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A medical tale

Posted on Sun Oct 2nd, 2022 @ 3:12am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant JG Jun Zhao

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Tbd

Down in the Wolff's sickbay Jun sat at the desk pouring over some of the days attendees and filling in the details for the full medical log.

0615- Ensign Andaro came in for his latest antibiotics treatment, his infection is proceeding well and one more dose of antibiotics should clear it up.

0640- Crewman Intrix came in with a broken wrist, told us he fell over on the holodeck while bouldering. Simple treatment with a bone regenerator.

0800- T'miko's hair folical treatment is going well, the patches of missing fur are gradually refilling themselves. She's increasingly happy with each report. We'll have her back out on her beach holoprogram in a few more weeks.

0850- Nice quiet period, managed to get more tissue sample analysis done on a viral strain I found in one of the holodeck biofilters. Proving to be quite a simple virus easily treatable.

0905- Petty officer Garim showed up with a stomach complaint of unknown cause, scans showed nothing, treatment not needed as Garim proceeded to break wind extremely hard for almost a full minute. Felt considerably better afterwards and left with a very sheepish look on his face..... had to run sickbay decon program twice before the smell was eliminated.

1019 Operations staff arrived for adjustments to EMH programming after incident previous night where EMH chopped off Ensign Yaro's finger with a laser scalpel.

1145- Emergency call to the mess hall, Crewman Brandreth was attempting some 'home cooking' and set himself on fire... fire suppression system stopped the fire spreading, luckily Brandreth got away with mostly minor burns, nothing the dermal regenerator couldn't handle. Reminded him to double check he's doing everything correctly and safely next time.

1235- Mcpo Grace requested semi private appointment to talk about a constant itch she has, no physical reason why she is constantly scratching herself, given analgesic cream to soothe the itching and referred to Counselor Wyse as problem may be a psychological compulsion.

1300 to 1330- I believe that Ensigns Jasper and Lt Kelly are going to try and have a baby, they both came in separately today. Jasper to tell us he didn't want to continue his contraceptive shots and Kelly to ask about fertility treatments, this isn't the first time she has asked about this, she has tried to conceive in the past but has been constantly unsuccessful.

1400 handed over to Lt Ross.


Ltjg Jun Zhao
Medical Officer
Written by Taliserra Tigran


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