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Camping and Climbing Part 2: On the trail

Posted on Wed Apr 17th, 2024 @ 11:08am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Lieutenant Hope Ross, MD & Ensign Brendon Watanabe & Ensign Nicola Cross

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Risan Mountains
Timeline: Arrival +2hr


After a couple of hours with a gentle grade on the trail they were following the weather was perfect, if a little cooler at the altitude that they were currently at. It is Risa after all, a perfect example of the ancient earth tourism advert for a place called Queensland Australia, which was 'Beautiful one day perfect the next.' Anthony started thinking about arriving at the campsite. He knew there was a large flat spot where everyone would have lots of room to set up the tents, but with the altitude, they had gained since they started and it now being two hours since they started, a break might be appreciated. As such he said, "Okay everyone snack break and a breather!"

Hope considered herself to be more try good shape physically but the break was welcomed. “Yes a breather and a snack, I’d recommend something with protein” she looked around at them as she pulled a snack from her pack. “Sorry you might not want your doctor on this trip with you.”

"Protein is good." Anthony said with a chuckle as he added, "I'm good with you being here as it seems like a heavily laden science group meeting, okay you're not specifically part of the team, but medicine is a science degree. It was also an open invitation to anyone interested in a camping trip."

Hope gave a smile and took a bite of her protein bar “if anyone forgot snacks or water I have extra.”

Nibbling at a fruity snack bar Nicola slipped her pack off by the others "Phew, I forgot how warm natural sunlight is." she remarked.

"I definitely need to get back into the gym when this is over." Brendon said when he caught up to the rest of the group, he'd stopped for a few moments earlier to have a bend and a stretch and had slowly caught up as the others had carried on. He put his pack down and grabbed a canteen. "Not much call for physicality when you spend your time watching the stars."

“Looking at the stars is important” Hope said with a smile and continued her snack and some water from her canteen. “I still use sunblock if you want some? Hope had some in her pack.

"I'm alright doc, I don't tend to burn unless I really over do it." Brendon told her.

"Speak for yourself, I go redder than a lobster smothered in ketchup." Nicola quipped. "Already got the strongest sunblock I could find slathered all over."

“Well I bet we can fix it once you get back to the ship” Doctor Ross said with a smile “it’s smart to reapply.”

"I'll put a little more on later, all my vulnerable spots are well covered." Nicola put her half eaten fruit bar back in her pocket and grabbed her canteen to take several long sips.

"I'll take some Doc." Anthony said with a smile, "I'm Scottish I get sunburnt for looking at the moon the wrong way. The Environmental controls that they use on Risa reduce the risk but it's not a form of pain I want either." He hadn't heard from Nicola in a while and decided some questions might bring her into the conversation, "So how are rocks looking Nicola?"

Hope gave Anthony the sunblock with a smile and took another sip from her water.

"Very interesting." Nicola replied. She had made the group stop for a few moments several times over the last hours. "It's hard to notice unless you really take the time to investigate but you can see evidence in the structure of how things changed after the Risians began to use seismic regulators."

"Changing the way things happen naturally on a planet is usually detrimental, That said the way the Risians did a very good job at hiding it, shows that you really need to look hard, which most people aren't interested in because their here to enjoy a holiday. Occupational hazards I suppose of being a geologist I suppose."

"We're scientists, it's hard to turn that off once you get going." Nicola said.

Nicola was right but Hope only smiled and took another sip of her water.

Finishing the pouch of water that he got out of his pack as he rubbed in another layer of sunscreen Anthony smiled. "I know that verbally the universal translator just about made my science obsolete but plaques don't speak so I guess paleo linguists will always be necessary."

"The UT is great but as you say there's definitely still times where you come in handy." Nicola said. "Same with me, science tricorders are great at telling you things about rocks but can't tell you everything or develop scientific theories."

"Very true, I like the idea of computers being a necessary evil. I hate them personally but I need them to do my work. At least until they can think for themselves it will be my work." As he said it Anthony checked on his padd how much further they had to go to reach their camping area at the base of the rocks he had wanted to climb all his life.

"At the rate computers are advancing they will be able to think for themselves soon enough and if science fiction stories are anything to go by. That's when the rebellion begins." Brendon chuckled as he put his canteen away. "Ready to go."

"Not just Science fiction but if you do nothing but make those computers do things because you believe them beneath your station a rebellion usually starts, I mean it even happens when humans think they are being treated badly by those that are in authority." Anthony smiled their last mission had been an example of what he had just described. "We should get going or we could be dealing with putting up tents in the dark, which is never fun." He took one last drink before lifting his pack again and with a quick check that the others were ready to follow he led the group a little further up the trail.

“I agree” she smiled and got ready to get moving again. “Kind of hard to see in the dark” the woman said as they started back on their home.

Another hours walking later the group arrived at their chosen campsite a few dozen meters away from the foot of the Galartha mountain range. "Nice spot you picked Anthony." Brendon remarked. Even from the base of the mountain, the view was incredible, so much water and sandy beaches gradually changing to the more urbanized villa's and hotels.

"Thank you, Brendon! I am just as surprised as you actually, it is a nicer view than I expected. Though it is Risa so I should have expected it to be a good view." Anthony said with a smile as he got his tent out and started thinking where he would like to set it up.

Brendon dropped his pack down beside Anthony's. "I'll see if I can find us some firewood."

"You're right this is a great view." Nicola said. She took off her pack and pulled out the tent for her and Hope.

"Have at it Brendon, not that we need a heap, with the weather regulators we probably won't even need as much as we would on Earth where nights at least still get cold, but you have to have a campfire for cooking and around which to tell stories at the end of the day." Anthony said before he wet his finger looking for the prevailing wind, rather than pulling out his anemometer, though he might attach it to one of the boxes waiting for them on the Wolff once it was dropped so everyone would know the wind speed and direction once it was up.

Hope was excited to get to sleep out side. She was very glad to have gone on this trip and get to know some of her fellow officers a little better, it had been an enjoyable experience so far.

Night was quite close to falling when Brendon returned with a large armful of firewood, it had been a struggle to find a good amount of suitable wood as almost all of Risa was kept clean and tidy, even the woodlands. He dumped the wood a safe distance from their tents and set about arranging it into a pile that would burn nicely and after a little work got it to light. Sitting back to admire his handiwork he looked back to the other members of their expedition. "Anyone have any good campfire stories, nothing work related." He said.


Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph.D
Chief science officer

Lieutenant Hope Ross
Chief medical offficer

Ensign's Nicola Cross and Brendon Watanabe
Science officers
[written by Taliserra[


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