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Random replications

Posted on Sat Feb 16th, 2019 @ 12:07pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Sika EngD

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - Co's quarters
Timeline: 17th feb 2395, 1445hrs


In her quarters Taliserra paced around the room with Lashell in her arms trying to settle her, she had woken up badly and now was fidgeting furiously and crying loud enough that it could probably be heard across the deck.

"How about a feed will that help?" She asked heading over to the replicator. "Milk in a bottle for infants and a hot tarkelian tea." she called out.

The replicator whirred and a small tray appeared but instead of the tea and milk she'd requested a packet of self sealing stem bolts and 4 peices of duranium composite metal showed up on the tray.

"Computer comfirm the replicator order I just placed." Taliserra asked just a little confused.

"Requested items were, milk in a bottle for infants and hot tarkelian tea." The computers voice replied.

"hhmm strange." She carried the still squirming Lashell over to her desk and tapped a couple of controls. =/\=Tigran to ops centre=/\=

"Operations" responded the Bajoran. He was quick and to the point. It was not a good day and that was evident in his tone. "Yes, Captain?" he asked quickly avoiding any question about his tone of voice.

=/\=Could you send someone over to look at the replicator in my quarters, it is acting very strange.=/\= Normally she'd have looked at it herself but with a crying squirming daughter she didn't have a spare hand.

"Just don't order anything else. You won't like what happens. Medical and I are about issue a ship-wide announcement declaring all replicators off use until further notice. I have food replicators adding industrial agents into cherished recipes, chemicals being added to cocktails, and industrial replicators spitting out bananas instead of phasers" explained Sika.

The Bajoran groaned. "I'm on my way. You may want to be prepared. At this rate, we could have to fend off a boarding party with banana peels."

=/\=Just be warned my little one is not very happy right now, sooner you can get this replicator up and running the better. Tigran out.=/\=

It took some time for the Bajoran to arrive, but when he did arrive, he did so with a proper kit. The Chief Operations Officer did not wait long. As soon as the doors started to slide open, he pushed himself on through. "You called and so here I am." he announced.

"Quietly." Taliserra said, she paced the quarters with Lashell over her shoulder. "I just got her settled, don't think she will stay settled for very long though."

"If you are looking to replicate any formula, I believe Ensign Smith said he had some when he tried to order the tuna salad." Said Sika in a serious tone, though there was an underlining attempt at humor. "That's when I started getting reports coming in and piling up for work order requests. Something clearly fishy" he added. "You were Chief Operations before. Has this ever happened on the Wolff during your tenure?"

"Not the replicators but we had all the sonic showers go down once, took about 4 days to get them all running properly again." Taliserra replied. "That was an interesting experience."

"All the better to prepare you for serving on a Klingon vessel." he teased. "Hopefully, we can get this replicator issue sorted out because I do not want to have to take us back to a station or starbase for something as minor as this, and between the two of us, I want to figure this out before the Chief Engineer does."

Taliserra laughed a little. "You'd better hope you do fix it, we'll be on combat rations before too long at this rate and you don't wanna be dealing with the aftermath of a few weeks of them."

"Nor does medical" replied Sika. "Believe me, I know. I have had to live off of them for several weeks at a time and sometimes the rations were past their use by date. Let's just say the aftermath of that was discomfort for days." added the Operations Chief.

Sika had approached the replicator and began taking it apart after severing the power supply to that particular unit. "I'll have a look at your unit, but I've inspected several so far and aside from some small recalibrations and some faulty parts in need of replacements, the units themselves were not bad enough to cause problems." added Sika.

"Could be a software issue," Taliserra suggested. "They might not have worked out all the kinks after the repairs, it's strange that it has taken a couple of weeks to show though if it is."

Sika grunted and looked at Taliserra with an expression that displayed his frustration and the blood boiling just beneath his skin. "If it is a software issue, I am going to have to start having work crews crawling through Jefferies tubes and maintenance chutes." the Bajoran said. "You know as well as I do how extensive that work would have to be to find the issues."

"Certainly not something you want to be doing." Taliserra replied, she knew it would be bad.

Lieutenant Sika had opened his tool kit and using several diagnostic tools, he began to explore the possibility. It was a possibility he was hoping would be disproved. However, with a bead of sweat running down his the strong nasal ridge, catching in the slits of his nose...he turned to Taliserra and his eyes said it all.

Sika placed his tools back in his case and closed it. "The good news is I am fairly certain we can get this fixed without having to turn us around. The bad news is your suspicions about software is looking more likely. There's a virus in the updated software, whether it had been intentionally placed there or something acquired shortly thereafter I'm not sure yet...I'm going to need to get my best systems analysts on this and a computer forensics specialst...for the time being I recommend emergency rations and sincerest condolences for the inconvenience."

Taliserra sighed slightly "The crew is not going to like this Sika, luckily Miss Haugen keeps a good supply of fresh stuff but I don't think it will last long."

"No, they certainly will not like it at all" replied Sika. "Though crew morale is not within my duties. So, I'll be leaving that to Lieutenant Commander Radek to monitor and it probably would be best that he use that calming and reassuring Vulcan logic of his to break the news to the crew." added Sika.

"You said Ensign Smith has some baby formula?" Taliserra asked and as if hearing the talking turning back to food Lashell started up again, squirming and crying.

Sika nodded "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Ensign Smith does" he said gently as not to make the crying any worse. "I can hold...the child if you need someone to watch while you find some formula." offered Sika.

"I can't promise she will calm down for you but you can certainly try." Taliserra said slightly suprised at the offer.

The Bajoran nodded reaching out to take the child. "She just needs a little time with uncle Sika" he said softly. "I know a few old songs of the Bajora, hymns more than songs, but they can be rather appealing to most ears." he added as he readied himself for the little one.

Carefully Taliserra passed her daughter to Sika. "Thank you."

"You are welcome...anytime." he said taking the Captain's daughter.

"I will not be long." Taliserra said, she quickly left her quarters tapping her combadge on the way out.

Sika started to bounce the child in his arms and coo to her. He started to hum a little Bajoran hym of the prophets about a rainy season and warm sun bringing a good harvest.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lt. Sika
Chief Operations Officer


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