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Holidays what fun (Part 4)

Posted on Tue Feb 6th, 2018 @ 4:40pm by Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D

Computer begin Log

Anthony Edwards, Chief Science Officer of the USS Wolff, personal log Fifth of January 2395.

Home again home again jiggity jig. My life on Aurillac 3 is over. I have a full copy of the three and a half months of linguistics data that has been recorded so far to help the planetside team as much as possible with tying down the patterns and speech in the language. Once the Wolff gets underway on anything but a shakedown I will probably have to put it on a back burner as I will soon enough have my own information to sieve through to make meaning of and pass on to the commanding officer. Whomever that will be as Captain Emmerson has taken a planetside job to look after and care for her children. Anthony would have wished her good luck and good wishes go with her. It wasn’t quite the first contact linguistics job but it was the next best thing I was using my doctoral study to decipher and gain meaning from the languages of Romulan and Reman in a very early form. Something the universal translators are able to pick up. Bolian was easy because it was post United Federation of Planets which means they were already speaking and early form of Federation standard. If it wasn’t for the Prime Directive Star Fleet could move in and trade with the Remans directly for those beautiful speed productive crystals.

Mmmmmmm I seem to have missed the new year. Busy busy on assignment. Another new commanding officer to get to know.

Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Anthony Edwards signing off.


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