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Axes at Dawn

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 8:14am by Ensign Eden Drake & Lieutenant Magnus Volsung

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Gym
Timeline: Pre Shoreleave


One of the good things about being a Chief, as Magnus had discovered, was that it was possible to book areas for training. So when he had approached Eden for training, he had booked out one of the spaces used as a gym. It was that or the firing range, but he thought this would be best. Hand to hand. He had shown up early to set up, putting the mats down, putting up the training weapons. And in the usual way he worked, he had put up examples of weapons you could come across. There was the usual sword shape, the ax shaped...and a table leg shape, a vase shape...the latter was for a joke, but he did look forward to seeing Eden's face.

He wore his civilian clothes rather than a uniform of a fitness outfit, for the simple reason he wanted to show Eden that it wasn't all work. Building trust took time and maybe the uniform, with Eden at least, was a hinderance. So he had gone for sensible soft trousers, sensible boots and a tunic, the sort he had worn at home with a more open throat and a weaved belt. He had sat down in the corner while he waited, a knife in his hand and a piece of wood, slowly carving what would eventually be a horse.

Eden, on the other hand, was wearing the simple, black training gear, a bag slung over his shoulder as he approached. He slowed when he saw he was working on something though, trying to make out what it was before he disturbed him.

"Eden," Magnus smiled as he stopped, taking the small bag and putting the knife back in its sheath before putting it in there, alongside the wood and the shavings. "How goes it?"

"Fine, fine," Eden replied easily, but his eyes were on the bag he'd put aside. He motioned to it with curiosity, glancing back his way. "I...what was that? It looked like you were using a knife..."

"I was...carving," he said and opened it, to show him. "It might become a horse at this rate, if I pay attention. If not, it'll end up being some...general four-legged shape. It keeps my hands busy."

Eden took it, looking closely as he let his fingertips run over the tactile object. "You really did this?" he asked with surprise, looking at his boss with new eyes.

"Yes," Magnus nodded, looking at the other man before he tilted his head to the side a little. "It's...something to keep my hands busy with. I like making animals. Birds are fun too. If you want, I can teach you how but be warned..." he lifted his hand, to show the small scars here and there, from when the knife had slipped over the years. "It can be a bit bloody."

Eden chuckled as he arched an eyebrow, able to imagine the dangers involved. "I'll just commission you..." he assured as he lifted a hand up. "I'm likely to take a finger off, I don't have an artistic bone in my body."

"Alright, I'll carve you something," Magnus promised, accepting the words easily. He was sure that Eden was exaggerating, but woodcarving wasn't exactly a hobby anyone would consider.

"So does this mean you're good with knives?" Eden asked with a sly grin as he moved to the mat, rolling and stretching his shoulder out.

"It's not my weapon of choice," he put everything down before he stood, smiling as he rolled his shoulders, slowly. "My weapon of choice is a hand axe," he added, watching Eden closely. "What's yours?"

"Whatever I can get my hands on," there was an edge of grimness in Eden's voice, but he was honest. "I prefer projectiles to energy weapons, if I'm going to spend an hour on the shooting range. Nothing is going to sound as impressive as a hand axe though..."

"Shooting range is good," Magnus said as he moved onto the mats. "So I thought we could warm up with some hand to hand. And if you really feel adventurous, we can do training with swords or something..." he suddenly smiled. "Yoga mats don't count as a weapon, so don't get any ideas."

"I value my rank, I'm not going to do you a bad turn," Eden assured quickly, a sparkle of humour showing in him, more than had been allowed at their chat in his office.

Magnus laughed, his eyes warm as he nodded. "Alright...but for this, don't hold any punches. I learn best by...getting hit," he admitted and stretched, rolling his shoulders for a moment before nodding. "Let's see how quickly you get me flat on my back, Eden."

Eden launched at him without warning. His arms were high and raised across his body like battering rams and his knee lifted as he flew at him, clearly with the clear intention to knock him down with his body weight.

Magnus grabbed him, unafraid of the pain at the impact of the other man's body against his. He grabbed him around the waist, half-swinging him as he went down on one knee before letting him go, in the hopes that Eden's own momentum would carry him forward onto the mat.

Eden let himself move into it, lowering a hand to touch the mat to stop his fall, and push onto it, his legs twisting in an arc before his feet touched the ground and regained his footing. He pushed forward all the same, elbow first, wrist aiming for his throat.

Magnus grabbed the wrist and elbow as soon as he was close enough, moving out of the way with a sidestep, but keeping the grip this time as he met the man's eyes. He grinned, pushing back, like he would have done when practicing with a shield as a younger man.

Eden pushed back against him, breathing long and deep with the effort. He held his eyes, sweat beading on his brow with the sheer strength of them holding each other back.

Magnus laughed suddenly, his eyes narrowed before he cried out, pushing forward suddenly. A quick show of strength, although it meant he lost the core balance he had. It didn't matter because he wanted to enjoy the fight.

Eden felt himself lurch back with it, but he twisted his body, to try and take the motion into a spin instead. He locked his leg around him, to make sure that wherever he ended up, Magnus was coming with him.

Magnus grinned as he felt the grip and made a decision. He let them both fall, heavily, the mats protecting them somewhat before he tried to pin Eden.

The air was knocked out of Eden's lungs with an audible gasp, but he already had his arm up between them. He pressed it towards his throat to keep him back from him, his thighs locking tight against him to give the leverage to try and shove him over. There was an edge in his eyes now though, a hardness from the threat.

Magnus watched him, taking a deeper breath as he pinned him for a moment longer before he eased his grip, letting the other man roll him over. He had seen the flash in his eyes and recognised it. So he backed off while he could, not wanting to push Eden too far.

Eden pushed him down, shifting atop of him as he moved his hands to pin him, instinct kicking in from the years of experience behind him to keep the other man disabled.

Magnus watched him, a small smile coming to him. He stayed still under him, not fighting. A balance, because he could see the training there. "Eden," he said, his voice gentle. "It's okay."

Eden searched his eyes for a moment, taking a breath before pushing himself up and back away from him. He caught his breath, resting his arm on an arched knee. "Sorry, Sir," he said quietly.

"Don't be," Magnus sat up, watching him for a long moment. "That sort of training is excellent, but not when you can't distance yourself from it. We'll work on it. Second nature, but you still being in control, not the training. I suspect if I had struggled you would have restrained me harder."

Eden paused for a moment, considering how to reply. "Probably," he finally decided on honesty. "I didn't mean to overstep. It's body responds to a threat on instinct."

"You didn't overstep," Magnus said, firmly, smiling as held his eyes. "I knew what I was going into. And you're excellent at this, Eden. I suppose what I want to try is to make your body recognise a friend..." he pointed at himself, grinning.

Eden watched him for a long moment before laughing softly, shaking his head as acknowledgement of how messy that could get. "I can't say I blame you, Sir...."

"Magnus," he said, his voice gentle before he smiled. Sir was fine and good, but it was just them. He didn't like standing on ceremony that much. He pulled back, to get his bag, pulling out two wooden axes. "Now, want to try this?" he asked, playfully.

Eden's eyebrows raised with surprise and he was grinning despite himself as he pushed himself up. "Are you kidding? Do you even need to ask...?" he laughed softly, moving in for a closer look.

He handed him one, watching Eden with warmth. "It's just a practice one. Blunt. It'll bruise but you won't be cutting me into little ribbons..." he took the other and pulled back. "Take a moment to get used to the weight of it. The swing, the reach. The balance."

Eden took a step back, rocking his weight back and forward on his feet as much as learning the weight of the weapon. He gave a swing, feeling the rush of air before swinging it in a few arcs. "Strange with the heavier weight at the end."

"You can move your hand to balance," Magnus said and showed him his grip. It was a bit higher up now and he swung it to show him. "There's no set rules. It depends on whether you attack or defend where you have your hand."

Eden watched carefully, matching his movements before taking a lazy swing at his boss, knowing full well that he'd be able to block it with his eyes closed.

Magnus blocked, stepping forward on it and moving his leg behind Eden's, but slowly enough so the other man could side-step it. "Every attack is also a chance to defend. Same other way around."

But Eden didn't move back, on the contrary, he stepped forward to him too, mirroring the way he stepped behind his leg, so he could get the axe to his back.

Magnus grinned but turned with it, moving his shoulder hard against the wooden axe. In reality, it would most likely cut a little and hurt if it had been real. With the force he pushed into it, it did hurt, but nothing he couldn't handle as he took a step back, his axe up and ready. "You're fast on your feet."

"Kind of have to be," Eden turned with him, so he was facing him again, slicing the axe upward toward his chest. "It's a weapon that takes many of the ways you can handle it would leave your torso open for attack."

"Some like a shield, to help. I find it better to have my hand free," Magnus blocked and moved forward, swinging the axe quickly at his body. "And speed becomes my friend."

Eden was forced to turn away to avoid the attack, but was acutely aware it left his back open. He shook his head with a laugh. "This is a whole other artform..." he said with admiration and awe.

"Okay...come and stand beside me," Magnus said softly, motioning him close. "I'll show you the different attacks, and then you can use them and I can show you how to defend. It is...not like dancing, when you use this weapon. It is more like..." he tried to find something to compare it with, and decided he couldn't use the example his brain gave him. "You're adapting more to those you fight."

Eden nodded with a frown of concentration, able to believe that easily enough. Axes were a lot more different to swords, more than he'd expected. "Show me."

Magnus smiled at the way he said it. At how focused he was. "First, it's the classic attack swing. It'll feel unnatural to you because it leaves you open, but the idea is it forces someone who is using another weapon to block..." he showed him, swinging the axe surprisingly high, but at an angle.

Eden lifted his axe on sheer instinct, holding it horizontally with both hands as Magnus' axe crashed down into it, making him whistle at the force that ricocheted down his arm.

Magnus watched him, his eyes dark as he pulled back, taking an extra step back. "Now you do that to me," he said, smiling encouragingly.

Eden took a breath to gather his strength and ground himself, watching him with cold focus as he took a firm stride forward, swinging the axe down at him with what would have been a cracking good aim.

Magnus brought his own up, but he didn't block it like Eden had. He hit it instead, at an angle, forcing it down between them and into the floor. He used his body to slam into Eden, with the intention that the blow and being thrown off balance would cause him to let go of the axe.

Eden responded as expected. The axe dropped from his hand and he stumbled back a step, but he laughed softly, shaking his head with awe. "It's such a...primal form of fighting. Raw. Powerful."

Magnus smiled as he looked at him, nodding. "A small step up from just sticks," he said and bent down, picking up the axe and offering it over. "I like it, but for me it isn' elegant weapon. I don't have the build for elegance, just that little bit too short in the legs. That, or I just like the raw violence of it. Happy to give you lessons if you want, but I also understand it is a weapon you'd...never use. I've only used it once myself in a non-training sense."

" would be good to learn something just," Eden admitted with a soft smile, shaking his head gently at actually saying that. In front of his Chief. But Magnus had encouraged him to be more...relaxed. Not to always be in work mode.

Magnus grinned, nodding as he watched him. "Then we can do it. I find it fun too...although when shoreleave comes, maybe we could do something as well? Unless you got plans already?" He wasn't sure if the other man would plan fun into his shoreleave.

Eden fell silent...because he knew the other man had already seen through him. He offered a slight shrug, taking a sharp intake of breath. "I just...I don't really understand what you do with sand and sea."

Magnus nodded as he watched him, taking a slow breath. "You go swimming," he said, after a moment. "You don't have by a pool. But I am most likely going to go swimming, and you can join me if you want?"

Eden watched him with surprise at that. Did he really want him tagging along on his break? They didn't always come often for officers. "You don't want a rest, Sir?"

"Swimming can be restful," Magnus said with a chuckle, shaking his head. "I need to keep myself doing something, Eden, or else I will lose what mind I have left. I've never been for sitting idly and I might feel the same way."

Eden couldn't help a slight, wry smile at the words and he sighed, shrugging at being caught out so easily. "You read me right. Thanks, Sir...that...would be good," he admitted.

"Then we do that," Magnus said with a smile, giving him a nod. "I am happy to organise some things for us to do. Risa is truly beautiful."

"You may need to. I'd have no idea where to start," Eden shrugged matter of factly, not apologetic about it. Knowing how to unwind wasn't exactly high on his priority list.

"You are in luck," Magnus' smile was warm, his brown eyes looking almost playful. Even a bit joking. "I happen to be an expert in organisation. I would have had a great career in Operations if it hadn't been for the fact I would die of boredom..."


Lieutenant Magnus Volsung
Chief Security Officer


Ensign Eden Drake
Security Officer


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