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What possibly could go wrong

Posted on Tue May 29th, 2018 @ 8:17am by Lieutenant Helena Wells

"Computer open personal log Wells, HG"

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"Well being aboard a star ship is not exactly what I thought it would be. I was hoping for a bit more adventure I suppose. Ah well, that is the dream and the reality does not always mesh. I am guessing that perhaps not being a full blue shirt might be some of the problem. The captain seems to be very unhappy about having none Fleeters aboard.

I digress though. The machine seems to be working just fine. A nice steady stream of generated anti-matter and so far no indication that anything has gone wrong. In fact last I checked it seemed the engines were operating well at peak. Hopefully those reports made it back to the captain as well.

That reminds me I do have to congratulate at some point engineering. The replicator seems to finally have figured out not just a decent cup of tea but a really exceptional one lately. Just the right blend at precisely the perfect temperature. The towels are coming out with a softness that would put most luxury hotels to shame as well.

Just really nice to see everything working so well finally as this ship gets its feet under it. The computer yesterday even managed not to bog down while calculating five dimensional m-brane space with multiple negative eigen values. Well I will take that as a small miracle.

I suppose I should stop in by the counselor. I sort of promised without holding my fingers behind my back and since the computer seems up to the challenge I will throw it some new problems to work on.

Well off I go for a new day and what possibly could go wrong?"

"End log."

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