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Getting underway

Posted on Tue May 7th, 2024 @ 2:48am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Dovenice Baka & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Lieutenant JG Ash Rowe & Lieutenant Magnus Volsung

Mission: A marathon not a sprint
Location: Various
Timeline: Md01

"Well, that was informative." Taliserra said to herself as she sat back in her chair. "Operational security he says, bloody useless I say."

"Captain?" Miranda asked from the other side of the room.

"New orders." Taliserra replied, she'd been that engrossed in trying to read through the lines of the suspiciously vague information packet she had been sent by fleet command she'd not even noticed her Yeoman enter the room. "Very vague and strange orders."

"Whatever it is it must be important if they don't want to discuss it over subspace."

"'More information will be provided at your destination' is the word." Taliserra said. "I guess we will find out." Reaching her hand up her chest she tapped her combadge.

=/\= Tigran to Bridge=/\=

=/\= Edwards here captain!=/\= Anthony replied as the officer in charge on the bridge at the moment.

=/\= Time to get the Wolff back underway Lieutenant, begin undocking sequence and set a course for the Mazar system.=/\=

=/\=Understood Captain.=/\= Anthony said before he spoke to Lt Rowe at the helm. "Contact Risa and get permission for our departure and then best speed to Mazar System once we are clear!"

Ash smiled to herself as she nodded, putting the request through to Risa. Oh, she felt just great...refreshed, tanned and the cobwebs had been well and truly blown away. But she had to admit, it was good to get back underway too. There were only so many cocktails and banquets she could stomach.

The ship slowly came back to life under Ash's commands, veering away from paradise and turning back towards the expanse. "And we are..." she paused as she double checked the coordinates and route, and with a final couple of taps at the console, the stars began to stretch as they hit warp, "...on our way."

Anthony blinked a couple of times, the flickering stars as they jumped to warp always made his eyes water a little. "Thank you, Lieutenant." He said and then tapped his comm badge =/\= Captain we are on our way.=/\=

=/\= Good, would you call Lieutenants Baka, Rowe, Volsung and yourself to the ready room=/\= was Taliserra's next instruction.

Opening a shipwide comm channel from the captain's chair arm Anthony did just that. =/\= Lieutenants Baka and Volsung to the Captain's ready room. =/\= After the call he said to Ash with a smile "I guess that means you're with me." As he said it he got up from the centre chair and made his way to Taliserra's ready room.

"Right behind you," Ash assured with a small smile, nodding to her relief as she pushed herself up. She paused for just a moment to stretch before jogging lightly to catch up with Anthony.

The Assistant Chief of Security turned off his PADD and made his way to the Captain's ready room. He had been catching up on reports after shoreleave, so nothing time sensitive. But he was curious.


In Engineering, Baka confirmed she received the message about reporting to the Captain's ready room. She quickly finished her departure tasks - mostly engine checks - before stepping out. She had a good team serving under her and she could trust them with keeping the ship running. She took a PADD with her.

A few minutes later, she was in the Ready Room. She could see the stars moving outside the window. The visual reinforced what her feet told her through the minute vibrations of the deck plating - they were finally on their way, leaving Risa.

In her ready room Taliserra chatted with Ash, Anthony and Magnus until Lt Baka arrived. "Morning Lieutenant, how was your shoreleave?" She asked the Engineer.

"Risa isn't my favorite off-ship local, but I managed to find a few activities to hold my interest," Baka answered. "What can I do for you?"

"I called the four of you here for a few things." Taliserra replied. "First we have our marching orders, we've an appointment at the shipyards at Mazar but there is a problem.... I have no idea what we're suppose to be doing there."

"To the..." The secrecy around it from his Captain made Anthony's head hurt, the fact that he had been in command of the Risa departure meant they were missing some key staff members. Trying not to point this out to another of the others who may not know it yet he continued with his puzzlement. "...Shipyard? That is an oddly specific place to be sent if I say so myself."

"They can't complain that we're not prepared to handle things then," Baka tucked her PADD under her arm. No need to take notes when there was no information available.

"Can we even make a guess from any reports coming out of the area?" Ash asked as she folded her arms across her chest, her curiosity piqued.

"You have almost as much information as I do, our instructions are to go to the shipyard and wait there, further instructions will be given when we get there." Taliserra explained some more. "We're to do something but whatever it is is too important to be explained over subspace."

Anthony shrugged, shivered and shook his head. He wasn't used to working with such little information, and the fact that they were being sent to a shipyard and USS Wolff was too young for decommissioning, led his mind to some naturally, logical conclusions, he was a scientist after all, but to voice them without conformation from the Admiralty, which he was sure would happen once they were at their Mazar system.

"I don't like it either." Taliserra said noticing the head shake from her CSO. "I asked as many questions as I could but 'operational security' meant that they wouldn't tell me anything. All I can hope is we will get a full briefing once we arrive at Mazar."

Magnus gave a small smile at the words 'operational security'. Classic way of not giving up information. You almost had to respect the classics.

"Now the other thing I bought you here for is that you may have noticed Commander Acevedo is not here." Taliserra said, she doubted they hadn't noticed that Tyrus wasn't around. "A very unusual situation has come up and he will be remaining on Risa for the foreseeable future."

"Lucky him! How do you sign up for that? Just joking boredom would set in, in maybe a year or two, once I had climbed everything that is." Anthony said with a smile, he was glad to be back on the ship, it was home, and it was safe, a fall from climbing the heights he could have got with an experienced partner would have been fatal.

"Is he okay?" Ash asked with a concerned frown as she shifted to settle her hands down. She couldn't feel any strong emotions of grief or worry from the Captain, but she was a disciplined woman and Ash didn't like going digging.

"It is a complicated personal issue but he is alright." Taliserra replied not really sure if she should explain things too much. "We don't know how long this issue will take to resolve so he decided it would be best for him to remain here for the time being."

Already wishing he hadn't said what he said earlier Anthony decided to drop it and said "Risa is a great place to work out personal issues because the whole planet is the universe's largest leisure resort with some of the best counsellor's in the universe too. I wish I had been close when my father and brother died so I could do it here."

"In the meantime," Baka prompted, "our new executive officer is..."

"For now, no one. I've contacted fleet command, with any luck there will be an officer waiting for us when we arrive at Mazar." Taliserra looked up at the assembled officers, she could have chosen one of them even if only for a temporary term but Mazar was only a short distance away. "I'm sure we can all manage another 2 days without one."

Anthony was good with that, with all of them but Ash being of the same rank, and Dovenice commanding her team down in the Make Ship Go Now room, and he and Magnus on the bridge with Ash there as well the ship could do just as well with a conglomerate group sharing the load of second seat for the short term. He concurred with the Captain by saying "Longer if necessary Captain. I am sure Fleet Command will fill the role sooner rather than later."

Ash looked to Anthony at the words, nodding in agreement as she wrapped her arms across her middle, straightening slightly without realising she was doing it. "We have your back, Captain."

Magnus gave a small smile, nodding in agreement before he met his Captain's eyes. "Besides, it isn't like we can't all get stuck in for anything that needs doing that usually a First Officer would do."

"Thank you for the votes of confidence." Taliserra said with a genuine smile to her officers. "Anthony you have the bridge.

"Aye Captain, I have the bridge" Anthony responded.


Anthony smiled as he left the Captain Ready room, the Wolff was a healthy team, they were working well together and any one of them could have been given control of the bridge and he was happy to be the one in charge on this day. As he left he headed to the centre chair, some people had a superstition about sitting in the centre chair, but he found it was a great place to sit because of how the Luna Class was ovoid in design the only person you had to stand up to talk to face to face was the Tactical officer.


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lt Dovenice Baka
Chief Engineer

Lt Anthony Edwards
Chief Science Officer

LTjg Ash Rowe
Chief flight control officer

Lt Magnus Volsung
Assistant Chief sec/tac officer


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