busy a Captain's life was. "Just in case we need them."

"Well we haven't had to shoot at anything for nearly 3 months now." Taliserra said recalling the action against the Dead skull privateers vessels and station. "We're due for something soon at the rate this ship finds trouble."

"We are," Magnus agreed, giving her a small nod. "I want to work more with the security team, we have a lot of great talent and they have achieved a lot. I do want to keep them sharp. I wanted to request additional holodeck time to achieve that."

Taliserra nodded slightly. "Extra training is always worthwhile, make the arrangements with Lt Binea."

"I shall, thank you," Magnus said, taking a deeper breath. "I also wish to work on their hand to hand. I know it is Starfleet doctrine to have your phaser close, but the result of that is that people forget anything can be a weapon. I want to specifically focus on disarming an armed opponent and securing maximum cooperation without the loss of life."

"Sounds good." Taliserra said, her own hand to hand skills were quite lacking preferring to shoot an opponent down long before they got close enough, her mind wandered back to how helpful some extra hand to hand training may have been in preventing the trauma that constantly crept back into her life.

"I'd like a medic present as well, in case of injuries," he said, but he did notice how she seemed distracted. Rather than mentioning it, he continued. "But I will try and make sure to reduce the possibility. Unfortunately, when two people train together, it increases the risk."

"How is Ensign Turell?" Taliserra asked, Magnus' mention of injuries reminded her about her security officers injury from several weeks ago.

"Medical's cleared her for duty," Magnus said, because that was sort of all he knew in that sense. "She's...doing okay all things considered I think. No one's said any negative about her performance since she returned."

Taliserra smiled glad that Amanda was doing well. "Be sure to keep an eye on her, she'll think she's ready for more than her body is capable of right now." She knew Amanda well enough by now that her remark was genuine.

Magnus frowned at the words before giving a nod. "I will talk to her, see how she is doing," he said, clearly thinking ahead for that talk. He wasn't sure she would appreciate him being too cautious; he would feel the same in her shoes.

"And naturally she will tell you she's alright when she isn't." Taliserra added, she had told many people she was alright herself when she was far from alright.

He frowned at that, a worried little look coming to him. "Do you advise I check with medical as well, to make sure she isn't lying about her fitness?"

Taliserra shook her head. "She's not the type to lie, exaggerate maybe but not lie. If they say she's good to go she's good to go but they'll have warned her to take it steady to begin with, something she won't want to do."

He nodded, frowning at the words. Somehow, that was even worse...exaggerations were more difficult to spot than a lie. But he would have to adjust. "Thank you for the advise, Captain."

"She is a good security officer, just a little prideful for her own good." Taliserra added. "We have many good officers for a second line ship."

"I am noticing," he admitted with a chuckle, nodding at that. "I suppose there is a reason for it. Starfleet is elite enough to have such an abundance of people."

"We still have our fair share of fresh faced Ensigns and those just coming out of enlisted camp. Somewhere they think is safe for them to learn the ropes." Taliserra let out the slightest of chuckles. "Though with our record the Wolff is far from safe."

"It's a good balance. The...idealism of someone new is good for morale. Combats the tired cynicism of some of us," Marcus said lightly, the smile becoming somewhat of a grin. "And I like how shiny their pips are."

'Tired cynicism. you've got that right.' Taliserra thought, she was tired and in dire need of some proper shoreleave, no emergency orders, no drama, just a week or even just a few days of peace and quiet away from everything.

"I hope my crew will have the chance to add shiny medals to go along with their shiny pips." Taliserra said. "But we'll settle with living day by day for now."

Magnus gave a nod in agreement. "Live to fight another day," he said quietly, because was a fight in itself when it all seemed to blend together.

"Precisely." Taliserra said siting back in her chair. "Dismissed Lieutenant."


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Magnus Volsung
Chief Security Officer


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