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Away team 2 briefing

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 3:13am by Lieutenant JG Binea & Ensign Debbie Larson & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Lieutenant Helena Wells & Ensign Daniel Franklin

Mission: The science of stars
Location: Observation lounge / Science department.
Timeline: 9th March 2395 1100hrs


Anthony waited until Jason was looking like he was getting ready to leave, “Excuse me Lieutenant Voss, If you’ve got a moment we can get the team for the Minshara class planet may as well get the team together in the Science Office.”

"Minshara class? So formal, doctor, I hear it's being called Goldilocks around your shop," the engineer said with a grin as he rises from his seat. "And sure, let's go. I've got someone in mind to help set up the duckblind. I'll get them to meet us down there."

=/\=Voss to Larson, can you meet me in sciences in five?=/\=

=/\= On my way Lieutenant.=/\= Came Debbies reply.

“I could say the same about you, Doctor really, I suppose your new so let’s get this straight I might be a Doctor but it is only Philosophy. I just needed the time to study, it’s the medical doctors that need a good brain. Well as scientist are normally formal except when presenting things we can dispense with Minshara and go with Goldilocks, it works just as well.” Anthony said with a smile.

“Ensign Franklin, HG meet me in my office in five minutes.” Anthony smiled at them as he left the room.

“I’ll see you there sir.” Daniel said on his way out.

"Yes sir," HG replied over the comm. She had made up a couple more of the bracelets and checked them out. They were fully charged and ready to go and she guessed she was as well. At least she did not have to Fleet uniform it and had reverted to her somewhat anachronistic white blouse with faded tweed coat with leather elbow patches, comfy trousers and leather flat shoes. It was not stylish but certainly more comfy and easy than a Fleet uniform. She made one last check on the devices before heading out.

Before Edwards departed, Voss grinned. "One more doctorate than I've got in anything, doc," he said intentionally shortening the title down to continue their riff on formality. "But fair enough, lieutenant it is, from now on."

“I’d be okay with Anthony if your okay with Jason Sir?” Anthony added with a smile, before he turned and said “Actually Lieutenant Binea, we could maybe discuss what you can prefabricate for each of the sites I’m considering.”

Voss grinned broadly. "Works for me, Anthony," he said and nodded in support of adding Binea to their little colloquy.

"Sure." Binea replied, she sped up slightly and joined the threesome as they crosssed the bridge to the turbolift.

As the doors to of the turbolift closed Anthony said “Deck nine.” Then turning to the other passengers he asked Binea “So how’s your Operations team going with the death of their former boss?”

"As you know, until Sika arrived we'd been without a chief for months and with how long he was here, there is a bit of a feeling that he wasn't here long enough for us to feel the loss too much." Binea replied knowig it would sound a little bizzare.

Anthony scared his head just behind the right ear as it was itchy there, not as a sign of confusion, as it almost made sense, Binea had been there and would go on being there after Lieutenant Sika. “As bizzare as that sounds I was able to follow that. It does take some time to form an attachment to new people in the department.”

"Precisely." Binea simply said before attempting to bring the subject back to work. "Do you think you'll need anything other than the standard? holo generator and power supply, small hab block, replicator, plenty of data storage space."

“Sounds about right, I like the spot that HG pointed out near the lake. It’s just barely up into some hills too, so finding or building a flat land maybe necessary too, there is a trail up into them, not an difficult one, so not too strongly used so it should keep us out the way of the locals.” Anthony said.

"We could possibly filter water from the pond as well," HG commented standing back up. "The rest of the suggested sounds good to me. I will send you specs for the interface to power the bracelets. How many do you think we will need? I have only built two at the moment."

“I’d like to see at least all the scientists that is going to be down there long term have one of their own, that way we’re not necessarily waiting for one to come back. How about you Jason do you see any need for yourself or Debbie to need any?” Anthony said as the group arrive at the science labs.

"Maybe one between the two of us in case there's a need to go outside and maintain the equipment, or check in on you folks in sciences."

“Good point!” Anthony said and he believed it because he had thought about it, “It also brings up a question that I hadn’t even thought of until now. HG these are interchangeable aren’t they?”

"There is no specific tie in. They will self configure to a particular person once they put them on," HG replied now back to holding the wall up.

Science Labs

Debbie arrived at the science labs only a minute or so before Anthony and the rest of the team she sat herself down on one of the chairs to wait.

“Welcome to the Labs Jason. This way to the office.” Anthony said seeming Debbie was seated and waiting as they all arrived. “We should be okay there’s a table and chairs for a weekly science meeting which should mean everyone has a seat. Ah welcome Ensign Larson have we kept you waiting long?”

Debbie shook her head slightly. "Ive only been here a minute or so Lt." She wondered what was going off, not often were several of the lead scientists, head engineers and the assistant chief ops were gathered together in the same room, must be something important.

"Thanks, Anthony," Voss said as he looked around the labs taking in the modifications and upgrades since his last tour on a Luna class. Though with Debbie spotted he left off his inspection and nodded hello. "Debbie," he greeted,. "Glad you could join us, you ever build a duckblind before?" The question told it's own tale about what this was about.

"Only on a holodeck," Debbie replied. "not in a real environment but I can do it."

Voss nodded, "Well as one of my favourite instructors back at the academy used to say, 'nothin' beats first hand experience'" he said doing his best with an Irish accent. "We've got one to set up down on planet Goldilocks, if you're up for it, I'd like you to be part of the mission. Cultural study, we'll be keeping everything running while Edwards' people watch what's going on down there."

"Sure, should be fun. How long are we planning on being down there?" She asked.

"I think I have developed a monster." Anthony said with a chuckle Debbie's enthusiasm, then smiling he added "Anything to get of the ship for a while huh?"

"Not all of us got months of leave while the ship was getting fixed at 54," Debbie replied. "Haven't been planetside in quite a while."

Anthony laughed, “Officially fleet still used me during the ships overhaul Debbie, just like you, However you’re right I did get to spend time doing something I love and it was planetside.”

"What was that?" Voss asked Anthony about his planetside endevour. "And we've got three weeks all totaled, that's set up and tear down included."

“Ensign Larson had a complaint about me being able to get away from the ship for almost six months during it’s refit, and I simply responded. I wasn’t talking about this mission.” Anthony said. “My ‘holiday’ was actually very similar to what this mission is likely to be, I expect.”

"A cultural survey?" Voss asked. "And here I thought I was the only one who did work-vacations."

"Gentlemen," Binea said angling her antennae down towards them. "You're getting away from the subject, what other equipment do you need from me?"

Anthony thought about it for a while and went through the things mentioned from the insulated hide panels, desks and equipment for the rest area. “Thanks Binea I think I we have covered everything that we need from operations unless Jason can think of?”

HG had slipped in and chimed in, "Best include medical kits. While out of phase there is little we interact with or things with us, I would guess there is always the chance of something happening. I will also need some some supplies from engineering stock as well unless we are taking a portable replicator in case any of the bracelets needs repairing. I have a list of most commonly needed parts that might fail though I hope nothing goes wrong but best be prepared."

"Thanks," Jason said with a nod to Binea. He has a sense wandering into tangents might be a danger on this mission. "I think the equipment for the duck blind, the med kits, whatever scanning equipment we need." As to Dr. Wells' requests, "I am fine with opening up our stores to you, but, the replicator might be the better bet if we can swing it." He looked to Anthony. "Been a while since I covered this stuff in the Academy but, I gather the protocol for these missions is to bring as little as you can to prevent things getting lost and contaminating the native culture?"

"Take only what you can't do without and make sure you take it all back with you." Binea told him before turning towards the door. "If you'll excuse me I'll get started on your lists."

"That sounds like a good plan to me Binea, if we think of anything else we'll send you a list so you can have it ready for us." Anthony said with a smile as he could see Binea was in a hurry to start on the list of equipment.

Binea nodded and quickly left the science labs heading for the cargo bays.

"So what do we know about the people down on the planet?" Debbie asked.

"Pre warp," Daniel said as he finally joined the group. "Not even at an industrial revolution stage judging by the lack of contaminates in the atmosphere."

“Everything the probes have relayed so far are showing an Medieval era. So the people we find down there could be quite war like and crude by our standard.” Anthony said to Debbie who hadn’t been at the Chiefs briefing.

"Medieval, so swords and knights and things like that.... should be interesting." Debbie said.

“Maybe even some form of fire arms as by the late medieval period gunpowder weapons had started taking over from trebuchet and archers. Though as yet the probes have sent us no information on weapons. We are getting more and more information in every sweep of the planet, so by the time we get down there in a few hours we should know what we’re facing if this blows up in our face, but once each of the teams break off and so their own ways that is decreasing the science team here by almost ten as we have people going to each location. Though we will get information as it comes in as their are many others working on the team.” Anthony said.

"Though my interests lie more in physics, I am curious about the practices and belief system that is in place. From my rather light understanding religion shapes a culture as much as technology does at least in the beginning. As I mentioned there appears to be a shrine of some sort near the suggested area. I certainly would like to know more." HG chimed in after the rest.

“Well as a civilian scientist I could request you help out else where but as there’s a language specialist and an anthropologist is our team maybe that shrine might be a good place for all of the science team to start off as shrine usually are a community gathering place, which would be just as effective, if not more so, than that lake which it is on the shore of.” Anthony said.

"I agree, the shine would make for a good place to start." Daniel added, "Usually lots of good historical data around shrines and churches, might even be able to get some insight into their written language from there too."

"Should give us a good idea about the culture to, you can tell a lot about a people by what they believe in," Voss offered. "Anyhow, it sounds like we've got a good place to start, anything else we need to discuss before we gather our kit?"

"How long are we planning on staying there?" Debbie re-asked the question she didn't get answered earlier.

"We have three or four weeks until the admiralty's next planned mission, so I expect we have about three weeks here maybe four. Minus the few days in probes and travel" Anthony said.

"Understood." Debbie simply replied, with that she could work out what kind of power supply they'd need for the duckblind. "When do we leave? we'll need a little while to prefab the duckblind and we'll need the ship moved into transporter range of the planet."

“Knowing our chief driver and his wish to keep safe I expect it to take days to get there but knowing our Captain to she will keep him to a day at the most. Do you think that will long enough to get it prefabbed?” Anthony asked.

Voss grinned. "Tall order Anthony," he said before he went on to continue. "Some of the creature comforts might take a bit longer than a day, but we'll have us sheltered and cloaked by then, no problem."

"Once we have the basics down the rest will be easier," Debbie added "the cloak should be a priority our chances of being detected while setting up will be high until then."

“If your anything like Captain Scott of the Enterprise your give everything four time the length to make your team seem like miracle workers. The creature comforts can wait and be beamed into place as it is finished. Your absolutely right Ensign Larson the cloak should be a top priority from the very start. This being said I might take HG for a Reconnoitre of the area just prior to mission start to make sure the sensors aren’t being effected by that solar interference. Nothing worse that getting there to find people standing right there.”

HG just laughed and quipped, "I always wanted to just appear to the natives and say take me to your leader."

Anthony rolled his eyes but knew from her laugh that she wouldn't knowingly do it just like he wouldn't so he added, "Nobody will let me do scientific research on how long the body can stay alive without EVA suits in space either so I think we can deal with not just appearing to the natives."

"Approximately fifteen seconds before you went unconscious. However an ancient study on Earth by researchers at the Brooks Air Force Base in Texas showed that dogs exposed to near vacuum, one three-hundred-eightieth of atmospheric pressure at sea level or up to 90 seconds always survived. However," HG seemed to gloat a little as she continued to describe the experiment, "The dogs during their exposure, were unconscious and paralyzed. Gas expelled from their bowels and stomachs caused simultaneous defecation, projectile vomiting and urination. They suffered massive seizures. Their tongues were often coated in ice and the dogs swelled to resemble 'an inflated goatskin bag.' After slight repressurization the dogs shrank back down, began to breathe, and after 10 to 15 minutes at sea level pressure, they managed to walk, though it took a few more minutes for their apparent blindness to wear off. So figure a good minute plus and good shower to clean up afterward." She laughed as she sort of mind pictured the event.

"So I'm guessing that means that your saying that your not going to just appear to the natives then?" Anthony said with a smile.

"Only because I have promised to play by the rules of the Fleet for the duration of being on the ship." HG quipped. "So you are correct, no take me to your leader as I am your wonderful goddess come down from the skies and worship me sort of thing."

Debbie rolled her eyes slightly, she hated when scientists started blathering together. "I'll be in engineering sorting out some equipment." She told the group and quickly left.

Anthony was going to say it was a good idea that she did but he turned to say it Debbie was already leaving. "Well it seems someone has decided that the list is long enough to get started on."

HG waited until she left and then said, "I know not everyone takes things as a joke very well. Alright, if nothing else, boss," she had figured that was the easiest thing to call him while they were working professionally, "I better make sure the bracelets are all up to working order. See you in a bit then and we can get a lay of the land."

"Okay HG make sure they are all working well and I'll see you in a little while." Anthony said to her retiring back. There was something wrong and he couldn't put his finger on it. he wished he was able to clear that solar interference it was playing up and not allowing the sensors to take in as much information planet side as he would like and it seemed to be interference between surface and the probes too. he didn't want to move it closer to the ionosphere of the planet as it might leave a trail burned across the sky and the inhabitants minds too so he was going to have to suck it and see. "I think we're about done here too Jason unless you can think of anything else?"

"No, I think that covers it, Anthony," Voss said with a nod before his lips broke into a grin. "So, let's get our gear together and go exploring."

The word explore sounded wrong coming form an engineer so Anthony had a chuckle and said “Sounds good to me.”


LTjg Binea
Operations Officer
[npc Taliserra]

Ensign Debbie Larson
[npc Taliserra]

Ensign Daniel Franklin
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Lt (jg) Anthony Edwards Ph.D
Chief Science Officer.

Lt. Jason Voss
Chief Engineer

HG Wells
Civilian Science person


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