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First Meeting

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2021 @ 9:25am by Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse & Lieutenant Commander Radak

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Various


Now she was Chief Counselor Summer wanted to make a point of meeting the other members of the senior staff. Stepping onto the bridge for the first time in her new role she made her way across to Commander Radak. “Excuse me Commander, may I speak to you in your office?”

Radak tipped his head and turned his glaze at the newest of their crew member. The slightest of eyebrow raised. "Of course, Counselor. I assume you mean now." It wasn't really a question and he gestured for her to lead the way to his office. The Vulcan followed, gesturing which office as they walked.

Walking ahead and into Radak’s Office Summer smiled politely as they both stood inside. “Forgive me Commander, as I’m new to the senior staff I wanted to introduce myself and get to know the rest of the senior staff.”

Radak gestured for Summer to sit and stepped to his desk. "Of course. Are you looking for their rotation duties?" He sat at his own chair and pulled up the computer at his desk.

“That would prove helpful, yes please, Sir.” Summer smiled warmly. “So far I’ve only met the Captain and now yourself. I’d like to know if you have any particular expectations? I’m used to being an Assistant Chief, this is my first assignment as Chief Counselor.”

Radak shifted his gaze back to Summer, his face was Vulcan stoicism. He nodded curtly. "I would like for us to meet every two weeks to go over any potential problematically personnel. They turn their assignments every six weeks, but every other week should give us enough time to go through them. Will that be alright with you?"

Summer nodded. “That’s fine with me, Commander. It’s a good idea to have regular meetings.”

Radak nodded again. "Yes. I agree, Counselor. I believe that it is the only way that we can feel that..." He paused, as if he was trying to use the correct words. "Feel that soul of this crew. There are a lot of people on this ship." If he were a human he would have laughed or smiled at least. Instead, he sent all of the rotation duties for the senior staff to her PaDD. "I save ideas to who you should start with... if you are interested." He put his hands on the surface of his desk and then steepled his fingers, his gaze on her.

“Of course, Sir.” Summer nodded. “You know this crew better than I do, I defer to your expertise.” She smiled warmly. “Who do you recommend?”

"Our Engineer Chief... a one Lieutenant JG Darzen Kail. He is also our Damage Control Specialist. I believe he is a Trill... not that that is important at the moment. I am hearing... talk. Mostly, grumbling. I'm not what sure is happening, but the crew seem to..." There was a moment while he think of how to be delicate about what he had heard, but there really wasn't any think else to say. "Well... they do not like him, but they also have not put in any grievances against him."

Summer nodded. “I see. Perhaps I’d best take a tour of the ship and drop in on Engineering while I’m at it.” She smiled. “I’d like to see the Lieutenant in his environment and see if there’s a reason behind the dislike or whether it’s just that he’s a tough taskmaster.”

"I have seen that the last could be the problem," Radak said softly with a nod. "I cannot say of his species... I have not been in service with any other Trills. It's an interesting species. His marks are excellent. He came with recommends. His superiors had that he worked hard and with distinction. I admit that I do need will your opinions. As a Vulcan, I do not always understand more emotional nuisance. I may be missing the point from the crew."

Summer nodded. “I can understand that. It must be awkward being non-emotional in an environment filled with those who take their emotions for granted. I know some people consider Vulcans to be cold, but having had friends who were Vulcan, I know that isn’t true.” She offered a smile. “I’ll do my best to find out what’s going on and I’ll let you know. May I ask is the Lieutenant a joined Trill?”

Radak almost smiled. "Thank you, Counselor. I appreciate that. You are correct about Vulcans. Very much so. I never went through the Kolinahr, but it is the way I was raised." He nodded to her question. "And I do believe that Lieutenant Kail is joined." He tapped at his console and nodded again. "Yes."

Summer smiled warmly. “That may go some way to explain Kail’s personality quirks Sir. If he’s a blended individual then he shares his consciousness with his symbiont. I’ll need to do a little research of my own on that one.”

Radak nodded. "I, as well... we will all do some research. I have spoken to the Lieutenant. A few times. I feel that it is necessary to let someone who is the Department Head to know when there are so many complaints. He seemed to... take these in his stride. I know that I'm missing something in this... but I also only have so many times in a day. I am glad you are here."

Summer nodded. “He simply took the complaints in his stride? Did he appear in the slightest bothered?” She looked at Radar curiously.

“He seemed... frustrated, but nothing else. He said that he would talk care of the problem, yet here we are. Each time I have spoken to him about it, it has been the same.” Radak pressed his lips together as if he was thinking about something. “Counselor, the Lieutenant was not our choice for Department Head, but circumstances...”

Summer nodded. “I understand. Perhaps he just has a harsh style of command, but it’s not always a good thing.” She paused. “I will go and see him, see if I can get to the root of the problem."

Radak nodded. "Very good. Nothing other of note. I believe that most of us are up for our psychological exam. After this issue with the Lieutenant is done, then feel free to pick who you would like to start with."

“Yes, Sir.” Summer nodded and smiled before standing ready to leave. “I’ll let you get back to your duties, Sir.”

Radak stood as well. “It is nice to meet you, Counselor. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.”


Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer

Lieutenant jg Summer Wyse
Chief Counsellor


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