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Doctor to Doctor

Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2019 @ 2:16pm by Lieutenant Seleya

Mission: The science of stars
Location: Counseling Offices


Seleya thought long and hard about approaching the counselor but after much thought decided that it was the only logical thing to do. She took a breath and rang the chime.

Deepak had only recently offered to take the position that had opened up under unfortunate circumstances. He was familiar with the crew from observing their interactions, but he was not entirely acquainted with their individual needs professionally yet.

He had been lounging in the counselling office with a PADD pulling up personnel files and filtering through them case by case, previous patient by previous patient. Most of whom he would be taking on personally in days to come.

The chime broke his Concentration from the PADD. "Please, enter" he said tossing the PADD gently aside and sliding on his shoes, swinging his legs down from being tucked up. He was not expecting any patients, but walk-ins were welcomed.

Seleya entered, her hands clasped behind her back. "Am I intruding?"

The younger looking man let out a small childlike giggle and sighed as he stood from his seat. "Not at all my dear Doctor, not at all. I've just been reviewing some files, and I am delighted that you are here" he said with a wily smile.

He moved about the room with as much gratefulness as a trained ballet dancer. His flamboyant garb matched his potentially nauseating personality; However, he was a pleasant and hospitable host. "Please, do make yourself at home. May I get you something to drink, Doctor?"

She shook her head. "No. I am here to speak with you about a staff member of mine."

"Oh?" he said intrigued with the subject matter. "Well, I cannot say that I have had the chance to familiarize myself intimately with the fine details of your inherited staff, and certainly not with any of the more recent additions to the crew personnel; However, in my observation of the crew under your predecessor, I gave a brief gander at some of the medical personnel. Who in particular are you approaching me about?"

"Chief Payton. I believe he is struggling most with Doctor Polaris' death."

"Hmm" said Deepak reaching for and retrieving a PADD. He started tapping away on it. "Some say Vulcans make terrible counselors, and on an emotional level I must agree; However, your species is very observant. That is important. What sort of behavior have you noticed from Chief Payton?"

"He has been late, rude bordering on insubordination. I have seen him drunk more then once and have had to send him home. As head nurse he has been rather sharp with the staff."

She raised an eyebrow. "While I should perhaps put him on record I know that his feelings for Doctor Polaris were quite strong. I just wish to have him well."

"Times like these are trying for the crew" replied Deepak. "If we put everyone who was short-tempered and insubordinate at this time, we would have to put several individuals on report" he replied. "Nevertheless, a short-tempered head nurse is not ideal. Meeting with him will be necessary; However, I doubt he will wonder in here willingly."

She gave a nod. "I think not but as department head I will make it a condition and an order if you are willing to see him when he returns from the away team."

"Thank you" replied the Counselor. "I would appreciate anything that you can provide me. Any knowledge that you may have professionally or otherwise. I know it probably is not in your nature to be snooping around observing the social interactions of the crew, but if you are aware of anyone that he may be close to?"

"He was, in fact, only close to Doctor Polaris. I believe they love."

Deepak winced at that response. "Damn" he said shaking his head and holding a hand up to his chest. "That gets me right in the heart. You'll take my word for it I presume?" he said with a small smirk. "If they were in fact romantically involved...then I could see why he is taking this as he is. The fact he is still trying to perform his duties shows commitment or a poor attempt at running from his emotions."

"I believe it is the second of the two although Mr. Payton is... rather committed to his work. It is a job he loves." She stood. "Well then, I will leave this in your capable hands."

The youthful looking man nodded. "Thank you again for bringing this to my attention. I will look into it immediately, Doctor. If there is anything else you need, please feel free to contact me."

Deepak El-Azar
Ship's Counselor

Lieutenant Seleya
Chief Medical Officer


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