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The Probability Effect

Posted on Mon Oct 8th, 2018 @ 9:23am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Kallen Navore & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Lieutenant Helena Wells

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - Various
Timeline: 14th February 0800


HG had been thinking about the paper she wrote and mentioned to the chief engineer at the party. She had mostly forgotten about it but now that it had been mentioned her mind had turned to the idea yet again. It had all been a bunch of theory and she had heard some effort had been done to put it in place but that was about as far as she knew. She was curious now if the idea could be put into practice. It would prove to be interesting and useful and possibly give a little shiny to the ship as well if everything went as planned. If she had her own lab and resources that would have been one thing, but that would mean she was tied to where she did not want to be. Being on board and with a structure of command and all, she would have to get permission first and so her first stop would be her department head to pitch her idea and then see if the captain and the chief engineer would be amendable.

She got to Doctor Edwards office and noted he was in and went to the open door and knocked politely to get his attention. She was not sure exactly how to address him but usually in most academics it was just first name basis so she went with that.
"Anthony do you have a few moments. I want to pitch an idea and need to get some permissions."

"Uh oh that sounds important. Come in and sit down HG. So lets begin at the start that is usually the best place to do so in this sort of situation." Anthony said with a smile.

"Thank you," HG took a seat and then handed a PaDD over. "That is from a paper I wrote. It is about how mathematically it might be possible to control the quantum perturbations in such a way that particles such as the B meson decays into the anti-particle B-bar." She knew that Anthony was not a quantum physics person and continued. "The universe is a complete quantum field, but it is not uniform, things affect it say like a black hole. These perturbations can result in the formation of virtual particles, not quite real mater but having some of the properties of real matter. I know it seems more like magic. For example, black holes have a huge effect on the perturbation of quantum space and a lot of virtual particles are formed. Anyway, the creation of virtual particles are always in a matter-anti matter pair. Professor Hawking theorized that what if one of the pair fell into the black hole at the moment of creation while the other escaped rather than annihilating each other, say the matter part of the pair. Then the anti matter particle would be left and react to any nearby matter causing a reaction and hence a glow, a radiation. Due to the effect and the balance of matter and energy then eventually the black hole would evaporate. Now then back to our meson. It is observed that when a B meson is formed it oscillates between the B meson and the B-bar meson, its matter and anti matter self. Normally the standard model would predict that it should be equal formation of either a B meson or a B-bar but real data indicates that due to subtle quantum field effects that it favours the B meson. Anyway, my paper theorizes that these field effects could be changed to favour the probability that it is the B-bar or anti matter particle. The production of anti matter could be increased for helping to power the Federation ships."

Anthony smiled he had almost kept up because HG used matter anti-matter. He expected his question was either going to be babyish or silly, but it needed to be asked so he understood it better. Does your B meson and B-bar meson pairing naturally glow like the matter anti-matter pair. I mean I know that much about quantum physics because it is why the ships are set with Bussard scoops to collect matter or anti-matter with?"

"Energy is involved yes, but considering that there is little free anti-matter it is why there are great engineering projects that Fleet runs trying to supply sufficient to the ships. A small demonstration that the idea of affecting the probability that the anti-matter will be produced would be a nice little plum for the ship to give to Fleet. If you are on board then the next step would get permission from the captain and chief engineer as I will need some of that facility to actually build and test the idea.

"Self sustaining engines. You're right that would be a nice little carrot for the ship to leave the Fleet. Yes I think going to the Captain and Chief Engineer would be the next step. The Engineer would understand and may even see any danger that a scientist might miss. I will contact the captain and let her know it is time for us to have a discussion with her and the Chief Engineer so we can start discussing it." Anthony said quickly before he tapped his comm badge. =/\=Lieutenant Edwards for Captain Tigan and Lieutenant Navore. Captain I have a Scientist that has an idea to improve the Engines. I was wondering if you and the Chief Engineer have a time that we could get together to discuss it?=/\=

Navore had the Spanner just inside the flow matrix when the call came across, always at that moment that makes things soo irritating to most people. Navore shook his head. With the refit the main task of Engineering was not mot sitting around with new parts; ther is more work to be done that if it were all replaced, now he was adjusting the power flow among the system so that the new efficient parts do not push too hard on the 'more settled' parts that did not require replacement. The biggest job of 'Post-refit' is the balancing of the work load upon all parts, the harmony of the systems functions.

"At least I was not in the shower." He mused.

"I'll get it for you." A female Engineering cadet touched his comm badge.

=^= Navore here...=^= the soft echo of sparking while he adjusted the eletrical flow could be heard in the background. =^= I am unable to come to the meeting right now so if you could leave your projected...=^= A stronger spark snapped in the melody of work. =^= anytime after the top of the hour fifteen minutes from now I would be willing to meet with you?=^= He thought it was a polite reply. =^= Kinda gt my tools busy at the moment, so I need about ten more minutes to get a handle of this.=^= Another spark sounded.

Sounds busy down there. =/\=Understood Lieutenant Navore I’m okay with that if the Captain isn’t busy then!=/\=

=/\= Come and see me when you have discussed it with Lieutenant Navore=/\= Came Taliserra's voice over the comm system.

=/\=I’ll bring HG by, she can explain it way better than me, I understand it but not having an Engineering science background I understand it in a very basic way.=/\= Anthony said. Before he said, “Well HG seems your going to get to discuss your abilities on the bridge directly with the Captain.”

"Right after the chief engineer. Well, I do have some ideas on creating the box to affect the quantum field. It is a bit difficult to fully explain but this might give you an idea on the basic principle before we get to Lieutenant Navore and the captain." HG sort of went into a lecture mode, but it was not the cut and dried drone on, but instead animated in which she used her hands as if modeling what she was talking about. "The simplest “practical” quantum field theory is quantum electromagnetism. In it, two fields exist: the electromagnetic field and the “electron field”. These two fields continuously interact with each other, energy and momentum are transferred, and excitations are created or destroyed. So for instance, what we picture intuitively as an electron absorbing a photon is, in quantum electrodynamics, a specific interaction between the electromagnetic field and the electron field, in which the electromagnetic field loses one excitation quantum, and the electron field gains its energy, momentum and angular momentum. So basically we are changing the interaction of these fields then to affect an desired outcome. Yes when we get to matter-anti matter oscillations it gets a bit more complex but that is the gist of what the device will do. Just have to build it that is all." She laughed. "Well boss shall we go impress the natives?"

"I lose it early on in that explanation but I understand the electron field they have had partial accelerators if hundreds of years now and they use a simplified version of what it seems to be your box'" Anthony said.

"Nothing requiring quite so much. Instead think of using a blacklight, a uv emission light and a sensitive paint. The energy of the photon interacts with the electrons of the atoms that make up the paint. The photon disturbs the electomagnetic field pushing the electron into a higher orbit from which it then decays and then the energy is re-exchanged as the electron goes back into a more stable orbit but giving a new photon but one that is at a different energy level. Still you are not far off, just more finesse than a using what would be more or less a sledge hammer."

"A sledgehammer I must admit a partial accelerator is kind of like a sledge hammer but that is because it is trying to speed particles up rather than slow them down and capture them. Though it was all the rage in the late twentieth and early twenty first century. Now we have come a long way since then, and technology has come on in leaps and bounds," Anthony said, "Still at least you know I kind of understand what you are talking about."

"Never a doubt Anthony, everyone out of Academy sciences has to have a lot of cross training in addition to their speciality." HG replied as they headed for engineering.

“Yeah, that is why there called specialisation and each scientist out here can be called a specialist, which is why there needs to be so many of us out on the ships, as even the Defiant class vessels have some of us on them. “ Anthony said as he and HG turned the final corner to Main Engineering. “Ah well it seems we are here!” He looked around eventually seeing Navore approached him. “Lieutenant Navore we are here if your available.”

Navore was just closing the panel access, he turned to see HG and the Lieutenant standing there. The theory Wells had come up with should have some interesting effects if it worked as the theoryprojected.

"Ah the Time Traveling Miss Wells." Navore winked. "Going to reset the operational clocks on the ship if her paper plays out." He offered a hand shake after thoroughly wiping his hand. "It is a pleasure to see you so soon HG." He smiled and then turned to the other officer. "Lt. Edwards, I am sorry I could not get there sooner; refits and fixing what they already replaced as new is a constant thing." He offered a handshake as well. "But I seem to be at a point where you can have my attention, shall we go to the planning station?"

Navore referred to a flat console with a holographic projector in the Section used for planning and meetings so not having to route his people to a conference room.

"We can have the data transferred there and use the graphics while we talk?" Navore suggested.

HG exchanged greetings. This Navore seemed to be a very pleasant kind of fellow.
She waited a moment and then input the necessary link to get the data. The equations appeared. "There we go...," she said at last.

"Now then, as you know unlike Newtonian physics in which there are clear definitions of position and momentum quantum physics is more a cloud of probabilities. Mathematically it is described as a wave function. Now when quantum particle is 'observed' the wave function collapses and then final resolution of its position and function are known. Now based on another theory, the pilot wave theory, which is similar to how the Heinsenberg compensator works. We use a mathematical function to 'guide' the wave such that we have deterministic system. Now the fun part was determining the correct mathematics to 'guide' the system such that the probability of the formation of anti-matter over matter. That is the math and theory, now then the actual building of the machine to incorporate this and test is what is left. I have drawn up some ideas and schematics but then again I am not an engineer in the practical sense so need you to see how to actually build the device and integrate it into the anti-matter containment fields."

Navore listen to the rest of what they were talking about; he had familiarized himself with her theory in the paper she had written, the ship would be a boon for the system. What would happen with the type of wavelength of radiation added to the effect. Now what was left is to take the theory and put a practical spin onto the whole thing.

"I might have an idea that could be a part of your focus." Navore said with a grin. "It is lucky that we have newer systems after the refit; it should make a pretty good base for starting your project. " He offered.

"That sounds good," HG replied. "I suppose though before we go mucking about any of the systems the captain would probably like to give it the official go ahead from both my department head and the chief engineer. The last thing I would like is to be tossed out the airlock." She laughed. "So who would like to do the honors?" she asked.

"Since I am more of a practical application sort, I think pitching the theory should be a joint thing. You two give the theory and I can put the 'hands on' aspects of upgrading the system to your specifications?" Navore suggested.

"Right, I can do that. I just did not want to bypass the proper chain of command. The captain is not that thrilled to have me here as a civilian rather then ranked fleet. Just popping in and pitching things without showing I know how things work would not make a good impression." She nodded to her boss.

"Alright, then here goes," she said and pressed her comm. =^=HG to Commander Tigran. I am here with Lieutenants Edwards and Navore. There is an experiment I would like to try but need your permission. I have presented it to both Lieutenants and it seems feasible to proceed.=^=

"It's a good job I'm right here to have a look then isn't it." Taliserra said as she stepped through the double doors into engineering.

"Yes Commander Tigran, it stops us arguing about whom should come with HG my Civilian scientist to endorse her idea. Not to mention my embarrassment when I have to admit that I also don't completely understand it, I understand the background but when it starts becoming specialised I lose it." Anthony said with a smile.

HG waited patiently while Anthony talked to the captain. "Yes captain, Lieutenant Edwards does not give himself quite enough credit. Also, I thought it best to follow the chain of command. Anyway," she waved a had toward the warp core. "What this little experiment I would like to do is show that there is actually a way to 'guide' the probability of quantum events such that we can produce anti-matter more efficiently. I have gone over it with Lieutenant Navore and he thinks it is possible to make the device and integrate it in for the test. I just wanted to get you official blessing Captain before proceeding."

"After the refit we have an over hauled Power source and Warp Core so it is as close to being 'New' as we can get. Any experimements will have a higher possibility under these conditions than normally that a vessel with more space hours on the Core." Navore popped in.

"You're trying to create a significant amount of antimatter?" Taiserra asked, she wasn't scientifically minded but she knew with current techniques a ship could only produce a small amount at a time."

"Well define significant," HG replied. "The test will if successful create a nice sustainable amount but it is a small test after all. More to just test if the theory is sound. If so then it could be scaled up but I would imagine that would be turned over to Fleet science for that test and scaling up to real production levels. I would hope on this to produce just enough to compensate for what the core is using from stock containment."

Taliserra nodded then decided to ask a qustion that would make or break it in her mind. "What are the potential dangers of this experiment?"

"Captain, I think in the short term you can think of it like a new engine in an older car. It will be more efficient and will run differently for potentially the better." Navore interjected. "The signs I can see are long term new more powerful parts wearing on older parts and some minor swapping out of those parts . Nothing significant but just a 'potential' point that is likely to be handled easily if it arises." Navore shrugged his shoulders. "The over all potential would be an improvement."

HG just held back. She figured the captain would have to cautious, but like any experiment it had its potential problems. It would be a complete series of breakdowns to have anything catastrophic but again one was working with matter and anti-matter the whole warp core was a titanic bomb ready to go at any moment if certain systems failed. Still this whole thing should not stress the system any worse than what the systems were designed to handle.

"So just more maintenance for you and Lt Sika then." Taliserra said looking at Kallen. "It does sound like an interesting experiment, go ahead with it."

HG nodded. "Thank you captain." She then turned to the chief engineer and asked, "Shall we get started?"

"Ido like to have permission for playtime." Navore replied with a smile. "Ilike a woman who likes to get down in teh trenches and get dirty with the rest of us."

As Commander Tigran gave permission to go ahead Anthony said "Well that is my job done here I have a few experiments to get back to. Congratulation HG."

HG nodded and then got to work showing what she thought might be enough schematics for Navore to be able to build upon.


Lt (jg) Anthony Edwards Ph.D
Chief Science Officer

Lt. Kallen Navore
Chief Engineer.

Civilian HG Wells
Science Officer

Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer


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