Cardassian Intelligence Services

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Until the Battle of the Omarion Nebula, the Obsidian Order was in charge of intelligence and ruthlessly used its power to control the populace. Because Central Command and the Obsidian Order maintained such great power there was often a struggle between the two which resulted in a great rivalry. After the Orders collapse, it was replaced by a new Intelligence Organization, the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau.

In the aftermath of the Dominion War, the CIB was split in half to form two new organizations, under the control of the Central Intelligence Committee, a civilian oversight body appointed by the Detapa Council, the Bureau for Civil Intelligence and the Bureau for Foreign Intelligence, to minimize the ability of the Order to control the government, the CIB was limited to investigating only criminal elements or those deemed a threat to the state by the Detapa Council. The CIB's heritage to the Obsidian Order is clear however and it remains just as efficient as ever.