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Wounded Wings

Posted on Fri Apr 9th, 2021 @ 3:28pm by Ensign Amanda Turell & Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron & Lieutenant JG Evelyn Kees

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Amelia made her way down the corridors and stopped at the doors to the sickbay. She cradled her hurt shoulder as she walked through the doors and into sickbay proper. She took in the scene and saw her people in various states of disarray and headed to a biobed across from the Ensign.

"Hi boss," Amanda said looking over at Amelia, she noticed the woman holding her arm and guessed she was amongst the injured that had steadily come in now the ship had stabilised.

"Good afternoon Ensign." Amelia said as she settled onto the biobed and groaned softly to herself.

"How are you fairing in all this calamity?" Amelia asked before looking for medical personnel.

"I gotta go back into surgery." Amanda replied. "When the ship flipped I reopened a bunch of the sutures, can't feel a thing right now."

Amelia caught the eye of a woman in teal and nodded to her.

“Mind getting the doc or someone who can reset my shoulder, preferably before my pain meds wear off?” Amelia asked a little too calmly.

Amelia turned her attention back to Amanda and grunted. "During the flip-flop I wedged myself under my console on the bridge to keep me from flying and hitting someone like a fleshy lawn dart. The shakeup caused me to knock my shoulder out of socket." Amelia looked at the Ensign in an almost motherly fashion "If you take anything away from working with me take this, always carry an IFAK. Talk with medical and get the best dosage of mild, moderate, and severe painkillers. Keep them on you at all times and for God's sake color and tactile code them so you know what you have in your hands. It might save your life or the life of your battle buddy some day."

Amanda laughed slightly. "If my arm was doing alright I'd save medicals time and relocate it for you myself, when it happens as often as mine can you learn how to put it back quickly enough."

Amelia snorted "I could put it back in but CMOs are less than pleased with my methods. Besides as old as I'm getting it hurts like a bitch for a week. They" Amelia motioned to the teal uniformed personnel "have some good toys to help old soldiers be more comfortable."

Eve was just finished with another patient when she saw the latest arrival. Walking over to Amelia she offered a warm smile. “I don’t recall seeing you here before, looks like you could do with some help.”

Amelia nodded "It feels like I have a subluxated humerous. Please check and advise."

Eve nodded and motioned to a newly freed up biobed. “Take a seat as best as you can and I’ll take a look for you.” She studied Amelia curiously. “Are you medically trained? Not many people know the medical terms for conditions.”

"Seeing myself and my boys getting hurt you learn a few things in 23 years, so no formal training." Amelia replied as she hopped down from the biobed she was on and over to the one the Dr motioned to.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to shift you, this is just a quieter spot” Eve smiled warmly as she picked up a medical tricorder and ran a scan. “Looks like you’re right, but this should be an easy fix. We should be able to manipulate your shoulder back into joint without the need for intervention.”

"Matters little just so long as the arm gets back in." Amelia said as she looked at the Dr.

“Would you prefer to be sedated first or can you stand having it done while you’re awake?” Eve gave Amelia a curious look.

"I've already administered a mild analgesic from my IFAK." Amelia reached around and pulled the used hypo out of the pouch at her hip and handed it to the Dr. "I will want a refill on that when were done. I'll be comfortably numb for the next forty-five minutes or so."

“Wow, you do come prepared!” Eve smiled. “But don’t make it a habit of self medicating, it’s better to see the doctor. “Right, let’s get this done!” Eve prepared to pop Amelia’s shoulder back in. “Hopefully this will go in first time, I hate having to do it twice!” She cautiously yet firmly manoeuvred Amelia’s arm and shoulder smiling as there was the feel of a resounding pop as the dislocated arm went back in.

"I'll remember that when I'm in a fire fight doc." she said dryly. As Eve began the manipulation Amelia felt a pressure in the joint. As the shoulder socketed back into position a small flair of intense pain cut through the painkillers and made Amelia grunt as she bared her teeth.

"Thanks." she replied as she slowly tested the joint.

“Just go gentle on it for today, last thing you need is that popping out again” Eve smiled. “Any problems you know where to find us.”

Amelia nodded "Will do, I'll requisition a mk 1 sling and keep it immobile for a few days. If anything comes up I'll let you know.."

“Stay right there” Eve smiled and stepped away before returning a few moments later. “One sling, here let me help.” She carefully helped to position the sling making sure it was comfortable. “How’s that?”

Amelia relaxed the arm completely, adjusted the slings height slightly then nodded.

"That'll do Doc. That'll do nicely." Amelia said her tone relaxing somewhat as the underlying stress of immoblizing the arm was released.

Eve nodded and smiled. “I’m not a Doctor, just a nurse doing her job. It’s my pleasure.”

"Your more of a Doctor than I am." Amelia replied as she stood. "Now thank you for your help and I'll be on my way to my quarters to rest if there is nothing else."

“No nothing else” Eve smiled warmly. “Have a nice rest.”

Amelia nodded "Will do, Doc." Her eyes swiveled to Amanda.

"See you later boss." Amanda said to Amelia as Mariposa came over to take her back into surgery.

"You too Ensign, try not to ruin the Docs work this time?" She asked before continuing "We need you kicking ass instead."

Amanda waved slightly with her good arm. "I'll be back in no time." she said before she was pushed through the doorway in the surgical bay.


LTjg Amelia Barron
Chief Sec/Tac Officer

Lieutenant jg Evelyn Kees
Head Nurse

Ensign Amanda Turell
Sec/tac Officer
[npc Taliserra]


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