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Posted on Tue Feb 26th, 2019 @ 1:38pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Mikoto Misaka
Edited on on Fri Mar 1st, 2019 @ 6:15pm

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Uss Wolff - Mikoto's quarters
Timeline: 25th feb 2395 late into beta shift


As Taliserra walked down the corridors Taliserra thought about many things. How two warring species might stay at war if she and her crew are unable to stop them, how the latest report from sickbay was very bad and how she was going to explain what she was about to resort to. Reaching her destination she pressed the chime to Mikoto's quarters.

Mikoto who had been on medical leave for the past few weeks looked up at the door. She was just getting to the good part in her book. At least now the morning sickness had started to fade out, which was good as it had been driving Touma crazy. She glanced down at the fresh olives on a bed of lettuce in the bowl on the table, one of her crazy cravings lately.

"Come in" she said. She didn't see the need to move to the door. She had an excuse not to move afterall, and today she was feeling more lazy than usual.

Taliserra stepped through the door. "Morning Mikoto." She said to the slightly younger woman.

"Captain" Mikoto said attempting to stand up, but her legs were still a little sleepy so ended up flopping back down onto the couch. "Sorry... I wasn't expecting you. Come in, you can sit down if you'd like? My legs seem to disagree with me moving from the couch at the moment" she explained. She hated it when her legs would go to sleep on her. It was probably because she wasn't used to sitting down for long periods of time.

"That's ok, don't strain yourself on my account." Taliserra replied, she found a chair and sat herself down. "How are you?"

"Much better now that I'm out of sickbay for a while" She replied with a smile. "I've spent the last two and a half weeks in and out of that horrible place. I can't believe that this baby of ours will cause me so many problems so early on" she explained. "But the last time I was there, the Doctor said that I might be able to return to duty soon. Which frankly I would welcome, do you know how boring being home all the time is? I mean, these quarters have never been cleaner!"

"Well, that's part of the reason I'm here, have you managed to keep up with what has been happening the last few days?" She asked.

"Only what I've heard from Touma. I know we're in the middle of a diplomatic mission outside of Federation space. However since he's not a senior officer he doesn't know the full details of whats been happening on ship." she explained. "And he's been too busy fussing over me too, so I'm kind of out of the loop you could say"

Taliserra was glad Touma had kept at least a little informed. "Negotiations haven't taken place just yet, as usual we have a much bigger problem to deal with first."

"Oh?" Mikoto asked as she picked up one of her olives and popped it into her mouth. After swallowing it her face turned to that of slight concern. "Whats been going on?"

"A virus," Taliserra replied. "a rather nasty one, we've no idea where it came from and when it came onboard, the alien ambassador and his party seem clean but this virus is quickly taking people down, only a couple of deaths so far."

Mikoto's face turned to surprise. "I see" she said simply. She suddenly feared for the child within her. "Sorry, that wasn't what I was expecting. I'm just scared that it's going to end up infecting me and my baby" she explained. "Do we know how to stop it? Or where it came from?"

"Anthony and Galatea are working on it," She replied, "right now we've no idea where. That is where you come in."

"Where I come in?" Mikoto asked curiously.

Taliserra smiled slightly, what she had to says would no doubt elicte a mixed response. "If you feel up to it I want to call you back to duty, and have yourself and Touma focus of trying to find the source of this virus, someone or something bought it onboard and I want to know who or what. It is so sudden and that makes me suspicious."

Mikoto pondered the question for a few seconds. Several things ran through her mind. "Well" she said. "It gets me out of here and doing something useful" she began. "If you need me, I'll put back on the uniform... it might be a bit snug however."

The smile grew larger. "I'd like you back, a lot of the most recent sick are from security, at this rate there will not be much of a department left soon, it is spreading rather quicky."

Mikoto nodded. She pulled herself off of the couch and stood up. "When do you need me to start?" she asked simply.

Taliserra pondered for just a moment. "As soon as you can, if you can."

"I'll be with you very soon" she said as she moved into the bedroom. A few minutes later she emerged in her uniform. She finished zipping up the front of the grey and black tunic as she walked back through the door. "A little snug around my belly, but its not too noticable yet." she explained.

She stood and smiled, it felt good to be back in the uniform. She was glad she had kept it and not recycled it. "Lieutenant Mikoto Misaka, reporting back for duty Captain" she said.

"Welcome back Lieutenant." Taliserra smiled back. "Straight to business then if you're up for it. I would stop by the lab first off and speak with Anthony and Galatea. Take a hazmat suit with you just in case."

Mikoto nodded. "Yes Captain" she said with a small smile. "I'll get right on it once I've clocked onto duty"

"I'd also try and speak with the ambassador and his aide, the ambassador seems ok but I am not so sure about the aide, she seems quiet and evasive and very concerned about the ambassadors scent bottles, several were broken a few days ago." She added.

"Thats the first place I'll try" Mikoto said. "Thank you Captain"

"Good luck Lieutenant."


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer.

Lt Mikoto Misaka
Chief tactical officer


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