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Not so hostile take over

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2020 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron
Edited on on Sun Jul 12th, 2020 @ 10:57am

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Various
Timeline: 29th March 2395 late afternoon


Amelia had gotten most of her things stored in her new quarters and headed to the security office to meet the crew. As she moved through the corridors of the ship she looked at her PADD going over who had been in charge of the department thus far and how well the department had been running. She frowned as she looked at the breakdown of the department and the lack of cross-discipline training.

As she made it to the office she entered quickly and looked around to find the Chief's office. She went in and eyed the room, it would do she thought as she moved behind the desk and started to pull up training rosters and began to plan out how to get each member of her department cross-trained so anyone could do the other's job.

Alexander had just finished the last report. He headed out of the chief's office and almost ran into a woman in a tactical uniform. "My apologies. Are you alright?"

Barron nodded "Quite." she looked at the man and the office he was coming out of then at his collar. "I take it you are Lieutenant Alexander?" she asked as she eyed the man appraising him with years of experience flashing behind her eyes.

"I am." He noted the rank pips too. "And you are the new Chief SEC/TAC. Lieutenant Barron?" He had been expecting her.

She nodded "I am indeed, would you be as so kind as to show me to my office and bring me up to date on any issues that I should be made aware of?"

He pointed to the office behind him. "This is the office." He keyed in the code an let her precede him into the office.

She grunted "Thank you" she said as she entered and looked around before making her way behind the desk and sitting. "So anything I need to know about before I take over?"

"We've just upgraded the tactical displays. I've begun a training program and phaser re-certification for the average crew member to be better equipped. Ensign Rogers is out for three days broke his food and arm playing Pericy Squares....or something like that." He paused. "Other than that it has been smooth."

Amelia raised an eyebrow and nodded "Very good, I was going to institute a rectification program. I also want to set up cross-training for the security officers in various sections. Should an Engineering officer fall I dont want the ship to go boom because our Security officer didnt know how to jettison the warp core." she paused "I would like you to cooridante with the other Department Heads and see if there is an interest."

He gave a nod. "Understood." He would gladly help any way that he could.

She nodded "Are there any crewmen I need to look out for? How are the relations with other departments?"

He shook his head. "Not particularly. There is one incident we are watching thought." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Harmless but still."

Her eyebrow quirked up "How so still?"

He sighed. "The ensign has a hoarding problem. The counselor has been working with him as well as security to assist. I have personally been helping him clean but I notice that he has begun bringing in new items. Normally no problem but he is the son of an admiral."

"Which Admiral?" She asked curious as she knew most and would know how to approach the issue.

"Anila Dane, Starfleet Medical." He sighed. "That being said...There is also something that I should report."

"I've heard of Dane, I might put in a call to one of my contacts there and see if he might be able to straighten out his progeny or give me free hand to do it myself." she stopped and raised an eyebrow "What is that?"

He sighed. "I regret that I will not be here to assist. I will be leaving shortly. Reassignment." He picked up one of he PADDs he'd left on the desk. "These are the orders."

She sighed "I see, well that will make you being the point man on the cross training difficult. Do you have a good suggestion for an Assistant?"

"I can have a report on each staff member on your desk by end of day if you like." Ellijah told her.

She grunted "Please do, I wish you luck in your future endeavors. Is there anything else Lieutenant?

He shook his hea slightly. "Ensign Turell will probably challenge you to a shooting match but other than that, that's everything."

"Very well Lieutenant, dismissed and thank you for the information." Amelia said thinking over how she will get the changes done now that the Assistant Chief was leaving.

"Good luck Lieutenant, she's a good ship with a good crew." He told her before coming to attention for a moment before turning towards the door.


Amelia Barron
Lieutenant JG
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Wolff


Ltjg Elijah Alexander
Asst chief sec/tac


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