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Medical Alert

Posted on Tue Feb 26th, 2019 @ 1:37pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Ensign Bracca & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Lieutenant Sika EngD & Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Petty Officer 1st Class Saral

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - observation lounge
Timeline: 25th feb 2395 beta shift


It was late into beta shift when Taliserra stepped onto the bridge. She knew she should have done this earlier but she wanted to give Galatea time to investigate things before she let the crew know.

"What's our status Commander?" she asked Radak.

Radak stood from the Captain's chair and stepped aside if she wanted the seat. "We are still a few hours from our destination, Captain. We have not seen any other Kurai ships, which I suppose is good." He wanted to ask more, he could feel that more information would be coming soon though, so he kept his mouth closed for the time being.

"Good." Taliserra turned to Ens Bracca at the helm. "Helm, full stop, hold this position till further notice."

"Aye, Sir," Bracca replied, he was curious why she'd given the order but still tapped out the commands on his console and dropped the ship down to a full stop.

Radak turned to Taliserra, one eyebrow lifted curiously. "Captain?" he queried.

"I will explain shortly Commander," Taliserra replied then tapped her combadge. =/\= Senior officers to the briefing room, Lt's Polaris and Edwards you can remain where you are.=/\= She knew they'd still be working feverishly in the lab, waiting a few moments longer on the bridge she turned and headed for the briefing room.

=/\=Thank you Commander Tigran we’ll be in science lab three commander,=/\= Lieutenant Edwards said.

Galatea responded with an acknowledgement and continued her work feeling more haggard then she remembered feeling...ever.

=/\=This is Lt. Voss. Acknowledged Commander, I'm on my way,=/\= came the reply to the Captain from engineering. He turned to one of his colleagues. "Hold the fort until I'm back." Then he was off to the bridge. When he arrived a few minutes later, he'd given himself a once over, before stepping off the lift and heading for the briefing room. It was his first time meeting with the senior staff since Lt. Navore had been sent to sickbay, and he'd stepped in to fill his shoes.

Radak looked around at the Bridge crew and followed the Captain to the Observation lounge.

=== Observation lounge ===

Radak was right on Taliserra's heels as she entered the Observation lounge. "Captain? I promise I am trying to be patient, because I know you are getting ready to tell all of us whatever is going on, but I am concerned and asking anyway." He waited for her to move to the head of the table.

Voss enters not long after giving both the Captain and a nod. "Sirs," he greeted moving to a chair but waiting for the Captain to sit before he dropped his butt into it.

"Lt. Voss," Taliserra said surprised at him coming instead of Kallen. "Where is Lt. Navore?"

"Sick, sir," Voss replied. "Came down with something and went to sick bay. Sounded like hell when he asked me to fill in."

'Not Kallen too,' Taliserra thought. She quickly tried to push the thought of him potentially dying from her mind. "Thank you Lt., keep an eye on the department."

"Will do, Captain," Voss replied.

Lieutenant Sika, Chief Operations Officer for the Wolff entered the room with a simple nod and grunt. He was not a man who used his intellect to expand his vocabulary. He was technically minded, but not the least bit social unless engaged in a conversation within his field of study or interests. "Evening" he said to the others already in the room.

Sika took a seat at the table, and patiently waited for the rest to arrive and for this meeting to begin. He was intrigued to hear what everyone had to say though he himself was not prepared to add too much.

Finally taking a seat, Voss settled into his chair, giving a nod to Sika.

Radak also decided to take a seat, to the right of the head of the table. He set the PADD he was carrying down on the surface in front of him, his eyes mostly on Taliserra.

Lieutenant Yuvek walk through the doors of the room and looked around the room briefly for his seat. He was glad that he was not the last officer to arrive.

Commander Vaz entered the room next, her face cast down in a considerable scowl. She hadn't been feeling well the last few hours and her head was pounding like a speaker. She silently lowered herself down in an available seat and waited for the briefing to start.

When all the officers she'd called had arrived Taliserra stood and walked over to a screen to open a link to the science lab. "We have a problem, some of you may have noticed a large amount of crew have gone to sickbay in the last 24 hours, there appears to be a very dangerous virus going around the ship."

Sika did not like the thought of a virus spreading around the starship. Immediately this triggered concern and a response from him, ruffling his feathers a bit. "Have there been any fatalities from the virus?" asked the Bajoran. He was not directing that question at any one individual. "And what is Medical and Science doing to deal with this virus?" he continued with his line of questioning.

Radak also seemed surprised. His eyebrows lifted slowly and a million thoughts ran through his mind. He did not wish to inundate the captain with questions she would probably be answering soon, so he stayed quiet and waited.

Lieutenant Yuvek leaned back in his chair and listened intently to the conversation. Cardassians physiology was fairly resilient to most naturally occuring bacteria and viruses. However, if there was a disease that was sweeping through the diverse races of the ship, then it was potentially a threat to the young Cardassian himself.

Voss frowned deeply, his right hand twitching slightly before he draws it up to his left shoulder. He felt the sudden need to shower, like he could feel the virus creeping into his pores.

Vaz looked up with concern. She felt terrible and was immediately trying to manage the suspicion that she was also sick. Still, she remained silent, listening.

From the video monitor which was set up as the video link to Science Lab 3 Anthony responded. “Medical and sciences are doing everything we can to find firstly for Medical a short term cure and while I help with that I am also concentrating on an immunisation for it.” He looked down not wanting to say it looking up again everyone could see a tear in his eye now. “Yes, we have lost a crew member.”

Galatea jumped in. "We've got the sick sorted into three sections, Green not so ill, yellow very ill but not critical, and red... well speaks for itself. The patient that passed on was red. We have two more in Red, one of which is..." He voice broke a moment, "Lieutenant Elijah Alexander, Security, and Ensign Patterson, one of my counselors." She sighed, "We've also had several Green upgraded to yellow and one...odd occurrence."

Voss looked up at the mention of a dead crewman. "Who?" he asked. "And who's the odd occurrence?" he was hoping neither of them would be Navore.

Galatea sighed, "Ensign Rogers from Engineering, he was a new transfer." She sighed, the weight of the words sitting heavy on her shoulders. "As for the odd occurrence we have a Bolian final year placement cadet that was red but has gone to yellow."

“We are hoping that we might be able to synthesise something from the Bolians blood, but that may still be dangerous to Vulcans or Romulans,” Anthony added.

"Rogers?" Voss exclaims before getting his composure. "I came aboard with him," he said somberly. "Captain, if someone needs to inform his family, I volunteer." Though he was not so distraught to catch the bit about Vulcans and Romulans. "Why Romulans or Vulcans? Apologies, not up on fixing people like I am on machines."

"Bolians carry something that is dangerous to Vulcans and by the fact that Romulans are related to them too but I think I may have a response to that," Galatea said.

"They have cobalt based blood," Radak said, almost under his breath. "It's toxic to Vulcans. Vulcan blood is copper based."


"My sincere condolences to everyone who's lost a friend or colleague," said Sika solemnly. "However, we will have to mourn our dead friends another time. We have to press onward and continue searching for a means to combat this virus, and ultimately destroy it," added the experienced Operations officer.

Sika cleared his throat. A knot was there thinking about the deceased. He made it an effort not to get close to anyone aboard, friendship or otherwise, especially otherwise. However, that did not mean that death did not affect him. "I am about as useless as can be when it comes to medical matters. This isn't the sort of virus I am used to dealing with. However, in theory the principles and protocols are relatively the same."

Radak nodded. "You are correct in theory, Lieutenant," he said to Siska.

The Bajoran wrinkled his nose even more than normal, it made his ridges really stand out. "I thought as a Vulcan, you would appreciate the cold hard facts, and an attempt to focus on the virus."

Radak nodded again. "I do not suppose we know where this virus came from? Or how it is transferred from person to person?" he asked, his gaze shifting between Sika, Taliserra and the medical staff on the viewscreen.

"If it's transmitted sexually, then I say it is a small blessing we do not have a heavy crew compliment of Bolians aboard," said the Bajoran. He shot a look at Radak. "And given that you are not in Pon Farr, Commander, you'd have nothing to worry about. However, I'll go out on a limb and say this is not a sexually transmitted virus."

"Thank goodness for small miracles..." Radak responded with a hint of sarcasm, one eyebrow raised at the Bajoran.

"What have you been able to find out about the virus?" Taliserra asked hoping they'd had enough time to find out something important. "The origin, how it became airborne?"

Galatea sighed. "Good news first, we know that Bolians have something that fights the virus, Bajorans are unaffected so that may solve our Vulcan Romulan issue. Bad news is it's probably..." She stopped as she coughed a little. It had not been a lot, but it was enough that a small trickle of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, Galatea was blissfully unaware.

========= Science lab 3 ========

Anthony saw the reflection of blood for the corner of her mouth. Quickly, he said, =/\=Excuse us for a moment Commander Tigran. Give us a few moments.=/\= As he said it he jammed his finger onto the console which killed the video feed to the observation lounge. “Doctor would bleeding from the mouth be a red flag?”

She looked up at him confused. "Well it is the beginning state it's one of those things where some have it and some do not but it is what I would categorize as pre green. Still functioning yet infected. Why?" She was a little curious as to why he'd killed the feed.

Taking a tissue from another desk Anthony came back and rubbed the corner of her mouth and showing her the result before he said, “I guess this means that we need a cure even more now.”

She sighed. "I guess so. Let's interface back I have to give them some more information." She wouldn't go down easy. She was determined to work to the end.

“Very well Doctor, I guess we get this meeting over then six hours after that your going to have to leave the rest of it to me and my science team. Being the latest victim of this we will use you as a guinea pigs for the drugs trial,” Anthony said. As he finished he tapped the comm link to reopen the link.

======== Observation Lounge =======

Radak sat back from the table, alarmed. "I don't know what to say, Captain. We're in trouble. We are going to have to postpone the peace talks until we can get this situation under control."

"That is what I intend, I've already ordered the helm to hold us in this position, we will not be moving from here until this is resolved," Taliserra said, she was concerned though, with the delays of the Yatal escort to meet their ambassador, the attack by Kurai ships and their engine trouble meant the ceasefire period between them was swiftly running out.

Lieutenant Sika looked at the command officers. "If we are going to experiencing this virus sweeping over the crew and sidelining personnel, I would recommend we be prepared to allocate personnel where necessary," interjected the Bajoran.

He shot a look of apology at the Vulcan. "I don't mean to step on your toes, Commander. I'm just thinking of this virus from an operations standpoint. We may have some personnel cross trained who can fill in where we may be soon missing personnel."

Galatea and Edwards interfaced back into the room. "Apologies. I still have a bit of information. I do require some help," Galatea said. She cleared her throat. "But before we get into that. You asked about the virus. It looks like Velari Virus but the standard Tremazine treatment doesn't work and the symptoms are much, much, much stronger. The virus seems to adapt genetically. So far we've found out that the Bolians have a way of fighting it through their immune system and the Bajorans are completely immune. I have a theory about Cardassians too." She battled as to whether to tell them she was infected or not.

"I do not feel as if my toes were stepped on, Lieutenant," Radak said to Siska. "These are indeed things we need to be concerned about." He turned his attention to Galatea and Edwards. "Are there ways to test who is immune without infection everyone?"

Galatea gave a nod. "There are. I have created a program that can run a scan and make a... guess approximately 97 percent accurate." She resisted the urge to mop up the sweat off her brow. "I can begin the scan from here and transmit data up to the bridge. Also I request any non essential Bajoran personnel to sickbay." There was one more request that she wanted to make. "I also have one more request to make. Captain I believe that the choice would be yours."

“Actual blood tests as part of the scan would probably increase the accuracy of the test to just over 99 percent and would give us any genetic mutation at the immediate front line of the disease,” Edwards said before adding, “lt will also give us an understanding of what the Bollians and Bajorans have in their blood that makes them immune to this virus.”

Galatea gave a nod.

"What request doctor?" Taliserra asked, she'd already given her permission to use whoever and whatever she needed to find a solution.

"There is a civilian doctor aboard. Doctor Stephens. I will require his assistance. I understand that it's unusual, but I would like him to receive a temporary commission as Deputy CMO." It was asking a lot and no doubt there would be questions

“Captain, I would also suggest any people that are working in medical that aren’t showing symptoms yet unless completely immune to whatever this is begin using moonsuits, like any team member of the twentieth century Centre for Disease Control,” Anthony added.

Galatea smiled. "Give me some credit. They are all in suits. As for my request it would not be unusual, but if you recall Doctor Stephens is a special case." She wasn't sure if the captain knew his full case and his beef with Starfleet. "To clarify, I wish him to share CMO duties with me as his speciality is the issue we are dealing with now."

"If you need him use him Galatea," Taliserra replied. "Whatever you need to do to find a cure."

“Come now Lieutenant Polaris, I give you credit, when it is due. All I can say is I’m glad you dropped into my science area in a lab that wasn’t being used at the time, because it could have been disastrous if you hadn’t.”

Galatea smiled a little.

Suddenly, Commander Vaz hunched over, beginning to cough uncontrollably and fill the room with the sound of her struggle. She cupped her hands over her mouth as she did so and the fit lasted for nearly fifteen seconds. When she was finally done, she relaxed, leaning back and removing her hands; they were dotted with flecks of blood.

"Ahuuuhhh," she released an unintelligible sound, looking at the Doctor with an alarmed expression.

"Commander Vaz. Please step away from the table. I am initiating an emergency medical transport to sickbay."

Mariana calmly stood up from the her chair and stepped away from the table although the worry on her face was clear to see.

Radak stood from the table and backed away a little. "How contagious is this virus again, Doctor?" he asked warily.

=/\="I would suggest everyone up there stay exactly where they are and be ready for an emergency transport directly to sickbay if Commander Vaz is showing signs of this virus,”=/\= Lt Edwards responded first. =/\=I guess this means that it is time for this brief to relocate to sickbay if anyone needs more information.=/\=

Radak looked around the room. It was hard to say exactly what he was looking for or at, but he did look a little worried, even for a Vulcan. "I guess we stay here then..." His gaze turned to Vaz, waiting for her to be transported out of the room.

Galatea initiated the transport knowing her staff would be able to tend to Vaz. "I guess I should confess," she said. "I, too, am showing signs of the virus although it's not as rapid as those I've seen. I suggest that Edwards and I get back to work. This will not be easy." She shifted her gaze to the captain. "I will send some non infected staff to the bridge to monitor the bridge crew."

"Then we will remain on the bridge till we're checked over by your staff, Doctor. The best we can do is stay out of your way and provide whatever you and Anthony need." Taliserra paused for a moment and turned to the rest of the officers. "Keep your eyes open for any Kurai ships, we are already late for our expected rendezvous with them."

Radak nodded. "Aye, Captain. Do we have any means of contacting them at all?" he queried. He was still standing, but his posture had relaxed a little bit, as much as a Vulcan relaxed, anyway.

"We should be able to transmit a message explaining our situation towards their space with the translation device the Ambassador gave us but we have no specific point of contact," Taliserra replied.

=/\=Commander Tigran, I would suggest a long range scientific probe as the vessel to transmit the information and the translation device and maybe put out quarantined ship messages on all known frequencies, Sir. To stop anyone approaching us and maybe becoming infected,=/\= Lieutenant Edwards said.

Radak nodded again. "I believe a quarantined message would be a good idea, as well."

"Then that is what we will do," Taliserra said, standing she leaned forward slightly resting her hands on the table. "Galatea, Anthony, keep working. Call us if you need anything. Lt Sika, program a transmission and run it through the translation device and upload it to a class six probe and send it in the direction of the rendezvous coordinates."

Sika nodded. "Captain, I will have that carried out and done immediately. Do you have anything specific that you wish to say?"

"Just explain our situation and explain we won't proceed until it is resolved." Taliserra sat back in her chair with the slightest of groans. "You all have your jobs, dismissed."

Galatea gave a nod. "Acknowledged Lab three out. We're going to get to work down here."

=== Science lab three ===

When the coms shut down Galatea turned to Edwards. "Just how by the book are you?"

Anthony hated that question and the fact that the doctor was asking it made him even more nervous. So he answered her cautiously. “This isn’t one of those physician heal thyself is it?” Those doctors that believed they needed no one else in the world always made him even more nervous than being asked the question of a language and linguistics major "how by the book are you" made him.

She smiled, "Sort of. The doctor I require is...not one to help out. I think I have the motivation to aid his decision making." She looked at Edwards. "Are you up for a bit of a fib?"

Anthony laughed and said, “You're going to directly lie to your boyfriend Hunter, or is it still too early to say that.”

"Funny but no. I will be transporting the said doctor into this lab, without a moon suit," she said matter of fact.

“Do you have something against trying to stay safe, or is it to test your theory of blue people being immunity?” Anthony asked.

"No, no, Just trust me a little." She grinned.

“Well medicine wise I do trust you Galli, you know it better than I do!” Anthony said with a smile.

She smiled. She'd try to be nice but that would only take her so far.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding officer

Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer

Lt(jg) Anthony Edwards
Chief Science Officer

Lt Sika
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant j.g.
Jasad Yuvek
Chief Helmsman

Lt Jason Voss
Chief Engineer


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