Illnesses and Diseases

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Aging Disease: Rapid aging caused by radiation exposure.

Adrenaline, Modified Transporter Biofilter

Altairian Encephalitis: A retro-virus that incorporates its DNA directly into the cells of its host, lying dormant up to many years before becoming active without warning and subjecting the host to a coma and delirium for days. This inactivity erases through synapse degradation all memory back to the point of infection. Victims would be pyrexic and comatose and would suffer from widespread synaptic degradation. Apparently Klingons are immune to this infection.

Desegranine, Synaptic Induction

Anaphylactic Shock: A very strong allergic reaction.


Anchilles Fever: Highly contagious and deadly disease capable of spreading rapidly in a planetary population and causing widespread and painful deaths in the millions. Caused by a hydra-like micro-parasite.

Genericillian (helps eleviate symptoms), Anchilles Fever Vaccine

Andronesian Encephalitis: A highly contagious disease transmitted by air borne particles, but easily treated.


Aphasia: Nominally a perceptual dysfunction in which aural and visual stimuli, as well as other communication and comprehension function, are incorrectly processed by the brain. Typically aphasia is associated with cranial trauma, such as a stroke or severe blow to the head, but there are no spontaneous afflictions on record. Dysfunction of certain brain centers affecting the ability to communicate in a coherent manner. Different forms of aphasia exist

Genericillian, Delactovine, Corophizine

Aphasia Type Virus: Virus created by Bajoran scientist Dekon Elig, intended to be used as a terrorist weapon against the Cardassians. The disease organism would have been delivered through an aphasia device planted in a food replicator by the Bajoran underground. Once contracted, the virus would find its way to temporal lobes and disrupt normal communication processes, causing a type of aphasia. As the virus spread, it attacked the autonomic nervous system, causing a coma, then death. Engineered by Bajorans during the occupation. Is fatal within 12 hours if not treated.


Arethian Fever: Viral disease.


Atherosclerosis: A pathological condition in some humanoid species characterized by the hardening of the arteries and accompanied by the deposit of fat in the inner arterial walls. Progressive Atherosclerosis could necessitate replacing the aorta.

Vascular Regeneration Therapy

Auroral plague: A disease of unknown origin triggered by the EM interference of a planet's aurora borealis. Characterized by changes of skin pigmentation (blue, green, then red), severe debilitation, high fever, and death. First diagnosed on Dramia II.

Saurian virus antibodies


Balt'masor Syndrome: A disease which Klingons suffer from. Treatment involves regular injections.

Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome: A syndrome where intron release causes a de-evolution within a patient's DNA. The virus is caused by the invasion of genetic codes by synthetic T-cells. Condition in which dormant genes are reactivated, promoting mutations in the victim.

Antiproton Radiation Therapy

Bendii Syndrome: A rare usually fatal disease that afflicts Vulcans over the age of 200, debilitating their emotional control; there is no known treatment. Early symptoms include sudden bursts of emotion, especially irrational anger, but the only way to prove a diagnosis is made by culturing tissue from the patient's metathalamus -- a process which takes several days. A dangerous side effect of Bendii Syndrome is that the loss of emotional control can be telepathically projected to others due to Vulcans telepathic abilities.


Banes' Haze: A brown, oozing liquid that gives off a very meaty smell. Some had dubbed it ‘Banes' Haze’ due the way in which it infects people. Initially nothing more than a by-product of the brown ooze, when it came into contact with an oxygen rich environment the meaty smell in which it gives off. Also produced a form of airborne bacteria that when inhaled, caused its victims to develop something that could only be described as putrid pustules.

These abscesses of some sort grew inside the lungs, growing at a substantial rate, slowly cut off the body’s oxygen consumption while eating away at its victims innards at the same time. It was a very vicious disease but a rare and fascinating one at that.

(Found in deep space)

Biomimetic Fluctuation: Medical reading in Founders that are indicative of dangerous instability of the morphogenic matrix.

Blight: Disease unleashed on the Teplan civilization by the conquering Jem'Hadar as an example to all who defied the Dominion. Everyone there is born with it. In the asymptomatic stage, sufferers showed blue lesions on the face and body, which turn red with the onset of the terminal stage, known as "Quickening"; death soon follows. However, the virus was found to mutate after Quickening when exposed to EM fields like those from Starfleet medical instruments. It was discovered, however, that the antigen did cure babies in utero. Plans were underway to vaccinate all pregnant women.


Cardassian Virus: An illness that brings on cold-like symptoms.

Cartalian Fever: A deadly viral plague.

Cholera: Acute infectious enteritis, common on Earth in the 19th and 20th centuries, caused by the organism Vibrio cholerae.

Cold, Common: An infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by any of over 200 viruses in many humanoid species. Earth disease which was notoriously difficult to cure. By the 24th century the common cold was a curable ailment. It was finally defeated prior to 2364.

Coleibric Hemorrhage: A blood discharge associated with some aspect of Cardassian anatomy. A fatal condition in Cardassian physiology.

No known treatment

Corellium Fever: High fever combined with delirium. A disease that broke out on the planet Nahmi IV in 2366.

Cytotoxic Shock: Prostration of bodily function, caused by high levels of cytotoxins.



Darnay`s Disease: An incurable terminal disease which attacks the brain and central nervous system; symptoms visible by its final stage include coughing, pain, shortness of breath, and irritability and other erratic behavior.

No known cure, to delay the disease use a Cortical Analeptic

Depressurization: In a depressurized environment, consciousness lasts 15 seconds followed by 10 seconds of disorientation followed by unconsciousness. If caught early enough placement in a pressure chamber (Form of decompression chamber) may save the patients life.

Dermal Dysplasia: Skin disease caused by over-exposure of the epidermis to thermal and ultraviolet radiation.

Dorek Syndrome: A rare and incurable disease which affects 1 in 5 million Ferengi.

Dream Deprivation: Deprival of sleep from the "rapid-eye movement" phase restricts dreaming and causes the loss of concentration and cognitive abilities. Paranoia, hallucinations, and insanity are all common symptoms.


Enantiodromia: Psychological term that literally means conversion into the opposite as a means of dealing with stress or loss.


Engramatic Dissociation: A theoretical condition in which someone with a disciplined mind is able to compartmentalize contradictory information, believing one thing while doing another.

Eosinophilia: An abnormally high count of serum eosinophilis, a type of white blood cell in humanoids. Serum Eosinophils - specific instance of the virus.



Forrester-Trent Syndrome: Degenerative neurological disorder. It is very rare, but if left untreated, can result in paralysis and even death. The syndrome is usually hereditary but can be activated by a random mutation. A neurostabilization regimen can stabilize or reverse the disease.


Fostossa Virus: Disease organism. Fostossa virus was epidemic on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation, killing thousands of Bajorans. A cure for the disease was developed by Dr. Crell Moset, but only after extensive experimentation on Bajoran prisoners, resulting in the painful death of many of those unwilling subjects.


Gorn Rotavirus-E: A gastrointestinal infection that effects serveral species of humaniods, typically at a young age. It is common along the fringe worlds of the Gorn Heremony, although the more civilized interior worlds have eradicated it. It is usually spread by crews of shipping lines that frequent these worlds. Because the incubation period is so long (72-96 hours), the disease can be spread widely. Fortunately, there are vaccinations for all species that can be infected but they typically have a shelf-life of only a year making stockpiling the vaccines impossible.


Heartburn: Burning sensation in the chest caused by indigestion.

Hemocythemia: Condition in which intracellular pressure is unstable. This condition is also called Hemocythemic imbalance.

Osmotic Pressure Therapy

Hesperan Thumping Cough: A flu-like infection

Histamic Reaction: Massive body weakening infection


Holodiction: Literally, "holodeck addiction" - the condition of preferring Holographic fantasies to reality. A psychological condition where an individual becomes so caught up in holographic simulations that the real world becomes unimportant.

Holotransference Dementia Syndrome (HTDS): Medical condition in which a person becomes so disoriented within a holographic simulation that they lose their sense of identity and start to think that they are part of the program.

Hyperacceleration: Biochemical condition that plagued the people of the planet Scalos due to radiation permeating their water supply. Hyperacceleration of biological processes caused an individual so affected to experience one second as if it were an entire hour. Outsiders who were accelerated quickly burned out, dying in a very short period of time due to cell damage. To a normal, nonaccelerated person, a Scalosian sounded very much like an insect.

Hyper-REM: Abnormal neurological condition during sleep.

Hypochondria: Condition which causes the sufferer to imagine they have various other medical conditions.

Hypoglycemia: The human condition of low blood sugar.

Norep - 40mg/dl or more creates motor coordination problems


Iresine Syndrome: A very rare neurological disorder in humanoids characterized by a peculiar electropathic signature in the thalamus, and a severely decreased histamine count. Victims of the disorder, first identified in the 23rd century, would fall suddenly into a coma for approximately 72 hours. Diagnosis could be confused by the presence of any of 22 different substances that left electropathic residue resembling that of this disorder.

Irumodic Syndrome: Disorder which results in progressive degeneration of the synaptic pathways. The disease can cause senility and eventually death.

Treatment of choice for the disorder was Peridaxon, though this was simply palliative; no cure existed.

Iverson's Disease: A chronic disease that causes fatal degeneration of muscular functions in humans. Iverson's disease does not, however, impair mental functions.

There is no known cure for the condition. Can be slowed by Neural Transducers



Kalla-Nohra Syndrome: This is a physical condition that is unique to Bajorans and Cardassians. Dr. Kion Prit, a Trill doctor giving medical aid to Bajoran refugees on Privis II, first identified it. It is named after the first Bajoran he discovered with the disease, a woman who died shortly after arriving to Pivis II. The only people known to have the condition had served at the Cardassian labor camp of Gallitep when a mining accident spread radiated anti-leptons across the region. Both Cardassians and the Bajoran laborers were exposed to the radiation. There is no known cure, but it is treatable with medication. It resembles Pottrick's Syndrome identically, except that Kalla Norah will produce a positive result with a lower-pulmonary bio-probe.


Lacunar Amnesia: Type of amnesia that occurs when a patient witnesses an act of violence so terrible that the patient rejects the reality of the situation.

Larosian Virus: A mild disorder with unspecified symptoms that may include lack of inhibitions


Levodian Flu: Disease which normally lasts for 29 hours. Symptoms are similar to Earth flu.


Lobar Pneumonia: Disease that effects the lungs.

Louis Prestons Disease: Fatal disease that effects the transfer of neurotransmitter hormones in the brain.


Metremia: A degenerative and incurable blood disease caused by exposure to metreon isotopes which attacks victims on the molecular level and may lie dormant for years. Once manifested, it causes a victim's atomic structure to undergo fission and the cells subsequently disintegrate.

Morphogenic Virus: A virus engineered by Starfleet Intelligence ("Section 31") with the intent of killing the Founders. The primary symptom is a decreasing ability to shapeshift, accompanied by pain and peeling skin; the progress is accelerated by frequent shapeshifting and in the final stage of the disease, the Changeling cannot revert back to liquid state and will die in solid form. The cure for the disease contains a nucleotide marking sequence consisting of adanine, asporadine, lytastolanine, and radanine.

Mutagenic retrovirus: A biological weapon


Neural Depletion: Complete loss of electrochemical energy within a humanoid brain leading to death.

Neural Metaphasic Shock: A potentially and often fatal failure of the entire neurological system in a humanoid.


Omega IV Virus: An airborne virus native to Omega IV, it dehydrates the human body, reducing it to a crystalline form. The planet itself provides immunity, and enough time spent on the planet will lead to the death of the virus.

Orket's Disease: A childhood virus that swept through Bajoran work camps during the Occupation. Thousands of Bajoran children were killed.


Paranoia: A mental disorder characterized by an abnormal suspicion of persecution.

Plasma plague: A lethal disease caused by a group of viruses first discovered in the 2260s on Oby VI. Various forms of radiation effect the plague differently.

Pottrik syndrome: A disease similar to Kalla-Nohra syndrome, which Marritza at first claimed to have.

Psi 2000 Virus: (also known as polywater intoxication) A complex water-carbon molecule which is transmitted by touch and affects the body like alcohol. It has the ability to significantly reduce inhibitions in many humanoids. Gravitational fluctuations from certain stars or planets can create the molecules.


Psychotropic addiction: An addiction perpetuated by an effect directly on brain cells.


Quickening: The terminal stage of the Blight. Symptoms include the turning of the blue skin lesions to red; toward the end, the victim is weak and prone to muscle spasms, all accompanied by extreme pain.


Rigelian Fever: This deadly disease, similar to Earth's bubonic plague but even faster-acting, first appeared in Sathura on Rigel IV in the 2120s and killed 100,000 people before being stopped. It flares up on Rigel IV every few generations, occasionally hitting ships in orbit through planetside crew. Outbreaks of a disease similar to it show up in older Orion records; disturbingly, some of those records hint that earlier Orion empires might have built Rigelian fever as a biological weapon. Rigelian fever drastically damages humanoid glandular systems, causing unsightly swelling as it shunts aside temperature regulation mechanisms and cooks the sufferer from within. Only ryetalyn treatments can cure it, and it can leave serious neurological or organ damage in its wake.


Saurian virus: A pneumonia-like disease that originated on the planet Sauria.

Saurian virus antibodies


Tuvan Syndrome: A neurological disease affecting such various species, such as Romulans, Vulcans and Rigelians, which typically is degenerative and incurable. In the normal profile for degeneration, the patient will begin experiencing a loss of motor skills in ten to fifteen years, with life expectancy somewhere in the twenty to twenty-five year range upon contracting it.





Xenophobia: Fear or hatred of all things foreign or alien.

Xenophycythemia: A deadly disease characterized by an excess number of red blood cells in the blood. Patients suffering from this disease can live at least a year with proper treatment.


Yarim-Fel Syndrome: A terminal illness affecting Cardassians; it attacks the digestive tract, circulatory and respiratory systems, and cartilaginous tissues. It can be treated with hexagen therapy or neuro-regeneration procedures, but there is apparently no cure.


Zanthi Fever: A virus which affects the empathic abilities of older Betazoids, causing them to project their own emotions onto others in close proximity during such an attack, manifested as a passing headache. The emotion only takes hold in subjects where a latent propensity in that direction was present; a simple wide-spectrum anti-viral agent is enough to cure it; the effect on others fades in a day or two.

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