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Seeing How You Are

Posted on Mon Aug 28th, 2023 @ 9:48am by Ensign Amanda Turell & Lieutenant Magnus Volsung

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Security office
Timeline: 22nd June 2395


"Turell," Lieutenant Volsung watched the woman, as always taking in her height. He was used to people having a few inches on him, regardless of gender. Turell always had a way of carrying herself that made her tower over everyone else. Good posture. She would be a brilliant rider if there was a horse around. "You got time to talk?" he asked the moment she looked back at him. His talk to the Captain was fresh on his mind and he knew he hadn't actually spoken to her, or anyone in his department, one on one. There had been meetings. Pleasantries exchanged when they passed in their duties. But he hadn't had those...conversations that he knew were important to have with your staff.

Amanda stiffened slightly when she heard Magnus' voice calling her name, tuning to face him as he asked her if she had time to talk. "Yes Sir, working on something but it's nothing I can't come back to."

"Good, although don't be afraid to say you're too busy if you are," he said, with a small smile at the way she had tensed. "Want something to drink?"

"I'm good for now thanks." Amanda replied, she turned to walk in the direction of his office assuming he'd no doubt want to do this conversation in there.

He nodded and walked there as well, going inside. He took a seat, motioning for her to sit down as well. "How have you been, Turell?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"I'm good, itching to get back into something more than just wandering the ship poking my nose into doorways to check for anything out of the ordinary." Amanda replied.

"Hm..." he nodded, sitting back in his seat, his hands resting palm down on the desk. "And how are your injuries?" he asked, a more blunt question.

"Pretty good," Amanda replied, she had a feeling the conversation would include a discussion about her recent clearance to return to full duty, she gave her arm a slight flex. "Bit of stiffness and another good scar to show and tell people about."

He gave a small smile, nodding at the words. "You are keeping the scar then?" He knew most people got them removed. For him, scars were...part of your story. Of your life. It was why his knuckles had the scars from learning to fight as a child.

Amanda chuckled. "Some people really love scars, all of them tell a story, usually a good one. Even the Captain has a good scar or two though her story isn't a happy one."

"A life is more chapters than just the good times," he said, giving her a small nod. "I am just...trying to make sure that I do not give you too much too quickly."

"Don't worry, I know what my limits are for now but I don't want you taking it easy on me give me anything on your list and it'll get done." Amanda said with the slightest involuntary groan; her feeling had been correct.

Magnus' eyebrows drew together in a small frown, considering it for a moment. "I will need your input then. About what you can get done, physically, and what has to wait a little bit. I know you will pull your weight, I want to make sure that I don't give you impossible tasks."

"I won't be wrestling Nausicaans any time soon but I'm good for pretty much everything else." Amanda said not that there was much for a security officer to do during the less dramatic times on a ship other than stand around looking mean in the more secure area's of the ship.

"Well, I will make sure that we don't do any wrestling this month then," Magnus said with a straight face before he smiled to her. "I will trust your judgement, but if something is...too much, you will tell me. Deal?"

"Of course Sir." Amanda replied.

He chuckled, nodding as he looked at her. "Alright then," he said, clearly pleased that she took the deal. And he wanted to show her that he trusted her. Like he trusted all of the people in his department. "Do you have any questions? Or comments?"

Amanda shook her head. "No, I think we're good."

Magnus smiled, because he liked the fact she seemed somewhat steady in knowing herself. "Alright then. I'll let you get back to it. I am sure there's a lot of work to be done that I've delegated to you..."

"Definitely, plenty to be getting on with." Amanda said as she headed to the door 'All of it absolutely boring'

Magnus nodded, watching her with a small smile. "Take care, Turell," he said, lightly, before sitting down and getting back to his own work.


Ensign Amand Turell
Security Officer
[Pnpc Taliserra]

Lieutenant Magnus Volsung
Chief Security Officer


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