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Options and opportunities

Posted on Sun Oct 2nd, 2022 @ 12:07pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo
Edited on on Mon Dec 5th, 2022 @ 5:51pm

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Deck 1- Ready Room
Timeline: 19th June 2395

"So what is next Miranda?" Taliserra asked her yeoman as she put the Padd she had been scrolling through down on her desk

"Engineering wants your approval on some...... upgrades to the impulse engines." Miranda replied and handed Taliserra another Padd.

"Some 'upgrades' what kind of upgrades require my personal review and permission?" Taliserra asked.

"Well they're only theoretical." Miranda began to explain. "Something Ensign Larson has cooked up by the looks of it."

"Let me have a good read through on this and I'll get back to her." Taliserra said and put the Padd down to one side.

Tyrus was uncertain how to feel about being in the Captain's Ready Room discussing performance reviews and evaluations. It felt a bit uncomfortable as he readjusted his positioning in his seat. "The Science department has been doing notably well" noted Lieutenant Commander Acevedo.

"I expect nothing less from Anthony and his team." Taliserra remarked. "Our little encounter at Arbazan has given them some most interesting work to be doing."

"Anthony you say?" Ty flashed a mischievous smirk at Taliserra's direction. "Have you been spending time with our Chief Science Officer?" Ty had been wondering if there was a new man in the Captain's life. She did seem a bit different lately.

"Is a Captain not allowed to occasionally refer to refer to their officers by their first names anymore Tyrus?" Taliserra asked a little surprised at the suggestion but kept her voice cheerful.

He smiled. "Ty," he replied. "That is my preference, and I didn't mean anything by it. It is your prerogative. I just have not been used to Captain's doing that. Mine were always very conservative."

Taliserra smiled slightly too, she'd deliberately called Ty by his full name. "A lot of the officers have been with the Wolff for quite a few years now, even to back when I was the Xo, some of them are practically family, they deserve first name basis every now and again, even on the bridge."

Ty nodded "It will just take me some getting used to is all. Besides, I'm still rather new here." He looked at PaDD. "You know we have departments that have been sitting without a department head."

"I do," Taliserra replied. "I've been debating them in my head for some time. I know Lt Samson has been working hard and would make a fine candidate for security."

"On any other ship sure, but we are a scientific explorer when it comes down to it, Captain. He's a fine officer and I trust him; however, he's been in and out of sickbay with headaches. I find Volsung to be the sort of officer we'd want. He has the training, experience, and a sharp mind. I suspect he'd study a situation more thoroughly before firing."

"Sometimes you need a firebrand at the tactical console though Ty, even on a science explorer." Taliserra said as she looked up Volsung's file on yet another Padd. "But I do agree, he has more overall experience with a department, assistant chief on his last posting."

"Exactly my point," Ty replied. "I'd prefer that spitfire be at the tactical station, but not safeguarding an away team. I would be more comfortable with Volsung as the head of the department and leave you with Samson as often as permitted."

"Alright," Taliserra said after a few moments of silent thought. "Make the arrangements."

"While we are at it, Captain, we may as well look at our Medical Department as well. I know that Doctor El-Azar was hoping to finish his medical education and proper licensure to return, but holding the seat vacant is not ideal. There are qualified candidates aboard."

"It will be.....interesting to have Deepak back whenever he is able to but we do need someone to fill the position." Taliserra said before taking a sip of some tea that she'd mostly ignored.

"Then we should proceed with filling the position with our most viable option," said Ty. "If we are in agreement with who that is, then this will be a fairly easy decision."

"I would personally prefer Lt Zhao to get the position, mainly due to her time served on this ship, she knows the crew and my...their specific medical needs more than anyone onboard." Taliserra said, she liked Jun and the woman had done a lot for her over the years including delivering Lashell. "However I believe Lt Ross would be ideal also."

"Ross," Ty replied. "I think we would in a better situation going with Doctor Ross as Chief Medical Officer" he added. "Ross has age and experience on their side. As pleasant as Zhao can be, she's twenty eight which I know is not much older than I am, but I also was not looking to make First Officer before thirty five."

"Age is not everything Commander, I'm a Captain in my early thirties, look at Ensign Larson. She is only in her twenties and she has more knowledge and know how than engineers twice her age." Taliserra smirked slightly. 'More like 230's' she reminded herself. "But I agree Lt Ross would be the better option overall."

"Respectfully," Ty countered. "You are a Trill, a joined one at that. You've been a woman. You've probably been a man. Perhaps a mother? An engineer? Ballerina? You have the potential of drawing from lifetimes of experience...someone like me does not."

"True, however I earned my full Lieutenant pips and a department head position before I became joined to Tigran, so not everything is down to several quite short previous lives." Taliserra said then added a little explanation. "Not counting me, only two of my previous hosts made it past their thirties, Ariana had only been a host for three years before she died and Malteus not much longer."

Ty smiled. "Admittedly, I never know how to converse about these things with joined Trill. It is so perplexing to me. You were you and in a lot of ways still are, but there's the added layer of your symbiont's previous hosts. I cannot imagine what that feels like."

"It can be strange at times," Taliserra remarked. "Getting caught up in memories that are actually a previous hosts. Suddenly being good at something you weren't before joining, having to call yourself by the symbionts name took some getting used to."

"I'll take your word for it," Ty said with a small smile. "I don't want to experience that even temporarily. I enjoy being me too much to be anyone else."

"I used to be left handed too, that was a very odd change." Taliserra added after picking up her tea.

Ty nodded. "So, shall we continue with these reviews? Who do we have next?" he asked. He knew they had tackled some of the more pressing matters.


Captain Taliserra Tigan
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo
Executive Officer


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