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Medical Exam Yuvek

Posted on Tue Aug 7th, 2018 @ 3:08am by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Edited on on Fri Aug 17th, 2018 @ 3:32am

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff, Sickbay
Timeline: 12th feb 2395 Late Evening


Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek dreaded what was about to befall him. Ever since he was a child and he was forced to undergo routine examinations during he and his brothers stay within various Cardassian orphanages. Unless you were suffering from a hyper-contagious disease that threatened the entire planet, most Cardassian doctors did not focus too much on "bedside manner".

Now as an adult, Jasad found himself once again making the long and unwanted march of death towards the ship's sickbay. As he entered the room he immediately went to the desk in front of him and unceremoniously announced himself.

"Lt. Yuvek, I'm here to be poked and prodded." He said flatly to the Assistant.

She laughed, "Excellent take bio bed on the right and I'll get the doc and the pokers and prodders." She grinned.

Jasad nodded dutifully as he made his way over to one of the open beds.

Galatea sat down at her desk. It has been an unusually busy day and she was a bit worried about Ensign Manning's pregnancy. She sighed and closed her eyes for a second when her door chimed. She opened her schedule and noted that her next exam was Yuvek. She took a moment and then put a smile on her face, "Come on in."

"Lieutenant Yuvek here to see you doc." The young woman said.

Galatea sighed picked up her med bag and headed over to the man. She found him seated on a bio bed. "Hello Lieutenant. Welcome to the Wolff."

Jasad sighed as he turned to face the incoming Doctor. "Yeah, I'm here for my. . . ." He voice stopped as the words began to form. He was suddenly happy to be examined.

"Well thank you for having me?" He said with a smile to the attractive doctor.

Her lip twitched, "Relax Lieutenant I know ninety-five percent of the crew has white coat syndrome. I promise I don't bite...unless someone tries to take the last slice of chocolate cake...then all bets are off." She chuckled as she motioned for him to hop up on the bio bed.

Jasad was feeling something, but it certainly was not white coat syndrome. He casually made his way over to the bed and sat down comfortably.

"You never know, I might even enjoy a little biting." He joked to the medical officer.

Unlike Cardassia, the Federation seemed to have a never-ending supply of young and gorgeous medical staff. It was almost as if it was a mandatory requirement just before you could pick up a medical tricorder.

She smiled, "Alright. So tell me a bit about any recent medical ailments you've had."

This was the part of most examinations that Jasad did not enjoy. He had always thought to himself that as long as he was able to complete his physical fitness requirement and remain in good health, there was no need for doctors to poke and prod any further.

"I have a scar across my chest from a plasma weapon." Jasad said evenly. "It was significant, but I have since recovered. Other than that I do not have any other problems." He said quickly.

. . .at least not physically. . . he thought.

She smiled, "Alright. let's have a look at you then. Follow me to the main bay." She lead him to the main sickbay and had him sit on the bio bed. Picking up her tricorder she said, "I have looked at your medical records. They are quite complete and I'm happy with your last physical. If you lay back I will complete the onboard exam and then we can get a DNA sample for storage."

Jasad nodded and reclined onto the biobed and stared at the device above him. He had been in numerous dangerous and life-threatening situations before. However, he was able to hold a weapon or fleet in those other situations. Here, he was forced to submit to whatever device the Doctor decided to use on him. The fact that this was a Federation facility as opposed to a Maquis base did not do much to assuage his fears.

Galatea chuckled, she could sense the fear radiating from him. "Mr. Yuvek my I ask you something?"

Jasad was caught off-guard by the Doctor's jovial chuckle.

"Go ahead. . ." he said hesitantly.

She smiled, "Why do people always get so nervous around doctors. I mean we are not that bad." She finished the scan and then made a few notations on his file. Hurrying she prepped a hypo for the inoculations that he'd need as he responded.

He turned his head slightly to look at her. "Because you have the knowledge and the ability to save or take a life away with the slightest flick of your wrist." he said as he turned his head to look back at the diagnostic device above him. "While we have no choice but to submit ourselves to your mercy." He said flatly.

She smiled and shook her head, "And any doctor will tell you that that's not how things work. We take an oath to save lives." She held up a hypo. "Standard dose for space sickness. First one is not optional but if you have no issues you won't need one again until and if you transfer to a new ship." She pressed the hypo to his neck. "Now we have only two more issues to take care of. Your Counseling clearance and DNA sample." She picked up a swap and handed it to him. "If you'll sit up I will take a DNA sample."

Jasad sat up slightly and extended his arm for the doctor. "I'm sure the local shrink will have a field day. How often do they get to encounter a Cardassian war-orphan?" he said cynically.

She smiled, "No need for that, we'll swab the inside of your both, better DNA cells." She handed him a swab. "Would you like to do it? As for the shrink I am the local shrink." She smiled bigger.

Jasad reached for the instrument. "I'd feel more comfortable if I were the one inserting foreign objects in my mouth." He replied quickly. "I've never understood the need for shrinks on a combat-capable vessel." Jasad said as he swabbed the inside of his mouth.

"What good is talking about your feelings in the middle of an enemy engagement? Or even after?" He asked rhetorically. "If I wanted to discuss my thoughts I'd do a personal log." he added.

"Ah, well that is something for us to explore during our sessions. My job is to make sure the crew can function and do their jobs and to make sure stress doesn't make people drop the ball." She took the swab and put it in a marked container that would preserve the DNA. She inserted it in a wall across from where Jasad was seated and had him put in a code that only he knew. That would lock the sample and only the CO would be able to open it need be. She then lead him to the counseling office, a comfortable room with a sofa and some chairs. "Please have a seat. Can I get you a drink?"

Jasad sat in the chair; however, he was anything but comfortable. The medical aspect of being poked and prodded he understood. He didn't like it, but he understood it. But this psychological examination was a fruitless endeavor in his mind.

"No." He said pointedly. "I'm fine." No need in becoming relaxed, the sooner he was cleared, the better.

She smiled at him, "Let's get started shall we?" She picked up a pen and notebook, her tools of choice. "Tell me a bit about you, your hobbies, your likes, why you chose Starfleet. How did you come to be here."

Jasad stared at the woman for several moments. "I'm Cardassian, my hobbies include doing my job as Helms Officer, Chief Helms Officer, and that's it." He said pointedly.

"I chose Starfleet because I believe in its mission of maintaining peace through strength. Particularly as the number of enemies continues to grow rather than decrease." He added flatly.

"I doubt there is much else to add." he said in hopes of concluding this medical interrogation.

She smiled, "Helm is your department but not your hobby. Do you like to draw, dance, paint? What do you do to relax?" She wasn't letting him off that easy.

"Cardassian children are not taught to be idle." He replied. "From a very early age we're taught substantive skills that we will later use to be of service to the Empire. . .or at least what was the Empire." He said ruefully.

"Painting and dancing were not a part of my curriculum." He said. "I am a Helmsman. It is what I was commissioned to do, and it is what will keep us alive when we undoubtedly run into an enemy that doesn't see the value in having 'hobbies'" He said.

She smiled, "Well! You, my friend, have just written your own prescription. I want you to explore some hobbies. I am willing to give you a conditional pass. The condition is that you will see me once a month and you will explore relaxing hobbies."

"Explore new hobbies, huh?" He said as he leaned forward and smiled. "Is that an offer to join me?" He asked the attractive female officer.

She laughed, "Alright you are on. Being from a warrior culture our first hobby exploration will be rock climbing in the holodeck."

Not exactly what I was shooting for. . . He thought to himself. "Fine." He said, "Does this conclude our debriefing?" He asked impatiently.

She smiled. "Yes. You can go be a helm warrior now." She shook her head grinning.

Jasad nodded as he stood and left the room.


Lieutenant (j.g.)
Jasad Yuvek


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer and Counselor


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