Security Station

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A Security Station can be as simple as a post manned by a single Security Officer to an office that allows Security to monitor a certain area, control access, or provide faster response times. It also makes Security readily avaliable to the crew and passengers. A ship or station can literally have dozens of security stations about its decks. Usually they are located near areas requiring limited access, such as the Computer Core, Antimatter Storage, weapons bays, and the Intelligence Centre. High-traffic areas like a Promenade and Lounges are also likely spots. Stations are also set up alongside Airlocks to watch those that come and go. When dignitaries are aboard, Security may establish a station near the VIP/Guest Quarters. Anywhere the Chief of Security or the command staff deem worthy of securing can have a station set up in close proximity.

No Security Station is complete without its own Weapons Locker.