Medical Holodeck

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With the emergence of holographic technology, medical professionals around the galaxy saw much potential in it as a means of saving lives. Having the ability to impersonate real matter (and therefore, flesh, bone, skin, nerves, etc.) and being able to run simulations inside living tissue made it an invaluable tool in several medical fields. Testing and operational experience over the last ten years have proven their worth, so Starfleet began to include dedicated Medical holodecks in hospitals and space stations. This was followed by adding them to all medical ships, such as the Olympic class. Some of the larger classes of ships also have them now, but the vast majority make do with modifying an existing recreational holodeck to suit the medical situation.

Medical holodecks have pre-set programs to instantly create anything from an additional Sickbay, to a Surgical Bay to a Triage Ward. Because they are tied into dedicated replicators, medical personnel can easily have the tools and medicines they need created just by asking.

These holodecks are also indispensable training facilities, allowing physicians and their staffs realistic training. They can also provide prognosis simulations to see if a course of treatment may or may not work.

The downside of medical holodecks are their immense power usage and program complexity. An additional holodeck means additional Operations and Engineering personnel to keep them up and running.

See also Holodeck