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A colony on the Romulan Neutral Zone planet Fallon.

Damandor is comprised of a series of large bio-domes, with the largest dome serving as a hub through which the other domes are connected. The exterior of the domes appear obsidian in color, apparently due to doubling as solar panels. Some of the domes serve specialty purposes, including:

  • The Chamber of Heat: Houses a large geothermal energy plant that fuels most of Damandor.
  • The Chamber of Healing: A Sickbay of sorts where the ill are cared for, it also doubles as an arboretum, featuring a wide range of plant life, fountains, and other garden-like structures.
  • The Chamber of Stars: Houses stellar cartography and subspace communications.

The exact population of Damandor is unknown, but is estimated at several hundred. The colonists call themselves the Children of Aidoann and Zehuti, and are, respectively, descendants of a Debrune-related race and the Zarnac. The population also includes Romulan asylum-seekers.

The colony was first made known to Starfleet when an Away Team from the USS Hathor, led by Executive Officer Major Tahlandi Enara, responded to a distress beacon located on the planet Fallon. During that mission, the Away Team helped uncover Zarnac spies seeking to weaken and kill the population, possibly to seed dissent and distrust among the population, or for some other nefarious purpose.