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Mine of Darkness

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2022 @ 6:57pm by Lieutenant Dovenice Baka & Captain Taliserra Tigran

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Lounge
Timeline: 0700

Looking a bit disheveled from a long night of work, Dove took a seat at a quiet table in the lounge. While most people were ready to start their day, Dove's third shift status turned breakfast time into dinner. She checked her personal messages on a PADD, sent a quick reply, then flipped the PADD to focus her attention on the food before her.

She didn't have plans beyond eating - maybe listening to an audiobook while finished a crocheted hat for her brother? At this point, Ren would have a hat for each day of the year. But, Dove liked crocheting hats. It helped her relax.

Her meal was nearly finished when someone approached her table. She looked up from her plate, figuring they needed a place to sit in the filling lounge, and was surprised to see the Captain.

Taliserra smiled down at her fellow joined Trill. "May I join you Lieutenant?" She asked, hoping the woman wouldn't say no. She had after all come here specifically to speak to her.

"Please," Dove indicated the seat across from her.

"An uneventful night shift I assume?" Taliserra asked as put a mug of tea down on the table then sat down herself.

"Mostly," Baka admitted, though her uniform showed signs of having done some traveling through Jeffries tubes as some point. "There were a lot of diagnostic reports we finished up."

"Good," Taliserra said then took a sip of tea. "Well I'm afraid I'm going to have to increase your workload a bit more."

"Oh? How so?" Dove asked. She flipped her PADD, ready to take notes.

"The chief followed me into the ready room this morning, she spouted some blah blah about how everyone in the department is useless and idiotic and needs firing." Taliserra began. "She kept talking for a quite significant length of time but the short of it is, she's leaving "

Dove raised a hand to her mouth while taking a moment to look down and study the remains of her supper. She felt her heart skip a beat in her chest, a tiny celebration already beginning. There was definitely going to be cake in Engineering as soon as Kiroshi was safely out of earshot. However, she did her best to remain professional as she returned her gaze to the Captain. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said with a vocal register which was surprisingly serious.

"I am surprised she has remained this long given her initial interactions with myself and the crew." Taliserra remarked.

"Given her hubris, I doubt she will find any assignment satisfactory. What does this mean for the engineering team here?" Dove asked.

"She also put in for leave effective tomorrow morning." Taliserra explained. "So as of tomorrow morning I'm in need of a new chief."

Long life had taught Baka to never jump to conclusions, though she couldn't overlook that the captain had sought her out, "Are you looking for recommendations?"

"I have someone in mind." Taliserra sipped her tea. "If she thinks she's up for it."

"I'm sure whoever you pick will be an improvement. What's left of the engineering team know their stuff." Dove input.

"None of them have your overall experience though Dovenice," Taliserra put her tea down and clasped her hands together. "The position is yours, if you want it."

After a moment of consideration, Dove answered, "Well, I can't argue that you made a poor choice. I'm sure I'm up to the task if you trust me with it."

"Then it's yours." Taliserra said with a wide smile. "You can have a few days to rearrange yourself and your staff as I want you on Alpha shift."

"I'll take a look at the schedules later today. Transitioning sleep schedules shouldn't be too difficult. After all, it's always nighttime in space." And, she had a quiet party to plan, too. Engineering would soon be a happy place ... Her happy place.

"Good, then I will say congratulations Lieutenant and then leave you to your dinner." Taliserra began to stand as she spoke.

"Thank you, Captain," Dove answered with an eager smile.


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