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Posted on Mon Jul 6th, 2020 @ 3:53pm by Lieutenant Seleya & Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron
Edited on on Mon Jul 6th, 2020 @ 4:40pm

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Amelia left the bridge and got in the turbolift instructing it to take her to sickbay. One of the other things she had to do aside from checking in with the CO was to check in with the CMO to get cleared for duty. It was silly to her that no matter how recent your last physical was when you changed posting you had to get prodded by the new doctor.

The doors parted and she entered the hallway making her way to sickbay. As the double doors opened for her and she entered the large well lit room she searched for a crew-member in teal to have them inform the doctor that she was here for her 'check-up'.

Seleya came out. "Hello Ms. Barron." She motioned for the bio bed. "Please come in. Right on time."

Barron nodded and moved to the bio bed, she placed a hand on the surface and easily swung herself up.

"Thank you Doctor." Barron said simply.

She gave a nod. "Before we begin is there any area of concern at the moment for you?" She began as she always did. She found that asking was a way to reveal any problem areas.

Barron shook her head "None at the moment, my knuckles have healed nicely from what the previous doctor informed me." she said flexing the fingers of her right hand.

Seleya raised an eyebrow, "Knuckles? What exactly happened?" She picked up a tricorder and began scanning her.

She grunted and shrugged "I broke a klingon ambassadors nose."

"I see." She raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating. May I ask as to the reason why?"

She looked at the doctor for a minute through narrowed eyes taking in the woman and deciding if she was being honest and not fishing for scandalous information.

"He was threatening the President as well as a council of the Joint Chiefs." she said dryly her eyes still on the Doctor judging her reaction.

"I see." She paused. "Once you are cleared here please also see the counselor. I believe that you shall be able to get that over with today. It makes logical sense to get all you clearances at once."

She nodded and raised an eyebrow "As you say Doctor."

She studied the woman. "I must say I am impressed."

Amelia raised an eyebrow "Why is that?" she asked truly curious.

"Many humans tend to.. .what is the word Chit Chat. I am surprised that you are very Vulcan like. It is refreshing."

Amelia grunted softly "There is no need for chit chat when on duty. Besides you spend enough time around flag officers you learn to keep your mouth shut, ears open and eyes moving."

"A fascinatingly accurate assessment." She sighed. "Alright if you lay back I will do one final scan and then I'll get a sample of DNA for lock up and we will get your medical complete."

Amelia nodded and pushed herself back onto the bed easing her frame to rest upon it horizontally without saying anything more. She waited for the doctor to be finished so that she could get back to the job of actually working on the ship's security.

The scan didn't take long. It was only a couple of minutes but it was accurate to the point of absurdity. It seemed to be an all seeing eye. She made notes of previous injuries and a few others. "For the most part everything looks well. If you will sit up please."

She then took a small swap and indicated a wall with several holes. "I will swab your cheek. Your DNA will be locked in storage with only the CMO and CO having access and only if required under emergency or required for ID purposes."

"She swabbed the woman's cheek. "I will complete your report and it will be handed over to the new CMO. As of right now you are cleared for duty."

She watched the woman go and then cleared up sickbay. It was almost time to see the Captain. She sighed as she cleared out he office of personal belongings and went to pack her quarters. Re-assignments were never fun.



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