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One winged warrior

Posted on Sat Jan 16th, 2021 @ 6:04pm by Ensign Amanda Turell & Ensign Cameron Kore & Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 3rd April 2395 1130hrs


Amelia slipped the PADD under her arm as the doors to suckbay opened. Her eyes haggard from hours up on the bridge followed by her adrenaline rush waring off. She looked around and saw Amanda and Gabe on biobeds beside each other. Her feet moved quickly taking her between the two.

"Ensign, how do you fair?"

Amanda slowly opened her eyes when she heard someone talking to her. "Hi boss." she said though it was muffled slightly by the oxygen mask atop her face.

Amelia looked the woman over paying close attention to the woman's shoulder.

"Will your wing make a full recovery or is it light duty and a desk job?" Amelia asked Leaning slightly against her biobed.

"You'll never find me in a desk job, even if I only had one arm." Amanda said, she was serious about that.

She snorted "I dont doubt it Ensign, though if I catch wind that you are disregarding the CMO's directions on your schedule for recovery I'll throw you in the brig myself."

"Oh I know when to behave myself." Amanda sighed slightly. "I'm going to be here for a while yet."

Amelia nodded. "Good woman, get back up to 100 percent. We need away team qualified officers incase something happens. Do you need anything while you are here?" the elder woman asked.

"Did everyone else get through alright?" Amanda asked. She'd seen Gabe laying on a bio bed nearby but had seen him up and about a little.

Amelia smiled softly as she nodded "Yes, everyone pulled through. It does appear that you and the Chief were our primary injure monkeys this round through. Same order to him that I've given you, take your time to get back to 100%. We don't need either of you re-injuring yourselves because you pushed to hard."

Amanda smiled slightly glad no one else got hurt but one other thing was on her mind. "You bring my rifle back?"

"Last I saw all weapons were accounted for." Amelia said as she looked down at the young officer.

"Good. Was it worth it, did we get anything useful out of it?" She asked hoping the answer would be yes.

"Yes, we did. Not everything we wanted but we got something for engineering to look at." she said mild annoyance in her voice.

"I hope it helps us find them, I'm going to give them some payback for this one that's for sure." Amanda shuffled a little on the biobed regretting it a few moments later as an ache started in her shoulder.

"You worry about getting better, if you are and when we find them we'll see about payback." she patted the side of Amanda's biobed.

"Don't worry, I'll be back on the range in no time at all, thanks for coming to see me."

"You always look in on the people who were injured." she rapped her knuckles on the biobed again "Remember that Ensign for when you're not an Ensign any more."

Cameron slowly approached Amanda's bio bed. "I'm sorry Lieutenant but we need to let Ensign Turell rest."

"Of course, I'll just be on my way." Amelia said as she gave a nod to Amanda and turned to leave the sickbay.


Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Ensign Amanda Turell
Sec/Tac Officer [npc Taliserra]

Ensign Cameron Kore
Nurse [npc Taliserra]


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