Phonetic Alphabet

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The phonetic alphabet is a standardized series of unique sounding words used to spell out letters in order to avoid the confusion of similar sounding letters. Note that some of the letters or numbers have exaggerated pronunciation in order to differentiate them from other words, the numbers five (pronounced "fife" to avoid confusion with the word "fire") and "niner" (to avoid confusion with the German word for "no").

Alpha (AL fah) Mike (MIKE) Yankee (YANG key)
Bravo (BRAH VOH) November (no VEM ber) Zulu (ZOO loo)
Charlie (CHAR lee) Oscar (OSS cah) 0 (ZEE ro)
Delta (DELL tah) Papa (pah PAH) 1 (WUN)
Echo (ECK oh) Quebec (keh BECK) 2 (TOO)
Foxtrot (FOKS trot) Romeo (ROW me oh) 3 (TREE)
Golf (GOLF) Sierra (see AIR rah) 4 (FOW er)
Hotel (hoh TELL) Tango (TANG go) 5 (FIFE)
India (IN dee ah) Uniform (YOU nee form) 6 (SIX)
Juliet (JEW lee ET) Victor (VIK tah) 7 (SEV en)
Kilo (KEY loh) Whiskey (WHIS key) 8 (AIT)
Lima (LEE mah) X Ray (ECKS RAY) 9 (NINE r)

See also: Aerospace Terminology